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Everything posted by TheDarkStar

  1. You probably have the terrain detail set too low. Low terrain detail makes the game take shortcuts with where the terrain seems to be.
  2. There are plans for several more planets and moons (the devs were discussing them a few months ago). We don't know how the game will be in its finished state, since it is an alpha.
  3. You're thinking of the Tylo face. Also, there are around 25 easter eggs around the solar system. Look on Vall, Bop, Kerbin, the Mun, Minmus, Duna, and Moho. Kerbin and the Mun have the most, Duna and Tylo have less than 5, and the others have 1 each.
  4. When I asked about it several months ago, I was also told that there were some engine limitations: Massless barycenters would exert no gravity, because they are massless, so planets would not be held. Giving them mass would allow odd things like getting close enough to be ejected faster than light like the old surfaceless sun. You'd also be orbiting empty space.
  5. Actually, helmets are still nearly indestructible. However, there's a slight chance that the Kerbal dies anyway.
  6. If the math shows you have a good enough rocket, you just need to practice your piloting skills.
  7. 1. No, since KSP saves rockets in a tree-like format (with parent and child parts). 2. Yes, struts can be decoupled.
  8. "The laws of the universe don't want you there. Now you explode."
  9. Green Goo - It's like grey goo, but it manages not to consume the world by having an insane craving for explosions.
  10. You cam try putting pairs of docking ports instead of decouplers, since they do not create fairings. Another things that might help is to change the rocket so nothing else is attached under the LV-Ns.
  11. Delta-v does not act like that. It's not a sum, it's a ratio. The equation for it is dV = Isp * G * ln(starting mass / ending mass) where G is Kerbin (Earth) gravity, and the starting and ending masses are for a specific stage. This means that if you double the amount of everything on your rocket, you still have the same ratio, and so, the same delta-v. However, you get more delta-v if you copy more fuel and less of everything else. Also, staging can help. Make sure to minimize extra mass (especially extra engines).
  12. First, try not using MechJeb; it can cause strange problems. Second, try lowering your TWR by adding less engines. Also, use more efficient engines for a smaller rocket. Edit: And, as has been said, throttle down (which MechJeb doesn't know how to do).
  13. If you have two opposite-facing seperatrons and put them on either side of the ladder, you might be able to make it explode from overheating. Be sure to quicksave before this in case the Hitchhiker explodes because you moved the seperatrons too far forward.
  14. If it has fuel (or RCS), you can still get back by getting an intercept with Kerbin. If it does not, practice rendezvous and docking in Kerbin orbit first and then apply that to Kerbol orbit.
  15. Are you sure you were burning retrograde and not prograde? 1000 m/s is 400 m/s faster than you are usually going when you enter the Mun's sphere of influence, unless you intercepted it by going opposite its direction of orbit.
  16. Ions don't have 50 max power, they have .50 max power. You probably messed up in your math.
  17. If a Kerbal is on a serious mission (i.e. interplanetary or to one of Kerbin's moons), I try to keep them safe and rescue them. If I am testing things, their life is forfeit. Testing claims Kerbal lives by the dozens.
  18. From the Mun, Kerbin causes an eclipse every Munth. From Kerbin, the Mun causes an eclipse a bit less often than once per day.
  19. Put docking ports underneath instead of decouplers, or put the engines to the side.
  20. I lurk a lot, since I've been around since January 2012 (the sever problem in April changed the day it says).
  21. Trust me, Tylo is easier than Eve. Eve takes 11500 m/s from sea level to get to orbit from, and plateaus only drop that to about 7500.
  22. NICE! I still haven't done that, it's next to do after ascending from Tylo.
  23. Probably infinite fuel or .cfg edits; there's no stock way to ascend from Eve with a rocket like that.
  24. I tried to launch an entire space station at once (this was before docking). It lagged a lot, I pressed space, and it blew up.
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