Silisko Industries has recently gone through an overhaul to its distribution division. All products are now delivered from a warehouse situated in low orbit. If it\'s not there in 90 minutes, it\'s on us. Most products are provided either direct from us, or through one of our child corporations. Packs New from Probodobodyne Industrial! The DIY Probe Kit! Current parts roster: 2 probe cores Aeroshell Aeroshell mount Drogue chute Space Telescope Strut Radio Dish Experiment Rack 2 Solar Panels - one deployable Radioisotope Thermal Generator Sensor Unit Camera Mount SAS module Fuel Tank Engine Big engine Big engine with landing cushion Mini lander leg Antenna Note: All parts except the cores have zero drag so they affect flight as little as possible and don\'t obliterate themselves on liftoff. In addition, all parts are located in the 'Crew' tab, to keep things organized. Download: Requires 0.14+ Dropbox Mediafire BACE 0.3(1) released - now ACTUALLY with moon landing gear and solar panels. Download: Requires 0.14+ Dropbox Mediafire Upcoming parts: 1m node piece Functional docking modules with 0.16 Download plugin source Special thanks to r4m0n and C7 for general programming assistance and the occasional entire source file! to parts folder like any other mod. Completely self-contained, unlike the old version. The Silisko Edition is my feeble attempt at rebalancing the game\'s vanilla parts. It modifies the default values, so be warned that it might not be fully compatible with other mod packs, at least in terms of balance. The balance changes I have done are a matter of opinion. I don\'t like how the engines and decouplers in the vanilla set are extremely heavy, while at the same time, fuel is very dense and the engines very efficient. The end result is it makes staging a less-than-optimal solution, and SSTO is incredibly easy... I have tried my best to remedy this. Testing has shown that a two-stage rocket, three tanks on the lower stage, one on the upper, will reach orbit, while a simple stack of 4 tanks, no changes made other than the lack of a decoupler and second stage engine, cannot. IMPORTANT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS [list type=decimal] [li]Download a fresh copy of KSP[/li] [li]Install it into a new folder[/li] [li]Go into the 'Parts' folder[/li] [li]Delete everything in there, and replace it with the contents of KSP - Silisko[/li] TO UPDATE KSP OR THIS PACK [li]Upon a KSP update, install it as normal, then install Silisko Edition over it as detailed above[/li] [li]To update the pack, delete the contents of the parts folder and re-extract the new file into it[/li] DO NOT extract this pack over an existing KSP install! Bad things will happen! Download: Dropbox Mediafire Please report any problems you can think of. Mini-packs A tiny space shuttle! Launches on top of a rocket and then returns horizontally to land on a runway. No landing gear yet, but it can take landing without it. Launch can be tricky, as the plane likes to destabilize your flight dynamics. It takes some practice, but it\'s perfectly capable of reaching orbit. To perform a successful reentry, set your periapsis to 30,000m, and when you enter the atmosphere, keep level to the ground until about 30,000 meters, after which, tilt the nose up 10 degrees and turn on SAS. You can turn on SAS earlier if you like, but it makes maneuvering difficult. Download: Dropbox Mediafire Parts A sheet of wood to put kerbals on! Download: Dropbox Mediafire Install: Just put the 'plankpod' folder into your parts folder. No mess no fuss. Kerbal model by prefim, used with permission! I gave the Kerbals eyes, and Jeb a pair of glasses. Also changed their faces to more match ingame ones.