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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. So yes, only the soviets have had fatalities in space. But space-related fatalities have occurred on both sides.
  2. 1. Yes it can 2. There are four states of matter
  3. Took a break from making weapons of war and made this:
  4. ...No soviet fatalities during spaceflight? What about Soyuz 1? What about Soyuz 11? Those are confirmed... If you want to get technical, only the crew of Soyuz 11 was killed during spaceflight, Soyuz 1 was destroyed on impact with the ground after reentry.
  5. Bit of a bump, but... Here\'s the Poofles Mk1 HTVL suborbital spaceplane:
  6. The point I\'M trying to make is that they just want things GIVEN to them. I\'m not talking about just in KSP, it\'s likely to be present in other parts of their life. That\'s not a good way to live - you\'ll end up a wreck, because people aren\'t going to give you things forever.
  7. Eh, you\'re not missing much. The plot was thin, at best.
  8. He\'s a complete idiot with no knowledge of computers and is young enough he shouldn\'t be anywhere near the internet. Don\'t help him. He should learn from his mistakes.
  9. Oh god, we have a michiganian infestation now!
  10. Except most of those people do it because they\'re lazy. They don\'t want to actually have to do something, they just want it handed to them on a platter.
  11. It\'s things like these parts that made people think all mod parts are overpowered. Do you realize how hard that made things for me, trying to balance stock out, for a while?
  12. Before 0.13, you could have multiple collision meshes - after that though, they render as normal bits of the model.
  13. Struts are like a damn puzzle box of mysteries wrapped in a candy shell of insanity. I\'ve never been able to get them working properly.
  14. It\'s devolved to 'you started it' now? For shame!
  15. Pff, you\'re just defending it because it\'s made of ponies!
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