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Everything posted by Holo

  1. The same applies to removing orbits and adding cardboard parts. EDIT: Anyway, I consider orbits to not be fun. I'd much rather like to just be able to point towards somewhere to reach it, so I can build crazy rockets without having to worry about orbital dynamics.
  2. It's called the Sun in game, and it always has been. Nowhere in the game (check the tracking station) is it called the Sun. The devs aren't wrong, everyone else is.
  3. Why do you do that? You start with rockets already, I don't see the purpose of walking. Again, why not take a rocket to a more distant biome? You're shooting yourself in the fun here. Let me just say that Skylab was sent up in one piece, and also there's no need to grind. There are more than enough destinations in the solar system to get enough science without doing boring things like sending the same ship to the same place repeatedly. But this time, have fun on the journey there too.
  4. If you're going to different destinations and running different experiments, it's not grindy. For something to be grindy it needs to be repetitive; science in KSP is not repetitive, unless the player deliberately makes it so.
  5. No it doesn't. For example, take the question "Why do humans exist?". It can easily be answered through mentioning natural selection, without having to mention any sort of motive or external being.
  6. Let me just say that if you ever make a business, I will never, ever work for it. "Good job Holo, you're really working hard. I'll cut your wages so you keep it up!"
  7. Because it means that you can give more money to your favourite game developer and actually get something in exchange for it.
  8. DEFCON style or KMP style. That problem was solved a long time ago.
  9. I feel kind of proud that I was the first to make that post. Personally, I think this is worse than DLC, since DLC was proposed to be after core features but multiplayer seems to be coming before.
  10. And the overly reflective computer monitor strikes again!
  11. How come? Maybe you're not exploring enough, but sending probes and kerbals to far-off destinations is really fun. Other than that, though, I agree - all you can do once landed is go back.
  12. I think that they will look quite similar to Earth life, by the Mediocrity Principle.
  13. I'm sure I can do better EDIT: I still made some major mistakes, I'll try again later
  14. 420.0001: The first casualty from an accident involving a winged craft occurs
  15. Von Neumann machines Asteroids Energy I tell the von neumann machines to construct things out of the asteroids, powered by the unlimited energy.
  16. Wait, what? When did that happen? Are you sure we're playing the same Kerbal Space Program? Seriously, I don't know which game you're talking about, because it's not the realistic spaceflight simulator I've been playing. Paragraphs 2 & 3 are completely agreeable, though.
  17. I feel the opposite, it just needs to be explained well. Every other system introduced to date is easy enough to understand, I'm sure resources can handle it too. I'm picturing mission control explaining concepts to you the first time you e.g. unlock drills.
  18. If they spend too long working on an update, the lurking hordes get restless . Better to have a small update than no update. Although yeah, stop flip-flopping. NASA did it, and look at them now!
  19. That's a bit extreme, but I see your point. I picked up Kerbal Space Program so I could colonise space, not to play with friends. It would be best if Squad stuck to KSP being a space program management game, and left marginal features to our smart and ahem friendly community.
  20. I wish this was CMV so I could give you a delta. Multiplayer's pretty good, but you've helped me come to realise that it will distract from the true purpose of KSP. Multiplayer will be great for KSP, but there are greater things still around that deserve more attention. I'm with you on this one. KSP is a released game that's still under heavy development.
  21. Devs need to eat, you know. If the money for KSP runs out, there will be no updates in the future, at all, ever. Better DLC than nothing. Huh? When did this happen? Care to give an example, because KSP still looks like a realistic space game to me. What's so bad about multiplayer? It's been wanted by many people for a long time, and being able to play the game with other people greatly enriches it. Just ask KMP users. Career mode's only been out this update, either you're a bit too pessimistic about Squad or you've got a time machine That's a bit harsh. You're probably talking about resources and DLC, which have been delayed for good reasons: resources don't make sense without an economy, and DLC was just discussed as a hypothetical future idea when sales begin to wane (IIRC).
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