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Everything posted by Holo

  1. Holo


    Suggested alteration to rule 1: you should be able to deorbit or rearrange spaceship modules with the permission of the person who drawn them or a majority consensus vote. EDIT: Added two trusses for more module attachment points
  2. Holo


    The one on the right is an airlock. I'll dock a hub if it needs one. EDIT: Docking Hub firmly attached.
  3. Holo


    Why not start right now? Meet the Karya Module, the first launched module of the United Kerbal Station: Feel free to touch up my poor first attempt at serious pixel art or add more modules.
  4. Does anyone here use Algodoo? It's a free 2D physics simulator, and its very fun to try engineering things. It has a whole bunch of features, including a simulation of gravity. Here's a picture of a spacecraft hangar I made in Algodoo: It's highly functional, with the hangar doors opening and closing and that cargo elevator on the right being controllable. It's also breakable. A true testament to what Algodoo is capable of.
  5. By if you say something like fifty-five, it could get confusing if not otherwise stated.
  6. I made a naming scheme for dozenal a few days ago. It goes as such: 1-9: As in decimal á˜â€: Dek ÆÂ: Lev 10: Dozen 15: Doz-five 1ÆÂ: Doz-lev 21: Twodoz-one ÆÂ2: Levdoz-two 100: Gross 101: Gross-and-one 110: Gross-and-dozen 125: Gross-and-twodoz-five ÆÂÆÂÆÂ: Levgross-and-levdoz-lev 1 000: Great Æ ÆÂÆÂÆÂ: Levgreat-levgross-and-levdoz-lev 10 000: Dozen-great 100 000: Gross-great ÆÂÆÂÆ ÆÂÆÂÆÂ: Levgross-and-levdoz-lev-great-levgross-and-levdoz-lev Numbers are only named up to ÆÂÆÂÆ ÆÂÆÂÆ (=2 985 983 in decimal), but I'm sure if it was actually adopted that problem would be solved. The dozenal point is a semicolon, to provide a compromise between dots and commas.
  7. Hexadecimal would be more likely. It basically just compresses blocks of four binary digits into a single digit. e.g. 1011 1101 1011 1101 1111 1101 1011 = BDBDFDB I'm also going to advocate dozenal, because 12 is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12 rather than decimal's 2, 5 and 10.
  8. Where's the "No, costs too much" option? That money would be much better spent on other things related to spaceflight.
  9. Genesis 19:24 describes a failed launch of Whackjob's. It does call him the Lá´Âʀᴅ, but I think it's just a translation error.
  10. In the same way that you wouldn't go to the UK in the same way you wouldn't go to the France?
  11. So I was bored, I wanted to find what effect it would have if the strongest nuclear bomb ever made (The Tsar Bomba) was used to slow an asteroid. This is what I got: The density of a stony meteorite is 4.5 g/cm3 =4.5 t/m3 The size of an asteroid is 8 km × 1 km × 1 km This equals 8 000 000 000 m3 =3.6×1010 metric tonnes =3.6×1013 kilograms The orbital velocity of an asteroid is 20 km/s Kinetic Energy = ½ × m × v2 =12 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 J =12×1021 J or 12×1017 GJ Energy of 1 ton of TNT is 4.184 GJ The Tsar Bomba is 50 Mt 50 000 000 × 4.184 = 209 200 000 gigajoules Tsar Bomba Energy ≈ 209 200 000 The energy after the explosion is the energy of the asteroid - the energy of the bomb ½ × 6x1013 × v2 = 11999790800000000000000 = 6×1013 × v2 = 23999581600000000000000 =v2 = 399993026.67 =v = 19999.83 m/s There, I fixed the formatting of the OP. It took nowhere near hours; it's about 6-7 minutes after I started. So nice straw man. Why do you also talk about looks and content as if they are mutually exclusive? Anyway, content doesn't matter if it's unpleasant to read.
  12. You could have it be in super-rapid succession format, where a randomly chosen person in the chat gets control for 30 seconds.
  13. I'm saving for a Steel Mill, 15 000 out of 45 000 obtained so far.
  14. Tell me: What does NASA know about the surface of Pluto? What will NASA know in 2016, having sent a robotic probe there?
  15. You may have been looking at the old tables, the ones that don't take into account advancing technology.
  16. Don't worry, Jeb made a risk assessment meaning that technically he's allowed to go forth with the shooting stars project. However, it consisted of 3 pages of the letters "A" and "H".
  17. If disliking something that you've used once makes you a hypocrite, I don't think there are any non-hyprocrites on Earth. Would you also call a vegetarian a hypocrite if they ate meat at least once in the past?
  18. Basically, this thread is a blatant advertisement of a worldbuilding project my sister and I are working on called the Clesnearous Ora Wiki (located here). It's a sci-fi star cluster/galaxy/whatever, in which multiple space empires exist. These include the Impatinum Waterbe, the Clesnearous Ora (hence the name of the wiki), the Chomperthouds, and probably several more as time goes on. Feel free to read through what's made of the wiki so far, ask questions on this thread (questions are one of the best ways to worldbuild in my opinion), and suggest ideas. To end this poorly written post, I leave you with this picture of a Clesnearous Ora: TL;DR: Sci-fi worldbuilding at this wiki.
  19. Ja, mein Deutsch ist nicht gut und ich spreche Englisch. (that's literally the limit of my German, and by extension non-English-speaking, abilities, and I probably made a mistake somewhere) The user below me likes hexagons.
  20. False, I saw the first three. The user below me is not from the US.
  21. I've signed up to join the alliance, I'm playing as Mestonia. I just built a farm in my city, is that a good idea?
  22. If you think so, go over to the website. The game is actually starting over there, we just need some players. I'm going to message the people who've already signed up tomorrow when I'm not on my tablet.
  23. 1. Yes. 2. No. On topic, it's probably because people are spending more time waiting for the next update than playing the game
  24. That's not very kind. You wouldn't like it if the aliens did the same to you.
  25. Even corporations can have non-financial goals.
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