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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. I would actually like to see a green house with glass roof and consuming electricity. Just to balance things out. Maybe the amount of electricity could rise the farther from the sun it gets, because, you know, photosynthesis. Similar to how solar panels work now.
  2. That's exactly what I need! It's a 2xTurbo Ramjet+2xSwivel combo, right? Was trying to make the same thing that would be capable of transporting 4 crew for quite a while now. Hope you won't mind if I copy your design and adapt it to my needs? EDIT: Anyone else got any RAPIER/Aerospike-less SSTO designs I could take a look at?
  3. Yeah, I was about to quote your post from the beginning of the thread (which I didn't do, because using the forum on mobile is painful) about the warnings. Something KAC-like that would calculate the next low-dV transfer, so you could send the supplies interplanetary if needed, would be great. EDIT: And about kerbals dying... When I mean Kerbals die, they die-die. No corpses though. When there's no food on-board the crew should be able to survive for a week, or two and then if the supplies don't come in time they simply vanish and appear MIA on KSC's roster. Ghost stations! Scaaaaaaaaaary!
  4. I agree with people who say it should be simpler than TAC LS. I'm not really a fan of hardcore micro management of all the systems of the ship. And the resource tab would get cluttered and scary. I'd say one resource should be added and be simply called "Food" or "Snacks", or whatever. Then if any Kerbal was on board of the vessel it would consume X amount of electricity (just like probes do) to simulate the need of heat to stay alive and isolate CO2 from the atmosphere. A greenhouse part could be added and when a part of the ship it would produce infinite amount of food for, let's say, 4 crew members, but would need crazy amounts of electricity non-stop. To sum this up: -Kerbals need food+electricity to stay alive -A green house can produce infinite amounft of food for X kerbals, but also needs a lot of electricity.
  5. I like the idea about endpoints being different colors. Dunno about bi-directional transfer. Seems easy enough to put another fuel line just the other way around. I did that on spaceplanes before jets drained fuel from all of the vessel's tanks.
  6. 4-man, Turbojet+LV-N SSTO. Make it look sleek and stylish. GO! I need that for my Laythe polar base project. EDIT: Make it look similar to this one:
  7. Sliding bay doors anyone?
  8. Seems like some sort of phantom forces to me. Either that or docking port magnet-propelled contraption.
  9. Well, that's not what I meant. I do the exact same thing actually. At least 1 hitchhiker per every 2 crew members. What I meant is that transporting the said crew of the expedition in the hitchhiker, from KSC to the mothership in orbit waiting to depart, is a bit silly. Or to the surface and back, or whatever. A proper capsule that can transport 4 kerbals and is able to be controled by them is needed. And I mean for 2.5m rockets. Not MK3 SSTOs.
  10. I would rather have a Dragon-like pod with crew of 4, tbh. The fact that I have to use Hitchhiker to transport my interplanetary crew is killing me. Always need a probe on it and panic whenever I lose control. I'm not saying that having a two-seater is a bad idea, but I don't think it would be very useful.
  11. Oh, okay. Always thought the Tracking Station upgrade unlocks the nodes.
  12. So I've been playing career mode for quite a while now, but after some upgrades I noticed that after right-clicking the Mission Control building it says: "Flight planning available". What is that? Does MC have some hidden feature I never noticed?
  13. I confirm this. I haven't played much with anchors and harpoons, but shouldn't you be able to pick it up when on EVA? Hold G and place it somewhere else or put it in your inverntory.
  14. Well, the problem with cooperation being boring and limiting is only because the already existing crew roles system is boring. We have all those kerbal classes (three) and they are kind of useless. The only things they can do now is right-click things and reset the Mystery Goo/ repair wheels. They should be enhanced. For example: The pilot flies (duh), the engineer plots the manouver nodes, welds stuff and monitors life support and the scientist sits back in the lab and cooks things, or whatever a scientist in kerbal universe can do (some sort of lab minigame would have to be included, I guess). EDIT: OK, let's say players can switch roles whenever they want. Bam! Now everyone can do the docking! I have nothing against flying in formation. That is 100% fun, if you ask me, though the space missions should be locked to only one at a time. I know it sounds limiting, but think about it: You send one piece of your station, then you send another. Just like in singleplayer, except with someone who can occasionally switch the control over the two vessels in range and re-align them in case something goes wrong. I don't really get it. So Player 1 fools around the KSC with his jet and sees Player 2 go out of the Kerbin SOI superfast, and then teleports to Duna? Then you go there and agree to sync with him? Can you see him but not interact, or what? How does that differ from DMP? The only different thing I can see here is the fact that you can see Player 2 timewarp. EDIT: I swear no more editing! :I
  15. Today I sent my engineer to the Mun in order to train him in base assembling. Nothing spectacular. The module to the right is an old, unmanned and low-tech outpost I landed there in order to fulfill some contract. Never visited by anyone before. Figured I might go there, gather science and go back home. Next stop: Duna.
  16. KAC has everything you need to know. I always send probes first to as many planets and moons as possible. Just to do some scouting (although I've been there before career mode was a thing). Then I send some sort of an outpost, and once that's set up I send crew to connect everything and gather science. Basically, I go unmanned: whenever there's an opportunity to do so. Go manned (Mun -> Minmus -> Duna -> Laythe): When there's a base set on the surface already.
  17. I agree. Can't really imagine how re-stuffing the SRB with solid fuel would work.
  18. D: I know I might be late to this, but damn, this mod is fun! Just Watney'd my first abomination:
  19. It's possible to attach the fuel lines with only KIS installed, right?
  20. Woah! Such a cool, yet simple mod! Didn't know I need it until I saw it!
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