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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. Omnidirectional antennas. They\'re not used on spacecraft much because they aren\'t very high gain, but: 1. These are Kerbals. 2. The distances involved are much shorter, so you don\'t need as much communications power.
  2. Going to add a spherical heat shield which can encapsulate small landers. Not for this version though.
  3. But in real life we have such a thing as autopilot so you can go make a sandwich while flying around the world.
  4. SSTO is hilariously easy with vanilla KSP, I hope that changes in the future. Still, we need more real rockets that are flying bricks or other unwieldy objects!
  5. Oops. I forgot day 3. Nothing was done today so it\'s no biggie.
  6. >Fly upwards and to the left >Let kerbin rotate under you >Land 6 hours later >WIN CHALLENGE
  7. First thing that stands out to me: PHOTOSHOP FILTER! It reminds me heavily of a lot of the maps and things in Oblivion, which were PHOTOSHOP FILTERS!
  8. I still need to strike a balance on fuel efficiency for the RCS thruster...
  9. The RCS thruster now serves as your mainstay 'single-stage-to-mun' object. The other RCS blocks are good for orbital translation and rotation, but no more. I\'m fine with that.
  10. On both Kerbin and the Mun, the friction is unrealistically low, but still present.
  11. And you\'re forgetting that I\'M the one designing this system. It\'s MY project, it\'s not like I\'m deciding the future of the game. I think a donut planet sounds stupid, so I\'m NOT going to make one. If you don\'t like it, then I\'m sorry. If you want to discuss donut planets somewhere, then just make a thread in offtopic or something...
  13. And now for the terrifying prospect of UV mapping and texturing this...
  14. Day 2: I have performed another tremendous success! A red ball that follows your mouse cursor, confined to the plane of the world. I feel invigorated, but I woke up at 4:45 PM so that probably won\'t last. Shortly after, I confined the position to that of the game area:
  15. Sample returns of some sort. But, the current probe cores would never survive reentry... I might make a tiny aeroshell for sample returns.
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