Day 1: So. I downloaded Unity Indie with the intention of making a project I\'ve had in my head for a little while: A fairly simple resource management game, where the challenge comes with fitting the required things into the space provided. The first task was making a test scene for this: After making my beautiful sandy box, I felt encouraged and consulted HarvesteR about C#. He recommended it over all other languages so I charged headlong into it. After some more fiddling, I achieved my first goal: Make a working camera system. RMB rotates the camera, MMB pans it, and scroll wheel zooms. Or so I thought. Turns out the camera rotates around the origin of the world, no matter where you pan the camera to. Back to work... This will have to do for now. RMB pans across the map, middle mouse moves the camera up and down, and scroll wheel zooms. Now I\'m getting somewhere. There\'s a...thing at the top. It\'s ugly, but it makes the place look vaguely more game-like, so that\'s a plus.