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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. I run KSP on a really crappy laptop with 20 fps average and I hope 1.1 won't ruin that.
  2. [QUOTE=]Red Iron Crown;2301235 Maybe I should turn this around and ask: What does an electric prop offer that an LF+O powered one does not, aside from infinite endurance?[/QUOTE] Not much tbh. But I've never heard of a prop that uses liquid rocket fuel in order to work. Unless we're talking about LF+Air. If so, I have nothing against that. E: oh wth touchscreens are a real pain to work on. I'm not fixing that quote
  3. [URL="http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k297/monsterzero_jr/blitz.jpg"]I'd rather have a high visibility full-glass cockpit than that ugly thing back.[/URL]
  4. [quote name='Capt Snuggler']well then technically all craft can have unlimited range. EC craft need solar panels/RTGs. LF craft need ISRU kit.[/QUOTE] Yup, pretty much, but only one of those needs less resources to work. I kind of get what RIC is trying to say. Electric propellers would be a great way to abuse science grind on atmospheric bodies, but I still think they are a pretty nice thing to have. They could be balanced. E: I'm thinking about that cooling liquid some people mentioned. Maybe it could be a way to make them more balanced? On hotter bodies the liquid would get hot faster than on the cooler worlds. If you had the propeller set to 100% thrust on Eve it would overheat after, let's say 5 minutes, but if you did the same thing on Laythe it would overheat after 15 minutes.
  5. [quote name='Capt Snuggler']surely scaling the electrical requirement would discourage spamming. How would making it LF+O dependent prevent spamming and more than its electrical consumption?[/QUOTE] It wouldn't have unlimited range if it had limited fuel. Unless there was ISRU on board.
  6. [quote name='nikokespprfan']-I don't really know the difference between a landed base and a colony, other than the fact that a colony can be multiple crafts in a certain area. Although it would de-clutter a lot of in tracking station if you would take said crafts together in one colony, although I don't know how the game would define that colony area. Also: plane icon.[/QUOTE] Or you could connect them with a bunch of KAS-like pipes to merge them together. And I agree. A plane icon is needed. Maybe uncrewed vessels with wings/landers could get a quadcopter-like icon? Not sure what's the definition of drone though. EDIT: [URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unmanned_aerial_vehicle"]Reaper or Quadcopter icon. Both would work fine for me.[/URL]
  7. Eh, I just noticed that it needs to be a realistic paintings so no space ferrets. That sucks :L Thanks anyway guys. I guess this means Space Art Megathread!
  8. [quote name='Red Iron Crown'][SIZE=1]Please, please, please get rid of the tankbutts.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Ahem! I will just... I will just add a few characters to this.
  9. Electric props/propfans for scout drones. Nothing OP. Also inflatable base modules.
  10. [quote name='tater']The idea that we have to wait for all possible plane parts to be awesome before rocket parts is pretty absurd. The continued release of shiny, new plane parts, makes the frankly terrible looking rocket parts look even worse.[/QUOTE] That's because PorkJet specializes in plane parts. They hired him to redo those first. Otherwise we would get that MK3 Choo-Choo cockpit. As I said before: He's the only guy rworking the parts right now (AFAIK). When he's done doing that he might redo the rocket parts. If there was another person working on those I'm afraid we would again have more than one art style AKA The Stock Soup (pretty much what we have now).
  11. There are at least two mods that deal with this problem AFAIK. But I agree. I already said this in the thread about pilot class, but I'll say it again: Vessels shouldn't despawn if there is at least one Kerbal Pilot on board of the vessel flying in the atmosphere.
  12. I'm pretty happy with my Mad Catz CYBORG V1. I play sims in an unusual way by holding the stick in my left hand (even though I'm right-handed) and the mouse in my right hand to look around. It's symmetric so it's great for that kind of thing. My previous was Predator XThrust, or sth like that. It's swivel wore off pretty quick and dead zone got enormous. Also the shape wasn't very handy (A PUN! HAH!) for lefties. Got it for some silly price below 100PLN, which is about $25, if I'm not mistaken.
  13. Apart from that it would be nice to have some sort of "sleeves" that could connect two different vessels. Just what KAS pipes do, except bigger, so we can pretend Kerbals walk through those when being transfered.
  14. That's some amazing stuff! Thanks a ton, guys!
  15. So I have an assignment for my university class to find a little known painting and describe it in english and I thought maybe you guys could help me? I want the painting to be sci-fi-ish or have something to do with science. There needs to be at least one person doing something on it. Not just sitting and breathing but actually running, shooting, or whatever a space adventurer might do. Just nothing trippy, please. I'll be happily giving out rep points for anyone who contributes. Maybe we could even turn this thread into Sci-Fi Art Megathread!
  16. Oh, I came up with something new, guys! Think about this: A vessel with a pilot onboard doesn't despawn after hitting the 22km limit in atmosphere! Pegasus and MAKS type of missions! Woooo!
  17. Eh, it's not another one of those request threads so I guess I'll join in: Parts: -Electric props -pWings (maybe) -Damage (simple decals like scorch marks, holes causing fuel spills making the tanks more prone to catching fire, etc.) -Camera/telescope parts -Inflatable habs for surface bases -LF/LF+OX/MONOPROP tweakable for tanks +Hire some more people who have very similar art style to PorkJet's to help him finish the work faster. Planets: -Rehire NovaSilisko to redo them so they look more like in Alternis (great mod btw) -Change Eve's and Jool's colours to sth more sane -Add meteorites(?) randomly entering the atmosphere from time to time. Same thing for volcanoes and occasional water on Duna (maybe something else?) -Procedural craters on more bodies (currently on Mun only) KSC: -Rehire bac9 so he could bring his magic back and redo the low and mid tier buildings -More places with runways and to launch rockets from -Make that damn telescope in R&D functional to observe not only planets but also other parts of the universe (great way to educate kids about what else is up there) Gameplay mechanics: -Better Kerbal XP -KAC implementation -KER readouts -KIS/KAS implementation -Simplified Life Support (food only, kerbals need EC to stay alive, greenhouses) That's about all, I think.
  18. I think that introduction of life support would be a perfect justification for the wierd mass numbers of some pods/crew cabins. A heavier hitchhiker would store more Food (or some other LS resource) than the Mk2 crew cabin with the same crew capacity but lower mass. Or have an LS built-in module, like water/air purification system, or whatever.
  19. I'm with RIC and Alshain on this one. Kind of torn. Modular wings are alright IMO, but recently I've been experimenting with B9 pWings for the BAD-T tournament and they are amazing for smooth and aerodynamic wings with control surfaces not sticking out like we have now. pWings are really amazing for that kind of thing. And with that sentence I think I just changed my mind. Not the tanks though. I like LEGO rockets.
  20. Some sort of hall of fame for vessels with the list of achievements of each one of them would be nice.
  21. No, it wouldn't. A simple texture replacement wouldn't help it's bizzare shape. It has already happened two times and it never looked as good as it looks now.
  22. Nice. But I'd still prefer a high visibility one (like B-29 or Arado 234). Such two seater would be great for rovers and planes at the same time. And would look wicked kewl.
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