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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. The best method I\'ve found is to make the drag values fairly low compared to regular rocket parts, to compensate for the instabilities. The tricky part is balancing that with the flight mechanics...
  2. You have the ability to put tiny hats on ducklings. Do it, for justice!
  3. I\'ve just performed a successful suborbital flight with vanguard. To perform a successful reentry, set your periapsis to 30,000m, and when you enter the atmosphere, orient yourself to the ground, and turn on SAS. Do NOT attempt to manuever at speeds above 200 m/s, it usually ends badly.
  4. A stall happens when the aircraft\'s AoA exceeds that for maximum lift, which for this airfoil is between 12 and 15 degrees. Notice how the lift doesn\'t drop to zero beyond that point. That graph only had data up to twenty degrees AoA. Here\'s what happens if you keep increasing the AoA: The lift doesn\'t reach zero until the AoA is past 90 degrees—that is, the wing has to be nearly flat to the oncoming wind to produce no lift! The first graph is from Abbott & von Doenhoff, 1949, the second is from NASA CR-2008-215434. Well, considering the wings on my ship are pretty much vertical all the way out of the atmosphere, I don\'t think that would be much of a problem. It\'s a side effect of KSP\'s drag code - things with high drag ALWAYS want to be behind things with low drag. That\'s how the pod and parachute combo actually orients itself, not through aerodynamics. Edit: Well, the big wings aren\'t helping much. Need to keep trying though.
  5. Then atmospheric flight would be absolutely horrific. It needs to glide back into a regular reentry!
  6. If you believe that, you\'re an idiot.
  7. The satellite separated from the third stage and then smashed through the house, I think.
  8. It looks so stupid with RCS jets firing constantly on ascent though... I\'d rather have it be naturally stable, by whatever means.
  9. I tried fins, but none are large enough. Now, with huge wings like that... Let\'s do it.
  10. A word of warning, based on my experiences: launching an aerodynamic vehicle on top of a rocket in KSP is REALLY REALLY HARD
  11. Done. Edit: The aerodynamics on reentry are pretty good now, but, again, the launch is still problematic.
  12. I doubt that would work. Pretty sure you can\'t even specify the direction of lift (so things work just as well flying upside down...)
  13. The wings are individual parts, and they\'re control surfaces. I just forgot how to make the deflection visible. Honestly, I\'m fine with the bouncing around in atmosphere sort of thing, but I -need- to get this thing working on rocket launch before I release it! That said, you can get quite a lot done with powerful SAS:
  14. By the way, you set the deadline to 2022. 'Twelfth year of the second decade' = 12 years after 2010.
  15. I sincerely need help on making the aerodynamics work. It\'s really getting on my nerves. It\'s very fun to fly in atmospheric flight, but god forbid you try to take it into space.
  16. By spare time I mean 'when I\'m being lazy and not working on things'
  17. I might just throw this at C7 and see if he can do it any better :u
  18. They\'re stock sounds. Unless you mean the music, which I doubt
  19. If I lower it, it won\'t fly level. If I increase it it never lands. I seriously hate the aerodynamics model right now.
  20. That\'s pretty much the intention. Fully reusable crew transport, capable of carrying supplies (like food and water) up to space stations.
  21. I had to redub the audio over that video since none recorded initially. :u
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