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Everything posted by dishycourier

  1. Well, the Kennan clone is done in terms of modelling and texturing, but balance and debugging is an issue. The telescope incorporates an SAS, but is currently so powerful it does nothing but spin. Node attaches are also an issue. There's really no easy way to put them where they are supposed to be. Even when they are where they need to be, they still sometimes don't work. The telescope has 3 zoom levels, but currently the viewpoint is still INSIDE the telescope, so all you see is the reflector.
  2. Are you up for making another one? I've got some panel ideas, but no ability...
  3. I really like the idea of a spherical pod, and your ability to pump this stuff out is pretty cool. The textures are a bit rough, but it's quite impressive to have two whole packs ready in less than a week.
  4. Of all my major gaming disappointments in the last ten years, Homefront was the worst.
  5. Your request is being addressed. I have a balancing issue with my setup, but there are 2 engines, 2 batteries, and a nuclear reactor. TM-104: Shooting for 48 thrust. Trust me on this, it's all you need. I've tried 24, 48, and 110. 24 is a good number, but for this one 48 is better. TM-102: 24ish thrust. Smaller. Optional maybe 3rd engine: OD-8/LAB: a .5m engine that puts out 12 thrust. Might come in a cube variety with 6 thrust. Batteries come in radial and cylinder cell. Nuclear reactor looks like a bomb. The problem I'm having is balance. What they tend to turn into is never-ending cheat machines for infinite thrust. I'm having a lot of trouble when it comes to how much power the engines should use per thrust unit and how much power each battery should hold. While these parts would be compatible with MMI ingame (EE plugin, similar sizes), they aren't nearly the same set.
  6. Okay, at risk of sounding like some sort of internet jackass-- lets put this whole thing on pause for a moment and take a lesson from, oh, nearly every major metal band there ever was. Bear with me here a moment. The drummer is always the real genius behind the music -- at least in his mind. The guitarist is always the real genius behind the music -- at least in his mind. The vocalist is always the real genius behind the music -- at least in his mind. The bassist is drunk, banging scores of women, and hanging out with the fans because he loves being a rock star and believes that his band has had some pretty awesome hits. Hell, he was just "some bassist" until he hooked up with them. Because of this band, he got to be in a few movies, date a few supermodels, write a few songs, and in a few years will be the only one in the band left with money because he's been shipping it home to mom and she's been hanging on to it. While the drummer, guitarist, and vocalist are all screaming in the background about the new direction for their music, they forget about the bassist. He's in the back practicing for the show and glueing up his fingers like it's no big deal. He knows that as a bassist, he'll be able to get a job in just about any band that needs one. Why? Because the bassist doesn't care about being the guy who invented their sound. TL;DR -- You guys have done a great job on Kosmos. It sounds like you're rapidly approaching a point at which you can't return from as a team. One guy is sharing assets without permission, the other guy wants more credit than the other. Take a break. Don't do any work for a week, then come back and talk about your goals as a team. It doesn't matter who's idea it was when you started because you're a team now. If for some reason, you can't come to a compromise either take another break, go on tour and play some of your old hits, or find a new f*cking band.
  7. It'd be cool to see it expand a little. Make sure you get permission first if you're not redoing everything from scratch (or the forum will eat you).
  8. If you've got a part that you feel looks like crap, put it up for critiques. Everything I've made except the ion engine and Jeb 9000 looks like total sh*t but I just keep on.
  9. I hope you guys can work it out. Kosmos is some impressive work and has some professional-level polish. It's too bad Kosmos wasn't a Polish program. That would have made for an awesome full-retard level punn.
  10. ...I'm still trying to figure out why the VB engine and VB tank won't play nice.
  11. Saw your post on reddit a few days ago. Really good work! I hope to see them ingame soon.
  12. That really is too bad. This is some stellar work. (Punn intended?) You could always crowdsource it. I'd be interested to see what Nutt would do with it.
  13. Check C&C tab. Should be there. Bonus: Looks like a monolith in the sidebar.
  14. Thanks. I seem to recall someone having made one long ago, but I don't remember if it was a functional jeb or not. I need to update this file with license, but consider it open source. Feel free to copy and redistribute it as it is, or if you want to change the skin or something, change the folder name and the partname to something else.
  15. It'd be easy to make a sphere of just about any size into a mod. What do you want to do with it/have it look like?
  16. Very basically, it says "If you could do better in 4 days, then yes, this is total crap." Goes on to say some things about how it's good crap, but Tsar might be able to help make it better. I think.
  17. Mediafire might be having an issue at the moment. It shows zero downloads, but I've already tested it twice. Everything seems to be coming down fine though.
  18. Hey come on. There are a lot of parts here to take a look at. Sure the skins might be a bit.. plain.. but this dude came out of nowhere with an entire launch system. I'm like weeks in and have only half this.
  19. Attaches radially to most surfaces. Not animated, low requirements. I could write a description here, but anyone who downloads it will already probably know what it is. Updated for .23, but still testing. BOTH NOW WORK ONLY WITH MJ2 ---snipped download until I get it on Kerbalstuff, will be back soon--- CC BY NC SA as always.
  20. Jeb 9000 should be up in a few minutes. It's not really part of a probe pack, but it's done and I've enjoyed testing it, so maybe you'll enjoy using it. Although it's just really a radial jeb, it is small and sits flush. Maybe it's got niche appeal, I dunno. Not much other work for today/the weekend. Dealing with a sick dog I'll get back to work on some of it over the weekend, but there won't really be much to share. Maybe a new screen or two, but not much. Edit: Also, Black Mesa Source came out today. I'm not good for anything this weekend.
  21. Oh man. I love the new panel anim. Is it still a landing gear-type deployment? also, please this: doubleSidedPanels = true MODULE { name = ModuleKrSolarPanel energyGain = .62 } For the BACE panel, 1.6 was the number I came to. .42 for the lateral PK panel.
  22. There are quite a few landing gears. Which one in particular?
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