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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. Hello from Silisko Industries Unlimited. Have a croissant. (How about that, Skunky? )
  2. Hello from Silisko Industries Unlimited. Have a croissant.
  3. No, that\'s not UV mapping. That\'s texturing. UV mapping is setting up the model so it can be textured.
  4. I\'ve not actually made them into individual parts, gotten them into the game in any way shape or form apart from the whole brick shuttle method. Plus, I\'d like to remodel it so the wings aren\'t 90 feet thick.
  5. They\'re dead. Funeral will be held after Kim Jong-Il\'s.
  6. Yes please. I need to find how balanced they are cost-wise!
  7. First post updated with beginnings of the new guide!
  8. It looks nice, but brings up a major pet peeve of mine: ASAS and RCS used to stabilize a ship during ascent. Be a professional, fly them manually!
  9. I don\'t like you, Aldrin man. You continue to insult the REAL Buzz...
  10. If it detects changes in the DAE, it will try to generate a new serialized mesh, from my understanding.
  11. Just use a similar rendering system for clouds. A color map and an alpha map. But instead of cloud particles, make them look like millions of motes of dust (thousands per texture/sprite, mind you. We don\'t need to render millions of particles)
  12. 1.1 Released! You can get it here (18.6 mb): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/575558/KSP/KSP%20Silisko%20Edition%201.1.zip Mirror: http://www./?0yy73zz3yjdkd19 Changes I can remember: New type of fairing panel, allows for Ares IV styled rockets Removed old adapter tank, no longer needed due to the above addition Re-added My First Science Kit Tweaked RCS units, SHOULD be good now Tweaked (almost) all of the things
  13. Because I certainly can\'t. If I get rid of the .DAE files, the game won\'t load because it\'s still trying to FIND the .DAE files... Dunno if there\'s a way around this. Is there?
  14. Eve\'s moon Faz is actually composed mostly of huge crystals, some of which have been broken off by a large impact and now are moonlets.
  15. The ponies aren\'t real. I\'m sorry, Sordid.
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