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Everything posted by Kryten

  1. Hey, it wasn\'t that bad-you could\'ve always added a couple of SAS\'s on each booster, and it\'d work fine. (I actually saw people giving that as advice. Then saying the rockets were underpowered.)
  2. I have beaten this by quite a large margin, though it was a while ago (when 0.13 was the current version, I think). The trick is to completely zero out your horizontal velocity, so you go straight through the very centre.
  3. There\'s no need; in the current version (though expect it to be fixed imminently with 15.1), the purple marker on the navball points right it.
  4. It\'s extremely hard to tell, as nothing in this game actually sinks; either the parts are all made of balsa wood, or the ocean is blue mercury.
  5. Radion still needs to get the hosting fully sorted out.
  6. If you do want to do that, the person to contact would be Radion; he\'s got all the saved info from the last server.
  7. There\'s paying the staff, setting up distribution, software licensing...
  8. Are you using the fairing decouplers? (The shorter fairing halves, not the stack ones.)
  9. The only person who\'d actually know is Radion himself; looking at his stats, he probably won\'t be on for another 4 hours at least.
  10. I\'m pretty sure it\'s done by using part rotation glitches to attach Mk.1 fuselages inside the Mk.2, and attaching the engines to those.
  11. That entire course was one giant part, made up of multiple models, centred on the launch pad. Any terrain made using the same technique would be constrained by the maximum size of in-game parts, 2km across; probably not enough for this kind of event..
  12. Especially considering we don\'t know what form \'Mars\' which actually take, or where it will be; there\'s absolutely no reason to assume that squad will slavishly follow our solar system.
  13. There is actually a program for multiplayer in KSP, Kessler. It is however, asynchronous multiplayer; ships that other players are using will not appear, only ones that they have left.
  14. Countries formed alliances and started space programs, and that was pretty much it so far.
  15. But the question is \'how does a nation become recognised\', not \'how did nations become recognised 200 years ago\'.
  16. Are you sure that your account is on the right forum? I don\'t think the current one\'s existed for three days. Anyway, the test is this; PM your answers to Radion on this forum.
  17. Yes. It\'s not that hard though.
  18. Parts in atmosphere are vanished after they get more than 2.4km from the focused ship, as it\'s impossible to put them \'on rails\'.
  19. Yes, except you don\'t need to re-register. Radion\'ll activate your account after (if) you pass the test.
  20. That\'s pretty much what the SAS and ASAS are for.
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