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Everything posted by Holo

  1. That seems pretty extreme, and also damning if true. If you don't mind me asking, could you direct me to some evidence?
  2. We're not living in fear at all, and you won't get banned. This forum's not the Democratic People's Republic of Squad, you're allowed to have your own opinion. Squad's been going through some pretty hard times (The Great Crash of 2013, Steam Crisis, DLC Crisis), and there's not much community interaction because: A). Every time Damion or Skunky says anything, we hound them with complaints. . The devs are too busy making the game to show us anything. As an amateur game developer myself, I can also tell you that a lot of the work put into a game is pure code that you can't take a pretty screenshot of. Resource handling, stuff like that.
  3. HEY GUYS GUYS Guys, listen. Every time Damion or Skunky says anything, we hound them with complaints. Is it no wonder, then, that they are reluctant to post stuff? Maybe if we're all nice and do our research before posting, they'll start taking to us again.
  4. He's basically the PR guy, so he gets all the hate for everything that happens for some reason.
  5. Please be very late April fools. Please be very late April fools. Please be very late April fools.
  6. KSP used to make frequents posts and streams to engage with the community. Then there's a DLC Crisis. Squad suddenly stops talking to us. DamionRayne starts acting strangely. Of course we're going to be goddamn worried, even if it's only been a few weeks.
  7. I hope that Squad doesn't decide to stop talking to the community because some whiny idiots in r/gaming decided to complain about not being Squad's bosses because they bought one game. Dear Squad, We don't hate you. Please talk to us?
  8. This makes me really concerned
  9. I know nothing about this, but I think the universe is finite but curved, so you'll eventually end back up where you started if you travel far enough. So the universe goes from being finite to being finite but larger.
  10. They have a rare virus that they live in symbiosis with called "Gamus Unfinishicus" which can turn LiquidFuel + Oxidizer + Screams -> Glucose + Carbon Dioxide (+ ATP). I personally think of them as having human-like skin.
  11. The balloon metaphor is good on this. To an ant living on the surface of the balloon, there is no "central point" the balloon is expanding from.
  12. Holy... You're actually Winchell Chung himself? Sign my shirt!
  13. In a way, this is more important and inspiring than the ISS. It shows humanity that a normal person, if they have the money, can actually go to space right now.
  14. The many arrows mean that all of these should be needed to do the mission. You could also interpret it as that though. The tasks can be colour coded and grouped. What kinds of groups are you thinking about?
  15. The international energy agency claims that we've already reached peak oil.
  16. Yeah, but most of that oil is under the ice wall, and those damn environmentalists won't let us drill there!
  17. That makes me wonder - what if a country decided to detonate a space nuke? Would 1/3 of all the satellites be killed like they were back when someone tried it in the cold war?
  18. Yes is all that needs to be said.
  19. Laythe probably has a couple of microbes, but other than that, no life.
  20. It's not meant to be readable, it's meant to look like this horrendous beast. When I'm actually working on it, it looks like this:
  21. Yep. I just want to get the "Integrated Space Plan" vibe from it. Nope; it starts at suborbital craft, which is near the bottom center.
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