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Everything posted by Holo

  1. Don't worry! My analogy can be both accurate and bad!
  2. If it looks like a male and it quacks like a male...
  3. It's really annoying when you complain about hypothetical future issues people take with your post that never even manifest. Besides that, "WWII Socialist Party" is so ambiguous! Try NSDAP or Third Reich - both of those are pretty clear that they refer to the leader of the Axis powers. Hitler's Germany is also a good way to refer to it. Anyway, I've KSP-sized a lot of third reich flags for you. Have fun simulating WWII on Jool or whatever you want to do! Party Flag (1920-45) National Flag (1933-5) Merchant Flag (1933-5) War Flag (1933-5) Army Service Flag (1933) Service Flag (1933-5) National Flag (1935-45) Merchant Flag (1935-45)
  4. That seems more fake than the quality of this analogy.
  5. Of all the innovations in Kerbal philosophy ever made, this is one of the worst ones. I bet that you're also going to go around saying that the VAB doesn't allow one to construct spacecraft, because it's just a video game and at best it's binary code we interpret as rockets? And that Kerbal Space Program is a misnomer, because Kerbals aren't real, it's not actually in space, and things that don't exist can't organise things into programs?
  6. Yes. I can. Anyway, this person is so awful. Everyone knows that all resources spent on doing this would have magically turned into food and shelter for poor people if he hadn't did it.
  7. What were they doing with a shuttle on the Moon, anyway? I'm pretty sure they should have got something that can land vertically outside of an atmosphere regardless of any future propulsion technology.
  8. Everyone who disagrees with the OP is simply denying the Kerbals of credit for their untold many scientific advances. Where do you think solar panels came from, for example? Definitely not humans, that's for sure.
  9. I rename my flags to debris in the tracking station. It means that they don't count as flights or clutter the map, but they're still there to visit if I feel like it.
  10. Well of course. Erikson's voyages to North America revealed all possible knowledge about the Americas. Further expeditions there were complete wastes, and nothing good came of them, right up to the present day.
  11. Only 10? I'm disappointed (also note that Eeloo's orbit corresponds better to that of Jupiter than that of Pluto in terms of distance)
  12. In this game, I aim to simulate the scientific process. What happens is one person plays as Nature and defines one or more laws of physics. These laws of physics determine how an input is processed. These are defined at the start of the round, and can not be changed afterwards. Nature can also decide which types of input are acceptable. All other players play as Scientists. They give an input to Nature, who then applies the laws of physics to the input in order to give an output. This is called an Experiment. The Scientists win once they have successfully found out the laws of physics from giving input. Whoever works out the law of physics gets to be Nature, or they can pass on the title to someone else. So, general play would go as such: Α: I am playing as nature, and have came up with the laws of physics for this round. Experiments can be done with numbers from 1-14. Β: I perform an experiment with the input 7. Γ: I perform an experiment with the input 14. A: Β’s result is 8. Γ’s result is 1. Γ: Is the law of physics that one is added the the number, with 15 wrapping back around to 1? A: Γ’s hypothesis is incorrect. Β: I perform an experiment with the input 5. A: B’s result is 8. Β: Is the law of physics that even numbers output 1, and odd numbers output 8? A: B’s hypothesis is correct, B wins. With that example done, I begin! Experiments can be done with any integer.
  13. Why does putting people on Mars or the Moon for no reason count as progress? There's no sort of metaphysical counter which says that going to space gives you the most achievement points.
  14. If there is a sequel, of course I'll buy it!
  15. That sounds a lot like Earth! (oh wait)
  16. The wheat farming mechanic is cheaply hacked together, and noone really wanted it anyway. They should have spend that time adding the heavily-requested plasma cannon.
  17. D-27771, please perform an additional trial and log your thoughts. More data is needed by the Foundation to attempt to replicate the memetic effect in other subjects.
  18. He did admit to the possibility of orbital satellites, though:
  19. I have lost my ability to even. "I have never heard of a parachute." Spaceflight is sexist. Therefore, it doesn't exist (???). Okay, we get it. Mass. Geez. Firstly, they haven't researched it because safety concerns (at the end of the day, you're sending nuclear stuff up into space), and because money (any practical purpose of an NTR would be very expensive since it's only effective for high delta-v, high payload tasks). Secondly, you just described the rocket equation. You'll also notice that the rocket equation grows exponentially, but still has a solution. Thirdly, you can dodge the planet or moon. Might want to look up "orbits". UPDATE: This guy's started up some actual GCSE level physics. They're backing up their claims with evidence. It's a shame they missed one vital fact: rockets get lighter as they burn fuel. Had this person read up on the rocket equation, they would realise that their equations aren't very accurate. A sad case indeed. Overall, this person understands just enough physics to back up their claims, but not enough to know that the physics they know isn't the whole story.
  20. I think you can, but if not sticks are basically rocks and you can definitely throw sticks.
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