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  1. The amount of official communication happening is amazingly absent.
  2. KSP2 Version: current Operating System and version (Windows 10, Windows 11): Win10 CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant: 11th Gen Intel i7-11700K/NVIDIA RTX 3080 Description of the bug. Expected Behavior: Controls to remain as set. Observed Behavior: Pitch controls (and only pitch controls) on wings seem to invert, despite not showing any changes in the part manager. Steps to Replicate: Build wings, launch, revert to VAB, launch. Pitch controls will now be inverted. Fixes / Workarounds (if known..): Re-placing wings will fix, but is cumbersome if wing design is complex. A list of ALL mods: None
  3. Honestly, I'm really excited to dock up with other players in orbit.
  4. Back in my day, we didn't even have the Mun and we liked it!
  5. This is great, but I'm a little concerned. As the game was initially scheduled to release in 2020, it will be 3 years late. According to the roadmap, a lot of the features that KSP2 was planned to bring just aren't going to be ready by then. I know a lot of nonsense has happened with COVID and then studio shakeups, but nonetheless, the lack of "sequel features" that are going to be available 3 years after the initial release date is a little worrying. I'm still gonna be there on day one, but I won't lie. I'm a little...whelmed.
  6. well I play exclusively in sandbox, so I'mma do a hard disagree with you there lol
  7. we are so starved for any news on a potential release date lol
  8. Remember when Halo came out and people bought it and then they made Halo 2 and people bought that? The audacity...
  9. Sandbox. Career Mode has always been to much of a chore for me to enjoy it.
  10. I have two questions and a statement: 1) Why does a survey need terms and conditions? 2) Why can't you explain in plain English what I'm agreeing to, rather than hide whatever the hell behind a wall of legalese? 3) I'm not agreeing to any kind of legally binding anything for something as small as a simple survey. That's insane. You want to survey your customers, survey them. Don't subject them to a bunch of legal crap.
  11. If I remember right, there should be a mod out there that allows for this. I'm pretty sure I remember seeing a video with it some years back. As for vanilla VR support? I doubt that it is being considered for KSP 2 and definitely not for KSP1.
  12. is there an updated ETA for release or we still just in "sometime 2022"
  13. I mean, everyone and their mother already knows that of course there's gonna be another Elder Scrolls so I don't really think that counts as an "announcement." That's basically like saying Nintendo is working on the next Mario game...
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