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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. You\'re calling eccentric orbits unnatural? Either way, the idea is that they\'re just stray planets from Kerbol A that have been captured into orbit, not planets that formed with it. So of course they\'ll be in eccentric orbits.
  2. I tried not to bug him too much, and I figured out things on my own pretty well until juuust after he went offline. THEN I run into a big problem and can\'t ask the one man who knows everything! Edit: Eh, it\'s not worth obsessing over this problem. I\'ll just restrict rotation in the Y axis until I think of a way to fix it.
  3. Damn you, unity! And harvester isn\'t online so I can\'t bother him with it! =P
  4. He has a reputation of bullshitting people so take what he says with a grain of salt...
  5. Day 1: So. I downloaded Unity Indie with the intention of making a project I\'ve had in my head for a little while: A fairly simple resource management game, where the challenge comes with fitting the required things into the space provided. The first task was making a test scene for this: After making my beautiful sandy box, I felt encouraged and consulted HarvesteR about C#. He recommended it over all other languages so I charged headlong into it. After some more fiddling, I achieved my first goal: Make a working camera system. RMB rotates the camera, MMB pans it, and scroll wheel zooms. Or so I thought. Turns out the camera rotates around the origin of the world, no matter where you pan the camera to. Back to work... This will have to do for now. RMB pans across the map, middle mouse moves the camera up and down, and scroll wheel zooms. Now I\'m getting somewhere. There\'s a...thing at the top. It\'s ugly, but it makes the place look vaguely more game-like, so that\'s a plus.
  6. Getting into solar orbit is easier than munar orbit!
  7. 1. No, it assists with rotation too. 2. NEVER SUGGEST SUCH A THING AGAIN >:C
  8. It hasn\'t been for a long time. It\'s 'rebalances stock parts, AND MORE!' Edit: I just realized, 500 replies. Sweet jesus.
  9. Just a note: College in the US = University in Britain (and I think Europe too?)
  10. I just noticed how bill is trying to hide, judging by his position far lower than the other two. It made me smile.
  11. From my guesstimates, they\'re 39 cm high, so, you\'re pretty close. I pretty much just took the kerbonaut model, scaled it down until it matched the size ratio of human beings in the apollo capsule.
  12. Polys don\'t affect performance as much as texture resolution. I think even the average computer\'d person could be able to handle it.
  13. So the tanks drop off instead of having a dedicated descent stage? That\'s cool.
  14. I -SHOULD- be updating this soon, along with Probodobodyne...
  15. There\'s a stackable parachute and decoupler in Silisko Edition, as well as SIDR.
  16. What is this 'Spacve' you speak of?
  17. As you can see if you look at the fuel gauge, it\'s not the most efficient design in that I landed with maybe a few drops of fuel left in the tank. Actually, it\'s very efficient because you landed with very little excess fuel!
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