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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. Second to last one is the best.
  2. Good thing fraps stopped working, then. 'Wow, I didn\'t realize KSP was that immersive! I can smell the rocket exhaust!'
  3. Make a 'sounds' folder in the individual part\'s folder, put your .wav file inside it and prefix it with sound_ (not sure if that\'s needed, need to experiment). In the cfg, specify the sound like you normally would, but be sure to include the file extension. However, they don\'t work in 0.13 right now. They will in 0.13.1, which SHOULD be coming very soon.
  4. I\'m just worried about how much of a performance impact each engine will have. Also, have you considered making addons for Orbiter? Your work is very realistic, and I think the X-33/VentureStar would fit great with it!
  5. You could get rid of almost all the structural detail inside the engine and it wouldn\'t make hardly any difference to the external appearance - you can hardly see the internals, except from the side.
  6. Add multiple exhaust effects, each lower than the last. That\'s literally the only way
  7. Not so much the color, but the density. The rust is much more apparent than the material beneath.
  8. You\'re getting much better, but these look more like cheetos than rusty rockets to me ;P
  9. Well, the current engines are intended solely as OMS and deorbit engines - nothing more. Still trying to think of a way to implement RCS propery without destabilizing the vehicle.
  10. Like the stall thing, I\'m not sure if it\'s something I can fix... The winglet code is pretty screwed up right now.
  11. I think the gaining speed isn\'t accurate. It\'s registering total speed compared to Kerbin, not airspeed. I can\'t do anything about the stall model. It was said that it was fixed, but apparently not.
  12. Yeah, exactly. RCS practically doesn\'t work for rotation right now, so invisible force is the only way... The winglet model also leaves a lot to be desired. The fact you can rotate it 90 degrees and fly unimpeded upsets me.
  13. Let the mainstream suffer. We in the underground will thrive! We just have to watch for the radioactive sewage the big guys invariably dump down on us...
  14. *hugs copy of FSX and promises nothing bad will ever befall it*
  15. The fact it\'s not the real one is beside the point. What you did was bad, using a picture of the real one would be much worse...
  16. Decrease dirt opacity and don\'t increase the contrast that much
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