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Everything posted by Holo

  1. You can keep on accelerating until you are much faster, to the point where (IIRC) shipboard time in our universe is the same as shipboard time in the new universe for a given distance and acceleration.
  2. Actually, it's a skyhook: Or at least that's how I interpreted OP.
  3. Bigger than 0, but not bigger than the current leader.
  4. The tower is so tall that due to centrifugal force the payload, when dropped, begins to orbit.
  5. Reset? Filthy casual. You just need to think a little bigger. (currently researching Bower's Array Notation)
  6. Well, that certainly does beat mine. Wait until tomorrow, I'm busily researching Chained Arrow Notation to slay the number beast.
  7. Walk me through that one step by step and I'll add you to the leaderboard. I'm a googology enthusiast, not a programmer!
  8. Read the wikipedia article for tetration before you post here again. It's for the my mousewheel's sake Plus, 18981G64 is much smaller than my Graham-Number-ation. In fact, I wager that if you were to just do repeated exponentiations like that, you would run out of particles in the universe before you even came close. Technically that will only give you 2G64, since you haven't fed the input back in. Plus, if it was an infinite loop, it would still be a type of infinity. Nice try, though
  9. Rule 1: No infinities. Please read the OP before posting
  10. G64 ↑g64 G64 Graham's Number "Graham's Number+2"-ates Graham's Number
  11. Nothing, 999999999999999999^^921^9999999999 is still under Graham's Number. And can we PLEASE start using tetration and other operations of the like? There's a reason it was invented, and that was to avoid huge walls of exponents
  12. Except for being bigger than the number before, yes. Ditto.
  13. That's only 250612, nowhere near Graham's Number. TheCanadianVendingMachine's record still stands.
  14. Welp, I'm coming back once I'm better at maths.
  15. That also seems smaller, because it has a power-tower height of 7 as opposed to my 10. We'll need a mathematician in to prove that. EDIT: Proof that your number is too small: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=9999%5E9999%5E999999%5E999999%5E999999%5E999999%5E999999 This is "only" 10^^7^6.8, which is smaller than a decker. It's closer though. 3559? A worthy number. Meet the deckerplex: 10101010 Ten tetrated to one decker. Bask in its deckerplexical glory.
  16. It might be big, but it is much, much smaller than the number I posted before. That number only has 148 digits. Mine has 10^^9+1, if my knowledge of tetration is adequate.
  17. Stepping this up a notch, I see (though it isn't big enough). Well then, 1010 (or 10^^10 for an ASCII version) Tetration! This number is called one Decker. Your move, Mr. Micronumber Indeed. I don't see why there would need to be any other things. Mathematics doesn't care about foolish human concepts such as "sensibleness".
  18. An excellent start . 101010100 One googolduplex. We're just getting warmed up.
  19. For some reason, EzVid isn't working on my computer right now. Is it OK if I post an album of screenshots instead?
  20. The goal of this game is simple: to post a number larger than the person before you. How you choose to do this is up to you - any sort of notation goes. There are only a few rules: No infinities No referencing the number before you (e.g. whatever you said + 1) It must be possible to prove that your number if larger than the person before Bonus points if you write it out in words. I will begin, with 3/three. Number Record: Googolplex, by vexx32 Googolduplex, by Holo 4242424242+2(424242), by mrrpamplemousse Decker, by Holo 3559, by TheCanadianVendingMachine Deckerplex*, by Holo Graham's Number, by TheCanadianVendingMachine G64G64, by ProjectXMark1 G64 ↑g64 G64, by Holo A C++ Loop, by TheCanadianVendingMachine (technically violating Rule 2, but it's not a zero-effort number so it still gets a place here) A Transfinite Number, by jaidens111 42^A Transfinite Number^...(930 layers omitted)...^A Transfinite Number, by jaidens111 42^A Transfinite Number^...(3569 layers omitted)...^A Transfinite Number, by jaidens111 Tf↑↑Tf, by Holo * A Deckerplex is equal to 10101010; in other words, 10 tetrated to a Decker Player Record: Holo with 5 large numbers TheCanadianVendingMachine and jaidens111 with 3 large numbers vexx32, mrrpamplemousse and ProjectXMark1 with 1 large number
  21. I'm gonna attempt a launch of the WSO tommorrow.
  22. Should we share a persistence file? It would improve the immersion and make it possible for organisations to collaborate on large projects. EDIT: Is this OK for a base?
  23. Yeah, blue is a bad colour for likes. They should change it back to green.
  24. That's a roleplay, and not even similar to this one (for a start, this thread isn't roleplaying and people will get kicked from it for roleplaying if OP is to be believed). Even if it was, many people (myself included) think that KSP roleplaying should be done differently, and a single website shouldn't be the only one in existence ever. With that done, may I join? Name of Territory: WSO Leader of Territory: Holo Official Territory Flag: N/A
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