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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. Gee, that\'s unlikely to have repeating letters in it.
  2. With stock parts, it\'s easier to do this single stage than it is multi-stage...
  3. Actually, I just realized. Docking ports probably will be a separate part altogether - we don\'t even need to put them in our models.
  4. I\'m going to use this one, actually. The one in Silisko Edition is incredibly ugly.
  5. Will you stop being so fucking arrogant about your stupid show? Jesus, you make me sick.
  6. This is the best I can refine the image to. It looks like a red, cloth covered box...
  7. When you stop screaming, you realize the only reason you stopped is that there\'s not enough air left in the station to scream with.
  8. Oh THANKS now this thread bothers me for more reasons than ponies :u
  9. Lift an entire kerbal-scale saturn V into orbit with a real-scale version of the F-2X!
  10. But my motivation is already degraded by realization that I\'m not really getting much done. At this rate, neither of us will make anything.
  11. That\'s my image! :x Edit: Oh, it links to my post. You are forgiven!
  12. Fuck I hate you sometimes, Tim.
  13. There\'s already a pack in development by someone else, and I don\'t want to intrude on that...
  14. Should I make ALL bace modules stackable, or only the ones that have a stable part on top (eg, the habitat module and the cargo rack, you couldn\'t feasibly stack anything on top of the telescope)
  15. My only suggestion would be to make the eyes a tad bigger.
  16. Is it narcissistic to listen to your own music?
  17. [redacted] this [redacted] thread
  18. Well, nothing stopping you from that. The base of the BACE model is 1m, so it fits on top of a regular rocket nicely.
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