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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. Sorry I haven\'t been making any progress lately. I picked up skyrim...and the creation kit.
  2. You have exceeded your exclamation point allowance. Please purchase more from the Silisko Industries store. ;P
  3. It\'s a worst-case scenario, which we thankfully avoided.
  4. Ah, okay. Thought there was a grand conspiracy unfolding... Oh well, maybe next time.
  5. In an unexpected turn of events, I fully support the creation and existence of this thread. Better here, than all over the rest of the forum. Edit: ...who deleted mincespy\'s post above mine?
  6. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/575558/destructionchart.png
  7. That just makes it even MORE confusing! I\'d suggest you strike it out but it\'s too late now.
  8. He didn\'t. Semininja did, and he had a valid question.
  9. Try five times. Pioneer 10 and 11, Voyager 1 and 2, and New Horizons.
  10. Thanks, I\'ll be sure to try this out sometime. Think you could write a version for performing a rendezvous with an orbiting craft from, say, the surface of the mun (or Kerbin, even)
  11. How about you do it yourself before making the challenge? 1. It proves it\'s not an idiotic concept 2. It gives people a benchmark
  12. It\'s not that. It\'s how KSP handles the sound. The sound itself loops fine, but KSP seems to start it from an arbitrary point, and constantly restarts it...
  13. It\'s a very common misconception that because objects on the surface go away at this distance, things in orbit do too. But this is not the case.
  14. Yeah, I really like your design for them. It feels more 'genuine'.
  15. Sandbox mode? Sure. If Campaign mode has any sort of stats system (and it likely will), either mods shouldn\'t be allowed, or they be optional and enabling them will disable stats.
  16. As amazing as this is, I strengthen my opinion on mod parts not being allowed in campaign mode...
  17. No, it\'d just be dense. You\'d fly into it but suddenly be -very- buoyant.
  18. I never said you\'d -stay- plunged in the lake. You\'d fly into it then shoot right back out again.
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