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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. You have to position them 45 degrees away. Once we get animation it won\'t be a problem, though...
  2. Like I\'ve done before, I sum up my complaints/concerns/annoyances with an image:
  3. I\'m surprised people don\'t think this is a pony-exclusive forum, by now...
  4. Love the plane. First thought watching it, though: 'It\'s like a fat Vanguard with toast on the bottom' =P
  5. It will be general purpose stuff. Docking ports, module bases, solar panels, radiators, experiment racks...
  6. Are you talking about the SE decoupler? It works fine for me... That said, I plan on making a specialized decoupler.
  7. I feel the burn of making this. But I shall not stop until I make the radio telescope aaaaaaaaaa
  8. Making an optical telescope for BACE, after this, a radio telescope.
  9. Technically you could make an entire game in a single line of code. Some languages treat spaces pretty much the same as linebreaks, I think?
  10. I\'m going to make two versions. Vanilla balanced, and SE balanced. As for the N1, it will come eventually, but it\'s not a top priority right now.
  11. The ones in the second pack aren\'t included in SE anymore, Tiberion is using them with NovaPunch.
  12. Going to port this to KSP once I get it fully modeled and textured: (Real world scale depicted, will be 2m in KSP)
  13. That\'s always there. Unity has multiplayer support, it\'s just a matter of whether KSP can be made to work with multiplayer.
  14. Both. Those are pretty much the limit of my drawing skill
  15. I did a caricature of harv: Edit: also jeb
  16. All you need is at least 3 satellites in mun orbit and a series of ground stations. Just make it so all three satellites can see each other, and the ground stations can see at least one satellite.
  17. You can try out the WIP probe game here http://dl.dropbox.com/u/575558/Probe.zip (Thanks to HarvesteR, C7 and Iskierka for helping me with the math behind the gravity, arguably the most important part of it)
  18. As long as their hands aren\'t actually shaped like mittens, it will be good.
  19. I kinda wish this forum had a rule like Orbiter Forum regarding politics...
  20. When I get it to a working state, I\'m going to upload the whole project - it should be helpful for this community project of yours. If anyone needs any models or textures, I\'ll be happy to help.
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