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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. Nope, sorry. It really needs to become common knowledge just how limited the game\'s modding capabilities are right now. Only parts. No new planets, no new particles, new sounds means pushing the boundary... Dunno if this will change any time soon.
  2. Yeah. Haven\'t they just had an armistice since the end of the korean war?
  3. Made two simulated screenshots a while ago:
  4. Because they\'re really stupid right now. No wheel physics or ways to move them without rockets. They just explode after 2 seconds of relatively fast travel.
  5. Make the parachute have more drag than the pod. A pod with no parachute, with all rotation killed and then left to spin freely will never turn from its original orientation.
  6. Mmm, your original post just implied that you\'d spend your entire life experiencing simulated events, without actually living a real life. At leas tto me.
  7. Next release will remove the source files, as they\'re pretty much dead weight now.
  8. You\'re saying you\'d rather experience fake events and fantasies than actually live your life? That\'s...kinda sad, honestly.
  9. In loving memory of the man who poked golden tanks.
  10. Let\'s vote: Should I add a small parachute for this shroud specifically? Like the supersonic parachutes used for mars missions.
  11. That\'s my point though. From all I can tell, there\'s almost NO changes from win7 if you turn off that feature. So what\'s the point, if you don\'t use it? :x
  12. All it is is a bunch of fancy bullshit tacked onto it. It LOOKS like it was made for mobiles, but the changes besides the stupid visuals are like, ribbon enabled for nearly everything. And I DESPISE ribbon. They\'re just trying to compete with apple\'s minimalism, and made windows look like a phone OS. Nice fucking job, microsoft. I\'ll skip this one.
  13. Why? How is 'decals' any better than 'crew'? Neither of them apply to it, I just wanted a way to sort them better. Also, the eggshell heatshield is proving to be a tough job... Need to have a node floating up in the air, which makes it feel really messy. Also DAMN YOU CIRCULAR LANDING BASE STOP SMILING AT ME
  14. The next internet after SOPA destroys the first one.
  15. Oh, I changed the category to make them easier to find.
  16. http://www./?iics2bobjpw3gx4 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/575558/Probodobodyne/Probodobodyne%20Construction%20Kit%200.4.zip
  17. Yeah, that was the intention. Something you pop on the top of a normal core.
  18. Not to mention the superheavy decouplers actually DISCOURAGE staging.
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