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Everything posted by spikeyhat09

  1. Nope. in order to make your periapsis and apoapsis at the same height, the orbit would be circular
  2. even if you dived into Jupiter with an indestructible pod, you would land in a hydrogen ocean before a rocky core.
  3. I did it in negative three minutes.
  4. its funny how all those spoilers are broken.
  5. My point is, is that there are certainly young children who like to play kerbal space program, which is cool because its both a great game and very educational. what that kid doesn't need to see is dildo kerman, etc.
  6. I just burn burn burn in any direction until i leave the muns SOI, then i lower the kerbin periapsis to about 36K and aerobrake down. But why go to the mun when you can go to Duna!
  7. Can someone explain this: [ATTACH=CONFIG]33795[/ATTACH] :/ ...err, yeah.
  8. Sedna. I want Sedna. that, and Gliese 581 g
  9. I really have no idea what you guys are talking about... been playing for multiple versions and have never been attacked by the kraken or cthulhu
  10. I remember my first orbit... was exceptionally elliptical but stable nonetheless... Did you use the "Orbiting 101" tutorial, or just jump right in and happen to find yourself in orbit?
  11. Thanks! Finally got to Jool. I had been burning at the exact moment I reached the angle, not moments before.
  12. yea know right? Now, if i have the chip onboard, and i launch, It doesnt appear until I reach about 2500 meters altitude, at which it appears. the inverse is true for when i launch one without the chip. Ill make a video of it at some point, it sounds rather unbelievable XD
  13. When i first started using this mod it worked fine, however now i get this problem as well. and its not a symmetry problem. I made a tiny ship just to test it and it still happens. Edit: Uhhhh.... now i notice an even weirder bug - when i put NO chip on the rocket, the mod works fine!
  14. Thanks! -Oh I forgot- what about the draw mode thingy?
  15. Can someone give me the link to the "carts" mod or whatever?
  16. I'v heard some talk about changing the conics patch limit in the settings file (or something along those lines ), but i was wondering what this actually does. Can some one explain to me what each conics patch limit does, and what each is good for?
  17. So, the tidal forces on the moon are exactly enough to keep water within the 100C window? without the help from CFCs?
  18. Its really not all that complicated. albeit, there is some more thinking involved vs the easy peasy mun/min mission, but seriously, a 6th grader could do it with this guide: http://ksp.olex.biz/. bookmark it. really helpful. It includes a visual aid as to when/where to burn, and even a calculator that tells you everything you need to know. when it gets down to it, all you need to know is 2 angles. thats it. two (2) angles. if you know how to use a protractor, then you can do it. If even that is too complicated, there is a mod that will tell you EVERYTHING: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/21111-PLUGIN-0-17-AdamKSP-Show-Phase-and-Ejection-Angle-v0-4?highlight=AdamKSP
  19. design more efficient rockets. land on minmus and return. land on another planet. build some spaceplanes. achieve orbit on minmus using only the kerbal EVA RCS backpack. land on the moon of another planet. I really don't know what your talking about, landing on the Mun is one of the first couple of things you achieve in the game, and your acting like you've beaten KSP or something
  20. Use the nuclear engine. The best engine in the game, I kid you not. specific impulse in vacuum of 800!!! incredibly efficient!! I never run out of fuel.
  21. for an astronomy nerd he doesn't seem that excited about the new planets. infact, he seems rather burdened by them.
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