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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. wgVRVIw.jpg

    1. NovaSilisko


      That oughta spice up the All Activity feed

  2. forum what hapenb

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. isador


      Also, there can be a problem with tags in messages, but they wanted to make a script that will solve it.

    3. _Augustus_


      So when will everything be back?

    4. MennoLente


      An hour after normal people (you know, with real lives) are done waiting, maybe longer. So, bye!

  3. Various aircraft, nothing terribly special, Manchester International airport: [img]http://i.imgur.com/HaYREeV.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/oNHWHUc.jpg[/img] Pigeon, Newark airport: [img]http://i.imgur.com/UmNKHzK.jpg[/img]
  4. Exchange units of distance with one another by means of direct physical or numerical example. Inform them that 1 second is the time it takes for light to traverse 9,324 Linear Gobdorgs to start off, and work from there. Or just make an LED that blinks every second and show them that.
  5. Sooner or later I'll acquire some sort of leather or faux leather for Rama... also will need to figure out how to put text on the spine in that case...
  6. [quote name='Red Iron Crown']The effort you're putting into these books makes me feel guilty for switching to ebooks. Great stuff![/QUOTE] Yeah, ya jerk. :sticktongue:
  7. [img]http://i.imgur.com/XpfNZjs.jpg[/img] Need to sand off the green edging and put some sort of TOP SECRET or EYES ONLY stamp on the front, and maybe see if I can add a piece of packing twine for a bookmark, but the main work is done. Decided to do The Andromeda Strain first because 1. I had the materials to do this idea and 2. I didn't want to screw up Rama forever
  8. Not much reason you'd want to. I guess if you were desperate for habitat structure for wet workshops you could do so, but have fun living in a house that smells permanently like kerosene. Also, wow, I remember you from NASASpaceFlight. Still chasing the proverbial good SSTO design, I see.
  9. [quote name='T-Bouw']Bookifying is something I've been wanting to do for a while. I haven't gotten around to doing it yet. I have some printed out magazines I would like to bundle in book-form. Though because of the way those are printed, it would have to be the glueing method.[/QUOTE] I'm surprised at just how strong simple glue ends up being. It helps strength a lot also if you carve notches into the spine edge of the pages for glue to seep into and generally rough up that end.
  10. [quote name='cantab']Heh. If it was me I'd just get some duct tape and be done with it :)[/QUOTE] You'd be amazed at how badly that works.
  11. I have not driven a tractor, I did operate an excavator briefly when I was like 5 years old, and I have indeed been making my own game. Let's see... I have stolen pieces of the United Kingdom. I have rebound a book (okay, 80% rebound so far) I have touched a moon rock.
  12. [quote name='Bill Phil']Rebuilding books seems pretty cool....[/QUOTE] It's actually a lot easier than I thought it would be (I have damned myself with these words). Youtube's littered with video tutorials on how to do it in various ways. It's just a matter of some clean, careful cutting, and lots of glue. I enjoy it quite a bit.
  13. [quote name='Bill Phil']having to complete things when you start them[/QUOTE] Well, that's not a problem for me at least... There are lots of little things though, but I won't go into them here. Anyway, I think I'm also going to be rebuilding a copy of The Andromeda Strain, just a pocketbook sized paperback which fell apart. I'll make it a miniature hardback while I'm at it. Need to get the old glue off first, though.
  14. FrankenRama as it currently exists. It's a bit funky and lumpy due to uneven glue drying but that will all be hidden once the cover's on. The old backing boards are going to be too short due to the added width of the book thanks to the splint, so I need to get some new chipboard for it... [img]http://i.imgur.com/2SgIqNi.png[/img]
  15. Gluing on the first of the backing papers that will later have the cover attached. Also, I found a way to hide the ugly cardboard of the splint. [img]http://i.imgur.com/QNm7XFT.jpg[/img]
  16. FrankenRama update: The splint on the spine has worked excellently, just not prettily. It's probably sturdier now than it was when it was manufactured, although it's kind of stiff because of it. Still. It's a book again. Corrugated cardboard with the corrugations aligned perpendicularly to the spine, and then the whole thing was saturated with glue before it was allowed to dry. It's completely solid. [img]http://i.imgur.com/tS05p8W.jpg[/img] For the next step, I need three things: 1. A ribbon (for a ribbon bookmark, can't not have a ribbon bookmark when making a book) 2. Colored paper to later affix to the cover 3. Cardstock to affix the colored paper to the splint Possibly four things, if I include some sort of patch to cover the ugly ends of the splint... After that I need to get some faux leather or something with which I can wrap the cover boards with.
  17. Meanwhile, Rendezvous with Rama finally came close to death... [img]http://i.imgur.com/6KwtCDI.jpg[/img] ...and then dropped off its binding entirely. So! Begin the story of FrankenRama. [img]http://i.imgur.com/Pxb09e3.jpg[/img] I extracted the backing boards from the binding for re-use later. At this moment I've glued a cardboard splint onto the back of the split section of pages to patch the hole (it was hardcover but bound like a paperback) which is absolutely slathered in glue. Once that dries I should have what amounts to a paperback without covers. Then I can begin to think about cover materials. Maybe leather, if I can find some general purpose sheets...
  18. [quote name='roarke']You don't have ocd.[/QUOTE] Oh, I dunno about that. Sometimes I reorganize the whole shelf for fun. Doesn't necessarily mean I have to be tidy about it... :P
  19. [quote name='Sampa']<--not a fan of fictional novels[/QUOTE] <--wondering why you came to this thread, then
  20. I feel the need to bump this with a status report. [img]http://i.imgur.com/Ep3SdhQ.jpg[/img] (not pictured: Hitchhiker's Guide, which is floating around somewhere and The Gods Themselves, which is being read, and Bad Astronomy and Death From The Skies, which are on another shelf)
  21. I offer you Han Solo punching a giant alien ferret (star wars expanded universe got weird)
  22. In the real world contracts aren't asking you to put launch clamps on the sun.
  23. I've been wanting to build a 1/24 scale Falcon 9 for a year or two now... That would make it about 6 inches in diameter and 9 feet tall. I could probably paint some PVC pipe or something to get the right shape but, well... kind of a big thing to make.
  24. Things that actually reflect real science gathering, not "silly" stuff like mystery goo or whatever. Dirt scoops, core drills, magnetometers, cameras, geiger counters, alpha-particle x-ray spectrometers, and so on. In short, basically the DMagic science pack. Perhaps somewhere between that and "realistic but fictional" science, ala the gravioli detector.
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