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Everything posted by spikeyhat09

  1. As for were I would live, I'd choose the core of Kerbol. Could take advantage of the nuclear fusion goin on with a geothermal generator.
  2. if you ran it on the worlds most powerful supercomputer, you'd probably starve to death before you launched the most flights possible.
  3. If the volcano was powerful enough to produce a caldera (rather than just blowing off the top part, leaving most of the mountain still intact), it would probably be dormant for millions of years. by then kermans would have gone extinct once they discovered that e = mc^2
  4. Great video. Only criticism is that i didn't quite understand why they kept enabling and disabling their RCS packs while they were talking. Also, there are no sounds (creepy or otherwise) in space.
  5. I doubt the asteroid would needed to have been as large as minmus, but I can see your theory. I still stick with the idea that Moho is really a living organism, and these "craters" are actually its orifices.
  6. fast-forwarding during 70,000 m - 50,000 m during re-entry made my parachute magically disappear a millisecond after it deployed... there were no survivors.
  7. Scheint ethnozentrischen zu mir ... (pardon mistranslations, google translate was used)
  8. In 0.17 they got new suits, which are lined with kevlar and carbon nanotubes. also, there is a new layer of industrial-strength jello inside.
  9. Looks more like Atlas V to me. the fairings wouldn't bulge like that on the Ares rockets like they do on Atlas V (and yours).
  10. I meant as an official ad. profanity in ads is just unprofessional.
  11. I am making some modifications, if anything the boosters were too small... Very nice... very nice. [ATTACH=CONFIG]34540[/ATTACH]
  12. WARNING: Do not watch if you suffer from photosensitive seizures!
  13. I could see it maybe... perhaps if they replaced all the "f*ck"s with "screw"s.
  14. Just thought I'd put this here for comparison *would put it in a spoiler if i knew how [ATTACH=CONFIG]34517[/ATTACH]
  15. were you watching one of uberhaxornova's vids while recording? if not, who's voice is that in the background?
  16. If you end up buying the game, you will need rockets like that (except maybe more powerful) to reach the other planets.
  17. Yea, I used to think that everytime I saw that, it was one of the many pieces of debris flying around my planet. then i looked in map view and realized it was minmus.
  18. one of the many reasons its moar impressiver to do it without mechjeb Still, way cool video. I really liked the voiceovers.
  19. if you really want to be efficient, don't just go straight up. start turning as your burning by (at least) 10,000m, so that by the time your apoapsis is ~60K, your going fully horizontal.
  20. in order for landing rovers on other bodies to be a significant achievement, you really have to do it with only stock parts and no mechjeb (well, besides the rover itself anyway). from my experience, (most) modded parts make the game too easy, and mechjeb is on the edge of flat-out cheating. Edit: also, why do you have more than one Advanced SAS? the effect does not stack by using more than one. the only ones where the effects stack is using the basic SAS modules.
  21. If you attach some small boosters to the sides, you can land more easily, plus bonus points for doing it MSL style like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh2pU6wbtLQ
  22. Fantastic. do it without mechjeb = 9,999,999 x moar awesomerer
  23. Double forum thread. Ok first vid, but very laggy. You should use a recording program that doesn't require so much muscle, like bandicam.
  24. I thought the real thing (or the idea of the real thing) would have larger SRB's in proportion to the whole rocket... So, how does it fly? can you reach Duna? :3
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