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Everything posted by spikeyhat09

  1. hmm... seems rather small fuel supply for an interplanetary voyage. I'm skeptical. you didn't use any fuel glitches or cheats? If you did do it legitly, great job! you should make a video of it next time. ps: you have about 2,000 extra unnecessary pics in that album
  2. I meant without any sort of mods. To me mechjeb is like cheating.
  3. how the heck did you land that thing? its got no propulsion! is just 3 small parachutes enough to land with 20% atmosphere?
  4. when launching, what degree point should i aim for on the nav ball? going in an inclined orbit to begin with sounds easier and more efficient that performing an inclination change. By north pole of the nav ball, do you mean just the middle point on the blue side, or at the horizon pointed north? Like which one of these?[ATTACH=CONFIG]33511[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]33512[/ATTACH]
  5. Ah, i see. then is Tylo the Io analog? It looks kinda similar, but there wouldn't be any tidal forces against it. not with Bop on the other side...
  6. well, the universe physics in KSP have to be like that of our universe, otherwise it would be no good as a space simulator/game. imagine if gravity were reversed, or anti friction? everything would just zip all over the place!
  7. I have a capable craft... i even have enough fuel left after missing Jool at the apoapsis to reduce my velocity to exactly 0 m/s, and do a perfect sundive. and after that still fuel left.
  8. Oh. I stand corrected. so Laythe is like a Europa analog?
  9. I have been unable to reach eve, I can never get my ejection angle right. also, are you supposed to burn towards 90 degrees or 270 degrees? so far i can only get to Duna and thats like the easiest planet imo.
  10. Now how in the Kerbin are you going to rescue them? I hope Tomely, Munory, and Camgan are extraordinary swimmers. also, How do you fly to Jool? I've done all the basics, the interactive Illustrated interplanetary guide calculator thing, even installed a mod that will tell me the exact planetary phase and ejection angles, but I can never get the glorious conix-patch intercept.
  11. Planet SOI's are minuscule. mun/min landings are childs play compared to reaching Duna. interplanetary travel is pretty much impossible without a higher level of precision (aka, angle measuring), or if you happen to have an incredible supply of good luck lying around.
  12. I suppose it could be something other than water... For example, ?
  13. But would it be enough to prevent icecaps from forming?
  14. Can someone please explain to me how a planet 20 billion meters away from Kerbol (with an atmosphere, though only like 20% that of kerbin) has freakishly large icecaps, while a moon orbiting a planet 70 billion meters miles away is basically one big ocean (Where the atmosphere is only about 70% that of kerbin)? Even with the thicker atmosphere, the moon Laythe would be FAR outside the habitable zone. And it doesn't even have icecaps!! 30% thinner atmosphere, like 5 times as far away as kerbin, and it has no ice caps, while kerbin does?!? whats going on here?!
  15. I think nova mentioned that one of the easter eggs was "accidentally" buried or some such. perhaps in a future update we'll get mining drills or something to dig up the mysterious pyramid.
  16. If you have not planned the landing vessel to be orbit capable already, its too late. to save him, I would suggest launching another rocket to eve, one that is carefully designed to be able to land and then achieve orbit. spaceplanes seem like the best option right now, as they can easily reach the upper layers of the atmosphere, then jettison the wings and get into orbit with a rocket. You would probably have to use the shuttle-like spaceplane cockpit, since it can hold more than one kerman. don't forget to put a few parachutes on decouplers to safely and efficiently descend. if you plan on launching 2 rockets (one for rescue, one for orbital rendesvous and return mission), be sure that each one has the 3 man cockpit, but with only one kerbal in each. that way you can fit all 3 into one return rocket.
  17. I think the three dots to the right means the three inner planets, and the orange one is duna since its fourth, and both the blob and duna have icecaps. The pyramid with the line and the blob at the top of the line I think is a connection between duna and ike, since the sound is emitting from a pyramid on the planet, and ike is its only moon. since ike is tidally locked, it would be relatively easy to figure out where its pointing to. as for the four figures and the symbol with he dot, I have no clue. I'm sure the devs are getting a kick out of our interpretations.
  18. Keep in mind guys that an asteroid belt around kerbal is impossible within the laws of physics of the kerbal universe. an asteroid belt can only exist in our solar system because the gravitational influence of the planet Jupiter prevents them from consolidating into one planet. since the bodies in KSP seem to have this odd "bubble" of gravitational influence, where if your outside the bubble, gravity just "stops", and can only be influenced by one thing at a time, a stable asteroid belt is impossible. It would be outside jool's "bubble", and would form into a planet.
  19. THANK YOU! So much better than measuring the angles by hand... so much better. I don't like mechjeb anyway. makes things too easy Edit: where do i put the "source" file titled "AdamKSP.cs"?
  20. I've been to Duna and it's companion. Designing the rocket is utterly the easiest part by far. with the nuclear engine practically anything can escape kerbins SOI. the real trick is getting the planets to line up right, burning out of kerbin's SOI at exactly the right time, and having an exorbitant amount of luck. here is a great tutorial for getting to the other planets, as well as a calculator that tells you when to burn: http://ksp.olex.biz/
  21. unless the dead carcass on Bop is really a hoax, and the kraken lives on...
  22. 2. and 3. are irrelevant. on the PC, the game takes up like 1.67 GB, which many games take up more. It would be a miracle to get the game even running on such a small device in the foreseeable future, until then its not worth it thinking about screen real-estate management. I've heard talk about simply a VAB app, where you could design rockets and export them to your computer to use, but beyond that I think the phone department is a dead end. perhaps if they released a version for windows 8, it would be able to run on the Microsoft Surface Pro tablet, which has an impressive intel i5 processor. but on a tiny wittle apple A6 chip, uh no.
  23. See, that's the problem. It doesn't NEED the extra thrust. On the vast that that is interplanetary travel, 60 thrust is plenty enough. Adding more thrust would simply make it MORE overpowered. And, it would actually make it quite annoying, since in order to nail planetary intercepts, you need to fire very small amounts of thrust once you get it close.
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