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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. I made this a while ago. I have this hung up in my room next to a poster of the original Up goer 5.
  2. KiloKerbals! No, don't KILL A KERBAL, KilOKerbal! Because now Kerbals are 1000 times their size relative to their environment. Because SigmaDimensions does not yet scale atmospheres, the Mun is deep within Kerbin's atmosphere!
  3. Streamed some goofing around with Sigma Dimensions. Testing a never-seen-before 1/1000 size as well as testing the limits of the mod with 1000x and 0.00001x scales. http://www.twitch.tv/gregroxmun/v/28321736 10x and 1000x universes http://www.twitch.tv/gregroxmun/v/28320937 1/1000 scale http://www.twitch.tv/gregroxmun/v/28315759 1/100000 scale (12 meter diameter Kerbin!) bonus image:
  4. If you want I can make another version without the insignias and sleeve rank notation.
  5. Might be worth it as a mod, but definitely not as a stock feature.
  6. I've noticed in screenshots that Thatmo does not have any visible atmosphere despite its atmosphere being apparently almost as thick as Kerbin's (According to atmosphere meter). The fix for this is to change the template to that of either Duna or Laythe's and remove whatever stock PQSmods or other things that interfere with Thatmo's appearance. (Duna's PQSLandControl, Laythe's Oceans)
  7. Wow. It's like they copy pasted Facebook right into the profile page with this Status Update stuff. Cool :) 

  8. Download Actual Star Trek TOS tunics texture pack. New from the Gregrox Space Probe Agency, a new series of comfortable flight suits built for probing the depths of space in starships. Designed to be airtight in an emergency thanks to KSP-approved gloves and helmet-locks, these new shirts, pants, and tunics are great for those moments when you really need to relax in full technicolor splendor, while on a trip to meet some hot alien babes or stop a god made out of an energy-tofu hybrid from taking over a race of nuclear beans, or perhaps just to stop the Klingons from stealing all of your snacks. EDIT: Like button seems to work as +Rep.
  9. I request a mod that lets you do two things: one: change a Kerbal's boyuancy in the water, and two: use the jetpack under water. I want to plant a flag under da sea, dangit! :P
  10. Version 0.1 is released. Actually it has been for a while, I just forgot to post the forum thread. The system is rather redesigned from alpha 0.01.
  11. [quote name='JedTech']I'm still voting for a no time warp implementation. Everything should happen in real time. Within days, there would be plenty of people hopping around the Mun.[/QUOTE] That is a terrible idea. Have you every actually tried a real time Mun mission? It's not fun. Most of space is just waiting for gravity to do its thing.
  12. Ven, I noticed that in the description of the radial Fly-By-Wire hub, you have written "The last thing you want is one of those eggheads flying the ship." That is extremely sexist, you should feel bad! XD (If you think about it, female kerbal heads are egg-shaped, so you know...) Okay, I'm not so good with the jokes after all. EDIT: Instead of jokes, how about a picture of the Cisjovian Command and Habitation module for my Alternis Real Solar System game. EDIT2: How about actually adding the picture? The large habitation module is needed because the destination, Luna, is a longer trip than in our normal solar system. In Alternis Solar System, Earth orbits where Ganymede used to and Luna orbits where Callisto used to. This means that the Hohmann transfer to Luna takes 28 days instead of just 3. Voyages to Io or Venus (the latter of which replaces Europa) would take considerably less time, but still a bit much to be stuffed into a command pod for that long.
  13. [quote name='RA3236']I might as well ask now, why did you put the KSP version number to 1.0.5 rather than 1.0.4 on KerbalStuff? Kopernicus is not compatible with 1.0.5 due to thermal and hydro changes.[/QUOTE] Because I'm a horrible, terrible person. Like, I eat babies and use their toys to fuel a giant kitten-enslaving robot. Just a real bad guy. Well now it [I]is[/I] compatible.
  14. KSC, Kerbin, Y145 D12 Mindy Kerman, an intern working in the KSC Tracking station, noticed a peculiar unknown object in the sky. "Hey, Kelly, what do you make out of this?" She said. Kelly stared at the screen for a few seconds. "Strange. It's probably just an asteroid." Mindy tapped on the touch screen and zoomed the window out. "It's coming from Jool though!" She said. Kelly looked at the trajectory, and the predicted course. "Hmm. That is rather strange." He tapped the screen where the object was and said "We ought to track it." He went to the main tracking station controller and pressed some keys. The giant tracking dishes rotated and aimed at the unidentified object. Tracked. It was a Class-B object. It was entered into the Object List as Ast. Y145-KSC-9. Mindy Kerman fell asleep at her computer once again. An alarm beeped, which forced her out of her nap. She looked at the screen, and saw that Ast. Y145-KSC-9 was now changing its course. "What? Impossible." She said, dialing Kelly's number. "Hey Kelly. That asteroid is changing its course" She said. In the main tracking station room they pointed the spectroscopic instruments at Ast. Y145-KSC-9 and read the composition. It was metallic, but also had... paint. Grey and orange paint. "What sort of asteroid is covered in paint?" Kelly asked. "A... spacecraft?" Mindy responded. In fact it was paint very much unlike any that had been used for quite some time. The spectrometer was able to get a very accurate image of the exact paint chemicals that the object was covered in, and in fact allowed for the discovery that the paint used hadn't been used on a spacecraft in almost a hundred years. Clearly this was not just any spacecraft it was a very old spacecraft.
  15. [quote name='SmashingKirby148']For some reason having a ship with over 30 parts with this mod makes the game lag. Are there others mods that aren't compatible with yours? [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] But oddly enough, time warping stops the lag, having it return once time warp is turned off.[/QUOTE] Might be the wrong Kopernicus version.
  16. [quote name='EdusacconBR']i think multiplayer is mostly going to be griefing, stealing ships, exploding stations and unwanted dockings :P[/QUOTE] Hopefully KSP's learning curve will keep the trolls at bay to some extent, if not I did mention that some servers might have anti-griefing measures (ship-specific pre-encounter quick-saves, perhaps). You might also have an option to have a huge fine for destroying someone's station unless the other player is okay with it and willing to go to war.
  17. Wow! Stick another engine on it, extend the stack a bit, and add a second stage and you may very well have yourself a reusable launch vehicle!
  18. This will very rapidly become my favorite stockalike-realism compromise for RSS. :D
  19. My model for timewarp mechanics is that the universe is partially consistent after every time warp. Let's have a temporally-stationary Player A and a timewarping Player B. Player B departs from Player A Station on a mission to Duna. Player A stays in orbit and does no timewarping until Player B is at Duna. [B]Player A's view[/B] As Player B turns on timewarp, he immediately zips away from Player A based on their actual distances relative to Kerbin from player B's point of view. Player A will see Player B zip across the sun's SOI, teleport to Duna, and stop at his Duna periapsis, before circularizing into orbit. Now Player B stops his timewarp and Player A starts hers. She zips around the planet and sees Duna move very slowly around the sun, but when looking at Player B, Player B's ship rotates only slightly faster than Duna does, as he is not warping. [B]Player B's view[/B] As Player B turns on timewarp, he watches Player A's Station zip away from him. When looking at the Kerbin reference frame, he sees that Player A is only moving at timewarp=1 orbital velocity. He goes on and sees Duna approach and follow a normal, seamless path. He seamlessly enters Duna's SOI, and circularizes at Duna periapsis. He looks back at Player A, who then starts timewarping. He is not moving, nor is Kerbin or Duna, but he sees Player A's station fly very quickly around Kerbin. [B]Synchronization[/B] To synchronize, Player A could just continue timewarping until the same amount of time has passed for her and passed for Player B during his trip to Duna. [I]Or[/I] she could press the "Synchronize with Player B" button. This will skip the planetary clocks ahead to match, but not change the positions of any controlled ships or uncontrolled ships with a timewarp blocker turned on. This is probably not the best system, but it is, you know, one of them.
  20. KSP multiplayer would, obviously, not be an MMO experience. But it could be a role-playing one to some extent. Just as in Minecraft, there maybe be servers with hundreds of people playing. They would almost certainly be forced to play in some form of career mode to keep huge launches to a minimum. Here's some thoughts on how special game mechanics for large-scale KSP multiplayer servers would work. The idea came to me when reading the Atomic Rockets entry for [URL="http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/approcketcatu.php"]"RocketCat's Universe."[/URL] [B]The Probe Tax[/B] [IMG]http://www.pin-plus.ca/orbiter/data/9/p/0/1-3.jpg[/IMG] In a large KSP server, there will be lots of people launching rockets, and many of those rockets would leave debris or empty ships. One way to ensure people do not leave their junk in space is a parking ticket, or to be more precise, a parking orbit ticket :P . Every amount of time, defined by the server settings, users will get charged (in funds, not real money) for any spacecraft that does not have crew in it. A more accurate name might be a "Probe tax" or something. The point is that if you don't want to loose money, make sure you clean up your junk. If it can be settled that your ship serves a public purpose (permanent fuel station), then the server owners might exclude your Probe Tax for that vessel. Alternatively, the server owners might put a fairly high tax on that can not be removed, so you must charge a fee for any other players who presume to utilize the services of your station. [B]Contracts[/B] In addition to the contracts from the various companies on Kerbin, you may also get contracts from another player. For instance, imagine if you are stranded in orbit around Duna, but don't want to send a rescue mission yourself (you don't have the skill or a good rocket, or it might be cheaper to have someone else do it). Post a contract for another user to rescue your ship, and they will do the mission, take the funding, and you will have done business! You might also ask someone to send a fuel station to their location to kick-start operations in a single planet/moon system. Note that the player who is creating the contract has to say whether you have completed the contract. If you have definitely completed the contract that you started, you can "downvote" their space program and lower their reputation so that other players can know not to trust this player. This can also go the other way. You can downvote a space program if they did not satisfactorily do their job but you paid them anyway. Alternatively, Contracts might be challenges like in the KSP Forum's Challenge sub-forum or the KSP Subreddit Weekly Challenge. Imagine if the official KSP subreddit server put weekly challenges in the form of contracts! [B]Laser-Launching ?[/B] [IMG]http://www.islandone.org/LEOBiblio/SPBI10152.JPG[/IMG] In a highly rocketpunk environment like this, companies who are near the end of the tech tree will have unlocked laser-thermal-rocket power sources (you know, the laser part) and can set up, for a decently large fee, laser stations. Server settings or rules limit the number of laser-thermal power sources a single company can have, as well as their range. If you want to rent laser time from their station for use with your thermal rocket (which you will have unlocked much earlier than the lasers to power them), you will have to pay their price, which they can set themselves. If a monopoly forms, they may sell their laser time for a high price. They have a limited effective range of course, so another player or company may decide to send their station further out. From Kerbin, a laser station may only reach out to the Dresian closest approach, so another player might put their space station in Jool orbit so that they can reach the rest of the solar system. Such players might also rent out laser-thermal rocket stages to push your payload out, if you can not supply your own rocket. [B]Companies/Conglomerates[/B] Of course, such role playing would never be fun on the KSP forum ;) , but could totally make sense in a multiplayer server. You and another player (or a whole group of other players) might decide to conglomerate into a single space program. You'd be able to launch from either player's launch site, your craft files would become available to eachother, and you would all have a single funds, reputation, and science number. Upon conglomerating into a single company, the space programs involved would have their reputation averaged, funds added, and the science value would go to the largest science number between the companies. All tech nodes unlocked between companies would also be added. (If you unlocked only the fuel tank line of tech nodes and you joined a company who unlocked only the engine line of tech nodes, you would have both engines and fuel tanks available.) Launch sites with R&D buildings less than Tier 3 would only be able to construct and use spacecraft with tech below the limit for that building. (A Tier 1 R&D facility would mean that launch site could not launch nuclear engines or other high-tech part, even if it is unlocked.) [B]Nuclear Tax[/B] [URL="https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1r23rf/none_of_the_nuclear_rockets_are_getting_any_fuel/"][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/1A0QY1b.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Crashing a nuclear engine on a planet is a bad idea, and, depending on server settings, might cause you to be fined. Additionally, to limit nuclear engine use (and potentially to encourage laser-thermal propulsion), you may be taxed just for [I]launching[/I] a nuclear engine. [B]How To Make Money[/B] You can make money several ways. [list] [*]Completing contracts. This could be either game-generated contracts or player-generated contracts. Think of these as missions. [*]Cargo boost services. People can send you a payload, and you get to launch it into orbit, potentially cheaper than they could have launched it. [*]Renting out spacecraft. Other players might be terrible at building spacecraft, so they will rent out your spacecraft types to fly. If they don't pay, you lock out the controls. [*]Renting out laser time in laser-based launching stations. Players can pay you to fire your lasers at their ship to power it. [*]Selling propellant or fuel from orbital/ground space stations. Players can pay you to have access to propellant in space station. Of course, you can set the rate of each fuel in funds per liter however you want, so if you are on an ore-poor planet, you will make your fuel more expensive. [*]Mining MacGuffinite and selling it to Kerbin or other players. [/list] [B]MacGuffinite[/B] [IMG]http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/images/macguffinite/macguffinite02.jpg[/IMG] A more informal currency. Instead of just being a number in a bank account on a computer on Kerbin, the resource MacGuffinite is a rare resource that is only found in large quantities on Eve and Tylo, or in medium quantities on Moho and small quantities on Eeloo. Everywhere else it is extremely rare, and on Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus it is nonexistent. It is extremely valuable in terms of funds, but also serves a practical purpose. It can be used to create liquid fuel (but not oxidizer), it can be used to create rocket parts like Extraplanetary launchpads, and it is a very tasty snack food when sold to Kerbin. MacGuffinite can only be mined with the large ISRU drills and must have an engineer Kerbal supervising it.
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