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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. I don\'t think image macros in general are annoying unless they\'re enormous... (you know, like the ones in this thread)
  2. Sorry, rage occured. But your fellow ponies keep doing it regardless! :C
  3. I\'d recommend a ping-pong ball spray-painted with silver paint, and some bits of wire attached to it with glue. Foil would look like a sputnik that\'s been through a washing machine.
  5. I\'ll block them. Fuck your useless image macros.
  6. Completely and utterly wrong. There were plans to invade Iraq dating to BEFORE 9/11. And saying a war with North Korea would be a nuclear war would be like saying a hand grenade is a nuclear weapon. The nuclear tests they\'ve performed have been some of the lowest yield nuclear explosions in history.
  7. Is it just me, or are ponies the only fandom to post their own exclusive image macros? You don\'t see furries posting furry image macros (in my experience) nor anime fans posting anime image macros. (this only applies to places outside their circles, inside them? Fuck if I care.)
  8. Specifically, it feels like the game flow has been destroyed. For example: to get any form of instant healing, you need to reach the Nether. To reach the Nether you need obsidian which either means crafting a large mold to make a portal or having diamond to mine the obsidian to craft a portal. Then you have to kill a ghast - which doesn\'t ALWAYS give you ghast tears, so you need to kill more than one. You can always heal with food, but during combat? It\'s so slow as to be effectively useless...
  9. I played 1.0 just recently, but couldn\'t find enough to keep me going for very long. I don\'t WANT to go back to it, honestly. I have KSP now, and that\'s all I think I\'ll ever need for sandbox games.
  10. Eh, even with that... In multiplayer, all I can remember was things breaking, and no fun being had at all. It\'s completely lost its appeal to me by now.
  11. I don\'t like where it\'s gone gameplay-wise... I just don\'t find it fun anymore, although I hope Jeb improves it. Notch got addicted to money.
  12. I have the ability to do it but I despise minecraft, so I won\'t.
  13. I\'ve been doing lots of reading on the Challenger and Columbia disasters. In both cases, engineers raised concerns with NASA Management, but the management either ignored them or played down their fears... Atlantis could have been launched to save Columbia, because Columbia had 30 days worth of consumables on board - and Atlantis was scheduled for a launch in 25 days, giving 5 days overlap for a rescue mission. But they decided not to look any further into the foam strike problem, not to inspect the shuttle\'s wing for damage after they saw the foam strike. They knew about it, but said that even if something was wrong, there was 'nothing they could do' (which was false). The same applies for Challenger. The cold weather prompted engineers to ask management to postpone the launch, but they refused. The O-rings were only rated to 40 degrees - not the 18 degrees that the launch was at. I could go on, but...
  14. Windows... I\'m using WinRAR. I dunno if the default utility has the ability to extract to a specified location. If not, that\'s kinda sad.
  15. Pretty much, yeah... I\'d really like to get out of here, so I can stop being part of the machine that\'s liable to destroy the world :u (The democracy bomb comment was supposed to be insulting the US war efforts. Going to war with people in the name of 'democracy')
  16. The main thing Russian rockets have going for them is reliability - but the recent string of failures is putting that into doubt.
  17. You\'re arguing with the person who created the pack on how to install it... By 'extract' I mean either copy/paste or drag into an empty parts folder. Or, at least, a folder cleared of Silisko Edition or stock parts. Some things have been renamed for consistency\'s sake, and it\'d break things immensely if you just place it over SE or stock...
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