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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. That is really nice to know. I was starting to worry about all those new parts we get every update, but that doesn't seem like a peoblem.
  2. Nice rockets! - - - Updated - - - It would be too big. It's meant to fit one kerbal in there. A single kerbal isn't 2.5m high
  3. I know. The Pulkzerstorer (50mm one) was never used against bombers AFAIK.
  4. Well done! I think we need some sort of "My first X in KSP!" thread. - - - Updated - - - Or that
  5. I would be happy if KIS ans KAS became stock.
  6. I asked for it in one of my threads. Might be my poor interpretation of RoverDude's words, but he said it's open for modding if we want atmospheric ISRU.
  7. Oh, I didn't notice someone bumped my thread! Sorry! Uh, I would answer your question, but I don't remember even though I just finished another mission using the plane to save another Kerbal. About 450m/s in LKO IIRC? That's way more than enough to rendezvous and go back. But you need to remember not to be aggresive when docking, because it doesn't have much Monoprop. I totally forgot to include that info, didn't I? ================EDIT================ Anyway, here's another mission. See how much fuel is left in the last pic. For some reason KER gets confused whenever I fly it, so I couldn't check the dV.
  8. I really would love to have my own Xenon-based industry in KSP. Would be fun to obtain it from atmospheric bodies and haul it back to Kerbin for profit. Also no Xenon in Kerbin's atmosphere for obvious balancing reasons.
  9. Neat. I always imagined we would get a tool like this right along with tutorials and scenarios. But the in-game scenario creator never happened :/
  10. Or we could use Air Scoops for that. ISRU could suck the atmosphere in through the intakes we already have in game and cool it down to get Xenon. But it will never happen, because the devs don't want it for some reason.
  11. I just realized that having LS would be a good mechanic countering the Lab Module. We should be limited by LS resources and not some data/science cap on the Lab. It would produce infinite science only by adding a greenhouse to the base, so the greenhouse should be somewhere at the end of the tree. What I'm trying to say is that if LS was in the game the Lab wouldn't need all of those silly limitations it has now.
  12. Sooo... What else can we expect in the next mod update? I really want to hear some of those custom sounds.
  13. Happened a few days ago, but didn't have the time to upload it earlier. It's my drone mission to Laythe. Got tons of science for it. The first picture is what it was based on. Had to redesign the wings and the tail part to fit in a fairing. Surprisingly, the atmospheric entry went pretty smooth. I'm really proud of it. Not like it was super hard, but I like the fact that I menaged to reuse one of my planes and put it on a rocket the way it doesn't have any major CoM offset. Came in somewhere over the equator and went north to complete a contract. Then landed in the northern ice cap area. It now sits there for future manned missions to refuel and repurpose it. - - - Updated - - - How did you get a name on that thing? A custom flag?
  14. Sounds Niponese. Nah, just leave him there. He'll be fine. Not like there's any sort of life support to care about, right?
  15. Give the pilots the ability to check CoM, CoT and CoL during the flight. It would help to balance the plane when fuel is being used up. It's kind of what they do IRL, right?
  16. Can't give rep, so I will only say that it's true. Many of my friends are discouraged to keep playing because of the lack of vital info. Then I tell them to download KER and check the Cheat Sheet on the wiki. But they don't do that because don't consider learning fun, I guess, so there should also be a bunch of in-game tutorials focused around needed dV to get to orbit, what's TWR, etc.
  17. I'm really torn. There are like two sides in my brain right now. One is like "Damn! This is amazing! I hope it's aliens!" and the other is more like "Meh. It's probably something natural." It's the worst. Sooo... When will we be sure what exactly is happening there? I really need answers. Surprise Edit Questions: Do we know if the other star is a companion and how old they are? Would a planetary system around one of them be stable to keep a planet in habitable zone?
  18. I just thought it's still planned since the ISRU system is relatively new. Was expecting some more tweaks/features to be added. Was also sleepy and grumpy at the time I was posting that.
  19. How is adding the feature of extracting ore from air complex? Only because it adds a feature doesn't mean it's more complex. And it would be more realistic than digging with drills in the ground. Having ore in the ground only feels limiting.
  20. Nice. Good thing we have those mods. Seems we don't need that in stock anymore! We're done here! Close the thread!
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