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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. I like where you\'re going with it but it looks to me like you just increased the contrast and put a layer of dirt over it...
  2. I have an Nvidia card. It always displays huge graphical errors like that, and runs at a very low FPS... Other games are fine, though. Maybe it\'s because my system is 64 bit?
  3. The problem with Wikipedia is, more often than not, things are summarized and paraphrased instead of being given in complete detail...
  4. I promised myself not to get mad as much, but how can you POSSIBLY not notice the date of the post you\'re quoting? The date is RIGHT there! Why are there so many necrobumpers lately?
  5. Eh, I\'m waiting for animation before I add that.
  6. No, 80% of the posts in it would be by me...
  7. That really bugs me. You\'ve spoiled a perfectly good rocket with dozens of RCS things all over it... Is it really that hard to fly manually? It looks so ugly with those RCS jets...
  8. Parts aren\'t symmetrically rotating when attached, as seen. Haven\'t yet tried to replicate but will do so directly. I\'m completely incapable of fixing that. It\'s a bug with KSP\'s symmetry, other people have encountered similar results when making struts like that.
  9. Right now it\'s an SSTO spaceplane like the delta-glider. I\'m going to have two versions, one that launches on an Atlas V, and the SSTO version. Currently I need to fix the ailerons. The payload bay doors work, though.
  10. Right now I\'m working on putting Vanguard into Orbiter:
  11. I explained this either a couple pages back or in another thread - the old version of KSP supported multiple collision meshes, but not anymore. So now it\'s rendering them just like regular model parts.
  12. Here\'s my take: Never release your first work. People are bound to think it\'s terrible. I made the mistake myself and it ended badly. If you keep working on improving your work, then, eventually, it becomes likable to the community. @Chubbs: Shut the fuck up. I tried acting like that and it got me nowhere. Give it up.
  13. I\'m not saying I -did- cheat in SC3k, only that the game gets much easier if you do. I prefer it being difficult, myself.
  14. I would explain it again but I don\'t even care anymore...
  15. Unfortunately, tinypic doesn\'t work for me, and I can\'t view any of these pictures :C Proxy away! Edit:
  16. Working on porting Vanguard to Orbiter...
  17. Yeah, I recommend Unity as well. There\'s lots of documentation for it!
  18. As you can see from the SC4 picture, I can\'t run it. It really, really hates modern systems...
  19. I still need to update this thread fully, but I need a break from this first. Everything blew up in my face.
  20. SC3K is easy if you cheat. Which you shouldn\'t. The main challenge in SC3K comes from the fact you get money at year\'s end, instead of month\'s end like SC4.
  21. Such a shame that it doesn\'t have the Service Module...
  22. I honestly surprise myself that I can regularly type Probodobodyne without making a mistake =p
  23. I was referring to how you can tilt it a certain way and it\'ll float nearly forever.
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