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Everything posted by Kryten

  1. It\'s currently the school holidays. It\'s raining. It rained for the entire length of the holiday so far, as it\'s forecast to rain for the rest of it. Holy frack, I\'m british.
  2. They\'re fairly sturdy, but he\'s probably got a bunch of struts on the underside to keep it that straight.
  3. They wouldn\'t fly exactly the same way, especially over the timescales involved.
  4. A ship grasped by THE CLAW won\'t stay grasped if the ship goes on rails; so you\'d have to do the entire rescue mission at 2X warp or less, which may take quite some time.
  5. I\'m pretty sure he means setting up a server for the \'Kessler\' save file merger thingy. EDIT: i.e., this.
  6. You can use any 3D modelling software (as long as it supports .DAE files) to make parts, and you don\'t have to do any coding to change values like thrust, only change the values in the part.cfg.
  7. Yeah, that\'s Indonesia. Or Monaco. Or Hesse. All of which also have better economies than the US, I might add.
  8. I think he\'s thinking of the next transit of Mercury, which is indeed in 2016.
  9. We\'ve got a new site, which you\'d know if you\'d actually bothered to read the thread. We simply can\'t upload all of the info from the old site onto it.
  10. No, I\'m serious. The general advice is that if you can see a bright light bulb through whatever you\'re using, don\'t use it.
  11. If you can see through them, they\'re not dark enough.
  12. Considering the images so far all appear to be preliminary work, it would be sensible to assume that the comic doesn\'t actually exist yet.
  13. Do you have any food (e.g. cereal) that comes in that plastic-foil packing? Tear some of that up, so you can look through a few layers. Look through it at a bright light bulb; if you can see it, at all, add more layers.
  14. I invented that, damnit! Ask him yourself. You end up \'Krytening\'. EDIT: Krytenising? Krytoning?
  15. I used to exchange outdated internet memes that weren\'t even funny in the first place, but then I became disgusted with myself.
  16. If 47 centimetres is something impossible to conceptualise, then why isn\'t 70 degrees?
  17. It\'s the official name for Chinese space travellers. Better than the Indians, they want to call theirs \'Gaganauts\'.
  18. Could be very interesting; especially with space programs, we could do proper astronaut/cosmomaut/yuhangyuan/whatever selection. Do you plan to keep the current nations, or start all that again as well?
  19. You mean the helioscope? The standard method of observing the sun for the past 350 years?
  20. Fractions are okay as long as they aren\'t hideous ones like eighths or sixteenths.
  21. Not to worry; according to the Wiki, we should get our next lunar eclipse (not counting barely visible penumbral ones) in... September 2015.
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