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Everything posted by Holo

  1. Y-you just killed off everyone! For no reason! Dibs on chapter 4 being sidrod's zero-g induced nightmare.
  2. I feel like making an AAR, so why not do one of a manned mission to Moho? After all, Moho is not a very nice place to live. I'm taking inspiration from the Martian and that Grand Tour AAR. I also need a better title for it. I'm also terrible at making introductions, so I'll just start the AAR here and spare you the pain of having to read another word of this abysmal opening. Chapter I Aboard the Querme I, 200km above Kerbin Jebediah- This is Querme I. Lander docking successful. Beginning crew transfer. Mission Control- Roger that Querme I. Remember to do the ch-- clicking noise, and then static Jebediah- Good, now that I don't need the ascent guidance, I can switch off that damn radio. It was distracting me from some good old fashioned boosters. Gregkin- Way better in the old space program, back when we were trying to beat the kommies. Now it's all "safety" this and "life-endangering injury" that. Jebediah- Anyway, headcount. Bill? Bill- I'm alive. Try not to pull more that 4 gees on the ascent next time. Jebediah- Joelo? Joelo- What? Yeah, um, I'm here. Jebediah- I know Gregkin's here, Barrim's up in the pod with me, leaving Bob. Bob? no sound is heard Jebediah- Bob? Bob- Uh? You look fuzzy... Bill- Look, you made Bob unconscious. Keep it under three gees next time. In fact, just let mission control fly it remotely. Jebediah- Sure, whatever. Get on your zero-g suits and go to the hab modules. Open the airlock doors, Mechjeb. The six kerbonauts enter the airlock, where the door seals behind them. Each put on their zero-g suits, including Bob who is half-dazed and helped by Bill. Mechjeb- I'M SORRY JEBEDIAH. I'M AFRAID I CAN'T DO THAT. ... THE AIRLOCK PRESSURE STILL NEEDS TO EQUALISE. Jebediah- Leave the jokes to me, next time. Mechjeb- ERROR. COMMAND DOES NOT PARSE. Jebediah- Stupid computer. Mechjeb- MY CIRCUITRY IS MODELED ON THE BRAIN OF FLIGHT COMMANDER JEBEDIAH KERMAN Three beeps, followed by the airlock door opening. The kerbonauts exit. Jebediah- At least out here I can remember the time this space program was run by the astronauts. Mechjeb- RADIO TRANSMITTER IS ACTIVE. EVA GUIDANCE WILL BE GIVEN. That's part one done. I'm also terrible at making exiting sentences, so I'll just click "Submit New Thread" now and spare you th
  3. Yep, I did. But still, smells like sabotage...
  4. I have a vague feeling that the moon buggy's failure wasn't just a mechanical fault, but something more sinister... (an electrical fault)
  5. Bill is the one for the job. Let's have a look at some of the "good" things Jeb has done for our city: Increased taxes to construct rockets. Unemployment up due to workplaces being destroyed by failed launches Funding cuts for schools so that more boosters can be built With all these bad things, is it no wonder that Bill should become mayor of Kerbapolis for 2014?
  6. When I click sign up, it says my username is blank even when I put something in. This only occurs on the new host.
  7. I love you. Also, I'm working on my own mission pack for remote tech (or stock, but it has more of a purpose than remote tech)
  8. By 2023, hard drives will be about 30 terabytes. Just download the whole internet
  9. Yeah. One-way mission to Mars are a terrible idea.
  10. Which is why I'm a proponent for return trips. There's also prestige. Which makes you prouder to live on this planet: we sent robots to the moon, or we send humans to the moon?
  11. The challenge guidelines say that you need to at least try to complete your challenge.
  12. Exploration isn't the only reason to visit Mars. Also, some science could only be done with a manned mission, like "What happens when you lock 5 people in a tin can for several months and send it 90 million km away?".
  13. The 8x8 structural panels won't connect to each other. They come apart straight away.
  14. Love this parts pack, but it's really difficult to fly with it. In version 2, can you add some engines that fit the new large parts?
  15. It will always be a return, because the people paying for the spaceflight won't want to associate themselves with sending astronauts to their death. Instead, a fuel factory (sabatier reaction or whatever it's called) will be sent there two years in advance, so by the time the astronauts get there they'll already have a ticket home. To lower the mass costs of a two-way journey, you could separate it into multiple launches. The technology exists to soft-land a ton of payload onto Mars surface, so you could split the base into multiple payloads. By the time we do a manned mars landing (2035-2038?), that number will be larger. Of course, this could all change if a country with less concern to human rights becomes spacefaring...
  16. I prefer the Mercury capsule because it has better thrusters so you can aim it for reentry and you can land on Earth in one.
  17. I picture the ball of energy as a very hot black hole. The passengers are in the event horizon (holographic universe theory style).
  18. If you hit orbital velocity, you will begin to ascend.
  19. It was, though I think the devs completely designed the other planets and moons of the solar system.
  20. Just wondering, but does 3.3.4 work with the newest version of KSP?
  21. The gravity would be in kermeters per second squared though, so it would also scale.
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