A stall happens when the aircraft\'s AoA exceeds that for maximum lift, which for this airfoil is between 12 and 15 degrees. Notice how the lift doesn\'t drop to zero beyond that point. That graph only had data up to twenty degrees AoA. Here\'s what happens if you keep increasing the AoA: The lift doesn\'t reach zero until the AoA is past 90 degrees—that is, the wing has to be nearly flat to the oncoming wind to produce no lift! The first graph is from Abbott & von Doenhoff, 1949, the second is from NASA CR-2008-215434. Well, considering the wings on my ship are pretty much vertical all the way out of the atmosphere, I don\'t think that would be much of a problem. It\'s a side effect of KSP\'s drag code - things with high drag ALWAYS want to be behind things with low drag. That\'s how the pod and parachute combo actually orients itself, not through aerodynamics. Edit: Well, the big wings aren\'t helping much. Need to keep trying though.