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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Uh Well I don't really have anything horrible, I say it's "fun science experiment"
  2. 1 year, since the full version/payable was released. 3 years+ makes no sense, as KSP didn't exist back then.
  3. Well, if you got permission from the author it SHOULD be OK... Why not use Youtube though?
  4. I remember one exelent deal I got- a huge crane with working engine (mobile crane) not from LEGO City.. but from something else. Anyway, for $100 you got 1000 peices.
  5. Initally it was a fun game. Then after an hour of playing the level 50 guys showed up and it's impossible to get credits ._. My airships always roll over too. Idk why. Eh I'l coem back to it in a year. Maybe it will be better then.
  6. I still don't understand why the second stage must have 1 engine instead of 5, and no third stage (or atleast a picture) D:
  7. If you want, add me on Steam "Shhhilent1" if you want to come to the server.
  8. Same. Say, if you add me on Steam (shhhilent1) we could play for the first time together! (after the tutorial of course)
  9. Still, it looks awesome. Minor note: Your sig is way too tall according to the forum rules. @the guy above me, not OP. You fixed it.
  10. Wait a second. A KSP/Minecraft/Starmade style game where you build hovering shooting rovers? AND IT'S FREE!? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY DOWNLOAD
  11. Indeed. I also note that it's amazing that practically all of KSP weekly IS this.
  12. I would name it Posiden. Or maybe Zeus. Idk I like Greek God names.
  13. Personally I make quicksaves at every important part. I'm doing less and less though, because I forget Especially on landing, if I make a REALLY STUPID mistake.
  14. Mirrors? Screw mirrors when you have an Interpid and a Flagship!
  15. To play KSP when you have no computer You have my support.
  16. BTW, I loved it! (I just posted that comment because... 0.12 memories.... NOSTALGIA)
  17. A statue of a rocket exploding for me? I'm just saying my name... (you don't have to actually do this, Zekes clearly deserves it tho)
  18. At 3:07.... was that... was that... that... THE 0.12 FAN MADE TRAILER?
  19. Not really, I am a KSP-Orbiter-Starmade player, and I found the transiton easy once I figured out how to use it. Anyway, to revive this thread, have a screenshot of one of my older-ish (I've made it a bit bigger since then) Super-Massive-Permacloakandradarjammer-Missile-And_AMC_Battlecruiser
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