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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. I\'m going to work out a way to do that tomorrow. Edit: Eventually I think I\'ll make my system more robust by removing all code specific to the parts, so the core does most of the work instead of the parts. It\'s kinda messy right now.
  2. I think you might be overcomplicating it. In my case, I just have a percentage value on the main object, then a check in each attached object to make sure that the root part in the vessel is the right module (in this case, ProbodobodyneCore). The core itself has a drain value which represents batteries (right now, it will last about two days left alone, so don\'t power up all your stuff right away without a power source!), and attached parts modify it - solar panels decrease the value (and can negate it, where it will slowly fill up to 100%), and instruments will increase it, draining the power faster. I still need to get a vector from the sun to solar panels to change the production rate, but that will work fine with the system I have set up. It\'s simple enough that it can just be injected into any part without much fuss.
  3. Ah damn, was hoping I could get in contact with you. Oh well, I\'ll wait till tomorrow. Until then, I shall be implementing an electricity system! Edit: From another thread but relevant here:
  4. You\'re new here, so I won\'t get out the plastic explosives.
  5. Nobody ever credits C7 for giving Tosh the wheel code in the first place ;P
  6. No, making a second camera that shows up on the HUD. It\'s fully functional but isn\'t rendering right...
  7. Still wrestling with this to make the background not transparent, and fix some general weirdness. Big thanks to C7 for getting the actual camera working, though. Now I can get some progress in!
  8. The earthquakes are only a minor inconvenience.
  9. http://www.weather.com/outlook/weather-news/news/articles/march-tornado-severe-weather_2012-03-15 http://www.weather.com/outlook/weather-news/news/articles/michigan-tornado-images_2012-03-16 They hit just east of me, near Dexter. Nobody\'s been killed, thankfully, but there\'s a lot of property damage... The generally accepted reason is due to the unusually high temperatures for this time of year - It\'s been 80+ degrees F around here, which is, depending on the location, approaching or slightly above the highest ever recorded temperature for the date.
  10. I tried to land an entire Saturn V + launch pad on the Mun. Didn\'t work, sadly.
  11. That\'s what I\'m hoping, same for the side-mount cameras, and the telescope part. Edit: Now in game
  12. Very nice, I\'ve never managed to work out how to make couplers like that look good.
  13. Need to finish the little bracket texture then it should be good. I need to take a break from large interactions from the forum and KSP modding in general, really stressing out over it lately. But, not until the Probodobodyne release. SE2 alpha 2 too, probably. Also there won\'t be a rover for a while I don\'t think. Having more trouble with it than I anticipated.
  14. Suggestion: Crop your picture to -just- the texture in GIMP.
  15. My vote goes to Aquarius. OR you could name all of them after Dwarf Planets. So, Pluto, Eris, Sedna...
  16. You could make it return erroneous results (eg, add a random variance to it) when over water, since it\'s not exactly the stillest of surfaces.
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