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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. My next goal is to manuver a ship to get to orbit. Is that an overambitious goal? If so, what do you think i should try next?
  2. I am feeling quite proud of myself. print "Initiating SRB.txt Script.". wait 2. print "SRB AUTOPILOT LOADED!". wait 2. toggle SAS. wait 1. print "Preparations complete. Attempting to Launch.". lock throttle to 1.0. stage. when ship:surfacespeed >3 then print "Launched successfully.". when stage:solidfuel <0.01 then {print "Staging Booster.". stage.}. when stage:solidfuel <0.001 then {print "Staging Separatron Ring.". stage.}. when ship:verticalspeed <0 then {print "deploying parachute device.". stage.}. wait until 1>2. It works! It launches an SRB ship, then it stages a separatron ring, then when the ship falls it deploys the parachute.
  3. It even stops after staging event when I remove the throttleback. But what would otherwise be used to throttle back? EDIT: I tried WAIT UNTIL 1>2., and at first glance it seems to not end, but then the program does not actually continue.
  4. Well some indication as to what's WRONG with the script would be nice.
  5. kOS has caused no lags for me. Keep in mind that 0.25 does NOT even SLIGHTLY support x64 KSP. But I'm still getting problems with coding, because I'm a n00b at coding.
  6. Aaaarg! Now I got it working, but it ends after the first staging event! (launch event) throttle back. Here's the code: clearscreen. toggle SAS. toggle RCS. lock throttle to 1.0. wait 1. print "Five". wait 1. print "Four". wait 1. print "Three". wait 1. print "okay, two now.". wait 1.5. print "ONE!". wait [U]1.0[/U] print "launch now, dammit!". stage. when ship:surfacespeed >90 then lock throttle to [U]0.6.[/U] //it ends here for some reason. [I]when ship:surfacespeed >200 then lock throttle to 0.4.[/I] when stage:[U]liquid[/U]fuel <0.001 then {print "Out of fuel ya git, now stage me for kraken's sake!". stage.}. when ship:verticalvelocity <0 then {print "We're falling! deploy the kraken-damn parachute you piece of Kerbal Krap!". wait 2. stage.}. EDIT: I fixed "fuel" by changing it to "liquidfuel", yet it still ends at the same place. EDIT2: Also fixed 6.0. to 0.6. EDIT3: Added another throttleback, shown in the code with italics. fixed code is underlined. Still stops after Lock Throttle to 0.6. EDIT4: Another little bit is I changed 0.2 to 1.0 in the last wait before launch.
  7. Okay, so that didn't work. Is my Archive set up correctly? File 'kerbal2' not found at interpreter history, line 2 run Kerbal2. ^
  8. How do I load something from a folder? in Gamedata/kOS/Plugins/PluginData/archive is kerbal2.txt. I would like to load this script.(I created /archive, because I saw some stuff about it in other threads in other places). Typing run Kerbal2 does not work. EDIT: also, is there any way to streamline this: wait 1. print "Five". wait 1. print "Four". wait 1. print "Three". wait 1. print "okay, two now.". wait 1.5. print "ONE!". wait 0.2.
  9. -0/10 What do you mean another HypeTrain user? I am the HYPE TRAIN DRIVER! I DRIVE the HypeTrain. I am the ONLY DRIVER of the HypeTrain!
  10. http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/ The Kerbal subreddit... No idea why it was copied.
  11. does not press the repeat button. Press the button for infinite but false joy.
  12. Floor 971: My first code ever written is being operated. (It's a kOS rocket that I made this morning)
  13. megatiger has NO authority on HypeTrains. He can't even spell. Your name's not even on the driver roster at the Big Station! He is hereby banned from the HypeTrain unless I get an apology.
  14. So on Last Squadcast (10/10/2014), Maxmaps mentioned that the stock crafts are "almost good." They are just almost good enough so that you can see how they might work if they were improved. (Well, aside from the Kerbal X, which now can land and return from the Mun thanks to 0.24 buffing Rockomax parts) Here's a list of what each craft teaches you, and why it doesn't work. EDIT: Added Learstar A1 (Space Shuttle Replica) VAB Ion-Powered Space Probe This little probe shows you how to arrange an Ion engine. Unfortunately it doesn't have the power to run at full thrust. Kerbal 2 This craft is a training craft. It is designed to be used with beginners to show them the controls. Indeed, you use this in the Tutorials. Orbiter 1A This craft seems to have been made with prettiness in mind. It's another training craft, used in the Tutorials. One problem is the use of winglets when it would be placed above the center of mass of the rocket. It's also just inadequate for fuel, and it doesn't really need landing gear. Kerbal X The most competently designed stock craft, (with the possible exception of the Aeris 3A), this rocket was used by many as a high Delta-V crew carrier. Of course, to do this they added RCS thrusters and a docking port. People also tried taking it to the Mun, where they found it to be shortfueled so that a return trip would not be possible. Since 0.24, it's engines' higher efficiency mean that it can do a Mun mission and return safely. It has enough fuel to be used as an orbit trainer craft for noobs, and it demonstrates Asparagus Staging. The problem with the Asparagus Staging is that the boosters are too small to be useful in an asparagus arrangement. Learstar A1 This spaceplane/rocket combo is a space shuttle replica that is pretty... fun? to fly. It is hard to control as it drains fuel, so be prepared to mess around with thrust balancing. This space shuttle will teach you (sort of) how to build a side-mounted space shuttle! Rover+Skycrane This craft is a good demonstrator of the Skycrane technique. Unfortunately, it has VERY low fuel margins, and no parachute. Space Station Core It's pretty good, actually. It shows how you can use the Station Hub to build out larger stations. It's only main problem is that it lacks a launcher. Super Heavy Lander The problem with this lander is that it has a HUGE waste of mass, and not enough fuel. The RCS arrangement is all over the place! It is HEAVY! And that's its problem. Two Stage Lander It's a little shortfueled on the ascent stage, and without RCS it makes it harder to dock with the other spacecraft. But it does nicely demonstrate how Munar Orbit Rendezvous is supposed to work! Z-MAP Satellite Launch Kit This fully functional rocket is really rather good. The satellite design is rather wonky, and the TWR at Launch is WAY too high! SPH Aeris 3A A training plane, it seems. The Aeris 3A flies very nicely, and demonstrates basic Aircraft design. Unfortunately it's not very useful! It's just for stunts, really. One problem with it though... The ladder. Aeris 4A This Spaceplane demonstrates the arrangement of an SSTO's rocket/jet engines. It is, however, VERY unstable and the fuel lines pointed the wrong way. In addition, the LV-T30 provides a tailstrike hazard. Albatross 3 The Albatross 3 is an... interesting plane. It's hard to fly, and very wobbly. This is basically the devs' way of giving you permission to build stupid. Ravenspear Mk1 Not the most stable plane, but it works... sorta. The ladder's all messed up here as well. It shows how multiple engines can be used for efficiency at multiple altitudes. Ravenspear Mk3 This plane works pretty well. It shows an interesting and useful feature of RCS ports to be used for control at higher altitudes. Unfortunately, It uses the wrong intakes for the job. Also, Ladderbork. Ravenspear Mk4 This plane works very nicely. It's basically a larger counterpart to the Aeris 3A, as it isn't really useful for much. Rocket-Power VTOL It's a pretty nice craft. Utterly useless, it's just a novelty. I guess it might give players the idea to make a VTOL aircraft. Stearwing D45 This plane has ALMOST enough fuel to reach orbit. But not quite. It was designed to demonstrate multi-staged spaceplanes. It also has an interesting crew holding capability. So, unlike the old Better Stock Crafts challenge, your goal is to make new ships that are ALMOST good. It must have a good idea behind it, but have ONE fatal flaw. There's no real scoring system for this challenge, but you might get rep if you're almost good. RULES -Must be stock. Beauty mods are allowed, but nothing that changes ANYTHING about the playstyle of the game. No FAR, NEAR, DR, or any part mods. -You may either make a new craft that is almost good, or take a good or awesome craft and make it almost good. If you edit someone else' craft, give them credit! -No huge mega-partcount monsters. -No Size 3 (NASAmission) parts. -Make it n00b almost-friendly. -It must have one or two easily definable flaws. -Bonus points if you also redesign the craft to FIX the flaws, and show it off separately. -Must have a Kerbal-ish description! (New rule)
  15. *does not press* Pressing this button will make you head of Kerbal Space Program, and KSP is IRL. BUT! Now you are a Kerbal, living on Earth, communicating by Ansible (FTL Comms) with Kerbin. You start at the beginning of the tech tree on hard mode, but your pilots and engineers are only "almost" good. So you get crafts designed like stock crafts and flown inefficiently.
  16. T+1:00:22 Structural Panel has exploded due to overheating. T+1:00:23 alemagno12 has exploded due to overheating. T+1:00:23 alemagno12 has died. T+1:00:23 LV-T30 Liquid Fueled Engine has exploded due to overheating. T+1:00:24 LV-T30 Liquid Fueled Engine has exploded due to overheating.
  17. Floor 957: You got back up using the HypeTrain, where you find this floor is full of a model railway! (how fitting?)
  18. You ought not be looking in here! It's Not Safe for Work!
  19. Simple game: You say what on Kerbin you do, and the next person tries to guess your job/career/chore. Then the first person tells you whether or not you got it right. If you got it wrong, the first person also gives you a hint. Then the player who guessed right gets to go next. If someone guesses close enough, it's correct. Example: Player 1: I deal with a conspicuous green substance. Player 2: Are you... a Soylent Green manufacturer? Player 1: Nope. It's on the outside of KSC. Player 3: Are you are launch pad inspector? Player 1: Yes! I'm a Launch Pad Cleaner. Player 3: I think bowties are cool. Rules -It can be either a named Kerbal or not -It can be a made up, but semi-plausible job. -It can not be related to the HypeTrain unless your name is GregroxMun. -It does not have to be related to KSC. It does have to be related to Kerbal lore. No non-Kerbin jobs. -Must have fun! Okay, let's start! I think bowties are cool.
  20. alemagno12 gets hit by the HypeTrain AGAIN.
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