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Everything posted by Greenfire32

  1. I support this, but ONLY if Kerbals wander when landed and when the player is not focused on the ship (like if you were on a Munar surface EVA and brought more than 1 Kerbal with you). Ships in motion (orbits or otherwise) should remain 100% under the control of the player. Nothing would ruin a Munar transfer like your co-pilot decided that a space walk should happen right in the middle of your transfer burn.
  2. Having a + or - wouldn't help you in this situation as you would still have to orientate your ship to do whichever burn is required. And let's say that your readout said "-120m/s" but you couldn't see the pro or retro grade indicators (like you were going sideways), you'd still have to guess at which direction to turn if you didn't know wether or not your target was in the blue or red portions of the navball. In short, having a + or - with the speed really wouldn't help you, because it still wouldn't give you directional position. You'd still need to line up your pro/retro grades and burn accordingly. Plus a speed of -120m/s is impossible because you cant go a negative speed.
  3. Is this happening on a multi-craft (2 or more docked crafts)? It sounds like multiple ASAS/SAS are fighting with each other over who gets to "control" the craft. If this is the case, the solution is as simple as disabling the child units, while keeping the parent unit online.
  4. Currently, the only thing I can think of that would utilize the Bravery/Stupidity settings is a series of automated missions. You build the craft and pick the crew like normal, but all piloting is done by the computer (The Kerbals in this case). And under that kind of scenario, I cant really think of any situation where this would be the preferred method of play versus what we have now. I dunno. Maybe if there was a maneuver or a docking attempt that needed to be 101% accurate (for whatever reason), then I guess you could "train" your Kerbals to do the action for you when the time comes? But like I said above, other than aesthetics and automated scenarios, I can't think of a single use for the stat meters.
  5. I remember when the launch pad clamps first came out and I'd use them to set my rocket up past the launch tower. That terrible beast never again ate another ship.
  6. What if it's still in the game, but it now orbits outside the solar system (larger orbit than Jool)? I mean, it is magic afterall.
  7. Happen every so often with me as well. I find that putting games down for about a month or two usually resets my skills back to "butt-kicking."
  8. To some extent, yes. But it's not at all uncommon for multi-part debris to get left in space. I remember back when I first started playing this game (around .12 I think...) that I was horribly careless and caused a fairly large debris cloud when a munar landar docked at high-velocity with the psuedo-space stations I was building at the time. Somewhere in the ball park of 700 debris made the orbits of 70k - 120k completely unsafe. It's actually the very reason why I try for a 100% debris-less mission to this day.
  9. I'm thinking a claw-type de-orbiter would work better in this case as missiles would probably make the issue worse...exponentially.
  10. Official thread is here. It's got lots of info and a server list. ----EDIT---- I should also mention that KMP is no longer being developed and has been replaced with DMP in case you're thinking on not clicking the link.
  11. Spaceport isn't down, it's dead. We've been Cursed.
  12. I don't really look at the time when playing KSP. Missions go until they're done in my world. But having Earth-time as the default for a planet (and it's inhabitants!) that does not follow Earth-time is a bad bad bad idea. Seeing as how we are launching from Kerbin, Kerbin-time should be the default setting don't you think? Sure, you can change to Earth-time if you relate to it better, but if I have a transfer burn scheduled in 3 days from Kerbin, then I want it to be 3 days from Kerbin and not 12 days.
  13. Mod list is in his sig. Best thing I can think of is a tiny tug like you're thinking (so you'll need to add a service docking port if a tug will block construction) or you'll have to line your orbits up so closely that a torque-assisted rendezvous can happen...and those are very very hard to pull off.
  14. Most, if not all, capsules/pods/probes have some degree of torque, but it's super weak compared to the actual reaction wheels under the "Control" tab. You won't be able to keep a massive rocket (or even a standard sized one) stable with just the torque from the command pod, you'll need to add some extra stability through those parts. Short version: yes, but its effects weaken with every part you add.
  15. as it stands, there's real no benefit to going SSTO over MSTO (multiple stage to orbit). Once contracts and funding come into the game, SSTO's primary benefit will be saving piles and piles of money.
  16. The way I'd like Tech progression to work is something like: • Start with basic parts • Do some science and unlock a tech node. --Tech node includes something like air-breathing engines and unlocks an "experimental version" of said parts --In the R&D complex, build an "Experimental craft" and do some part-specific science --Unlock "researched part" (basically the completed parts that we have now) • Take New craft to new biomes and do new science Wash rinse repeat. Now I realize this would add a little bit of a tedious double-science for R&D aspect to the game. But just doing science by right clicking the "do science" button is pretty bland at the moment. It would also give the R&D complex more of a purpose since all it is right now is basically a knowledge bank that you make periodic withdrawals from. Building the experimental craft could be unique as well. You could make it like a mini VAB or Hangar and then actually take the craft out for a drive OR you could make a unique instance where only the part is being tested (so like an engine mounted to a fixed housing that tests output or whatever). That's how I'd like science to be, but I don't really know how much fun it would be...
  17. You know to much for your own good. Be warned. Strange forces beyond your comprehension have taken notice. Also, I too would like to know who the winners are.
  18. Mother of God... All of my YES. Absolutely every last drop of my YES. 1 thing: please make Gates as well. Even if they're non-functional trophies to be used instead of flags....I beg you...
  19. The only time the navball will shoot off to one direction or another is either: A)You've arrested all directional movement and are resting on what is basically a "needle head" of movement. Changing direction (even a tiny little bit) will cause the movement marker to shoot off. B)You're hovering over either the north or south pole and the navball can't tell which direction you're going relative to the magnetic pull of the planet. You describe this happening as you're trying to land (so scenario A) and that's more or less normal. All it means is that you've slowed yourself down to a near (relative) stop. From this point, all you need to do is focus more on vertical velocity rather than horizontal.
  20. You can always put a claw on a rescue ship and *try* to bring it back home but...I think you're best bet would be to turn off the offset engine and try getting into orbit around duna with just the other two. At least you'd have a much better chance of rescue from orbit than you would from the surface.
  21. Because I'm a sucker for all things space. KSP, Orbiter, Space Engineers, Starmade, Blockade Runner, Galacticraft, Starwars Rogue Squadron, Moonbase Alpha, Star Citizen, Starforge, Evochron Mercenary etc etc.
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