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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. Just make sure the guy in the plane knows you\'re there
  2. I think we\'ve stumbled on the man who invented orbital debris.
  3. You look like an absolute badass. (I registered on orbiter forum just because it was bothering me that I couldn\'t view the image)
  4. Oh fine... (Also I\'ll add more color to the textures)
  5. 1. They aren\'t uniform grey...there\'s little bits of metal placed seemingly at random, like on the Titan rockets. But I\'ll increase the contrast a bit for 1.3. 2. It was only intended for the upper stage engine. I don\'t really want to add a bunch of them to cover ALL the engines, it\'d just get cluttered.
  6. 1. Depends on what you\'re going to retexture them with 2. That was intended, it\'s based on the Soyuz third stage (the interstage stays attached)
  7. New Mk4 pod pretty much done: Also, I think I\'ve pretty much confirmed that I\'ve made staging viable. This could put the pod and upper stage into orbit: This could not put anything into orbit(well, if it didn\'t have the pod maybe it could lift itself there): Sole difference between the two is the addition of a staging event and upper stage engine for the first one.
  8. Err. New textures for many parts Fuel tanks can now be surface-attached Removed decoupler clamp as it was rendered useless with the above change That\'s all I can remember. It\'s 0.13.1 compatible, too.
  9. 1.2 released! You can get it here (16.8 mb): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/575558/KSP/KSP%20Silisko%20Edition%201.2.zip Mirror: http://www./?gfp78032aovm2i1
  10. Considering in the time since it was cancelled they\'ve overcome the technical hurdles... It really is a shame.
  11. The very first successful V2 rocket test was the world\'s first suborbital spaceflight, as well as the first manmade object in space.
  12. He\'s not releasing them. There\'s a big difference between retexturing something for personal use and and releasing it without permission.
  13. New update should come today hopefully. After that, I\'m just going to remodel the Mk3 and Mk4 pods.
  14. Oh, derp. Thought you meant it was written in something besides unity from the first two points.
  15. Wrong. Unity supports a multitude of languages internally but C++ is not one of them. The game is made in Unity with scripts in C#.
  16. I don\'t think it\'s possible to perform 'deep modding' right now. The most I\'ve seen is someone translating the menu into russian in the international forum, but as for changing the way the game works, it\'s impossible.
  17. Yeah, I\'m going to halve the number of teeth. I don\'t like how it looks with this many, anyway.
  18. You should show it off to people who don\'t know what it is. 'You see this rock?' 'Yeah.' 'Guess where it came from.' 'Uhh...' *point at the moon* *other person is impressed*
  19. Not shown is the vanilla RCS tank and thruster that would be attached.
  20. Through the shoutbox, I have decided I will call it Volk (latin-ized russian for Wolf)
  21. Right. This will make Sordid happy: Scheduled: Mk3 pod remodel Mk4 pod remodel (slight) 0.75m Vostok pod (separate release, if you suggest it be named Kostok I\'ll kill you)
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