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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. Would be nice if we could "scoop" the atmosphere to make fuel. It's actually not that unrealistic.
  2. If I'm not mistaken the parts would need at least two states for it to work (like wheels do). That means it's twice as much models. That would be catastrophic for RAM. Unless you want softbody physics. That would be a bit too much to redo, I think. But I would like to see scratches and burning effects. Maybe even parts catching on fire before they explode, instead of simply going "BOOM!" after hitting the ground. Also clouds of gas after depressurazition.
  3. I'd rather have an electric propeller added, to be honest. Basic jet engine is not that bad.
  4. I noticed that some parts when heated up have some sort of layer that glows red, and others look like this ^^^ Notice how only certain spots of precooler glow red. Since I am not a modder and have no clue how to model/make effects I assume it's emissives?
  5. Hey, I really like how your SSTOs look! Copied the clippy-cockpit idea and modified it a bit. It was only a sub-orbital hop, that I really screwed up on reentry, but it had so much fuel I'm pretty sure it could achieve LKO. Still WIP.
  6. I like the idea a lot. Though it could be done in a bit different way. Generate points of interst around a planted flag. You plant a flag and the system generates contract-like points of interest in a few kilometer radius. You go there, take a sample, come back to base to analize it.
  7. Yeah, I guess some sort of warp voting system would be necessary. Even if the gameplay was based on my "coop" idea with different roles for every crew member. After some thinking I came to conclusion it could be more like "Hey, I'm in the middle of my Duna mission. Want to join and help me split the roles?" than a server full of people.
  8. Which is a pretty bad system in my opinion. This kind of time warp management still can lead to paradoxes If one of the players refuses to warp 30 years ahead only to sync with someone else. Also think about contracts. Say bye to your rep and money if you're playing on a career server. Edit: If that wasn't enough, then think about life support. If we ever get it and will be enabled in multiplayer, then think what would happen to all crew members of other flights if you synced. You would have to send supplies to all of your stations/flights while your friend that really wanted to make that station with you would go make himself a tea and watch TV until you're done resupplying all your missions for the next 30 years. What I'm trying to say is that you have to juggle all your flights before doing something cooperative. You need to make sure to check for SOI changes of every flight you have got. I say: one flight at the time with KAC-like warnings for both players in the same vessel. That could lead to interesting ship management of different crew members, too! @Hobbes Novakoff: are you trying to prove that the way time warp works in DMP is perfectly fine and works well?
  9. Playing without KER. And rovers. I remember enjoying the ride with my first ever built rover. Back in the days when they were even more pointless than they are now. But then I got bored. Pair that with horrible wheel handling and you'll get from "it's fine" to "frustrated" in no time. That's why I would rather have electric propellers to explore Duna than wheels.
  10. Maybe not hangar doors, but I would like a way to communicate with the space center. You have a set of comments (IL-2: Sturmovik-style), that when requested KSC would react in some way. I mean commands like: make the runway lights dimmer/brighter, give me the heading to the base/points of interest, distance, etc.
  11. Oh, okay. Sorry for my moment of confusion then. It's a bit late here. E: I just thought TheCanadianVendingMachine meant that KMP deals really well with time-warping players, which in my opinion isn't true.
  12. I see people trying to solve problems about the time warp in multiplayer. They imagine it to be a space race. I think it should be cooperation just like Portal 2 and/or role-based like TF2, Evolve and probably many other games. Anyway, here's the original post: It's kind of messy, but hopefully clear enough to understand. Feel free to criticize and ask questions, post your own ideas. QUICKEDIT: Of course it doesn't have to be 2-people only.
  13. I always imagined multiplayer to be role-based. One vessel. One guy controls the pilots, the other engineers/scientist. The pilot flies and can time warp while the other guy welds stuff together/does sience. That way if two people were in the same vessel both wouldn't want to grief or else they would completely fail the mission. Let's say both of them choose theur roles at the beginning of the mission. The pilot has types of missions for pilots, like "fly there, make a report/land there take a sample". The scientist has something like "check the sample/take a science report at X spot, etc." The engineer would need KIS/KAS abilities: "weld this with that, connect X and Y with fuel pipes, then pump the fuel." No space race. No multiple space programs. Pure cooperation. No need to figure out the time paradoxes. Edit: And multiple missions could be ran at the same time that way. Just jump between them with some sort of voting system. "Player X wants to switch focus to vessel Y. Choose YES/NO" ...or something. Edit2: Scientists could also get some sort of mini-game when entering the lab. "Pour Mystery Goo on Duna surface sample to see how it reacts *cool visualization by DanRosas* DING! Science!" <-- that way the scientist guy would have something to do while the other would rove around and gather surface samples for him. Edit3: Space races are stupid. Cooperation and friendship is what should be showed in this game. The only way you can succeed is to share the success with someone else. That's how ISS was built, wasn't it? Edit4: Now the unmanned flights become problematic with this idea. Remember Telemachus mod? One player controls the unmanned vessel, the other is the mission controls. Mission Control tells you to slow down and tries to overall help you to make the mission not be a failure. You forgot what's the speed of the reentry? Ask the ground crew! Need assistance with docking? Ask mission control to take over the control of the probe you're trying to dock to! Not sure how to set up a manouver node to be most efficient? Let someone else do that! TL;DR: THERE'S NO TL;DR! Read the whole post!
  14. I would love some sort of weather that would literally wreck and tumble your stuff around. It was on SQUAD's to-do list since forever. Emergency take-off! The sand storm is coming our way!
  15. I'm all for that if it would improve my FPS. Would also be an eye candy.
  16. I agree with this. I also agree with OP. The first fly-by, first orbit, first sample return, etc. should be be always kept as active until done, and the "scan here, scan there, set up an outpost and stuff" should be optional.
  17. I would like every kerbal to have 2 traits, just like in "The Martian". Although I don't really like the current system, I agree with the OP.
  18. I don't usually like to participate in necroposting but I actually like how the EVA works now. And you can do flips if you left-click and drag when using the MMU.
  19. No. We don't need any more tanks. What we need is a tweakable to make them LF only.
  20. Go check this: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Cheat_sheet And download this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/18230-1-0-4-Kerbal-Engineer-Redux-v1-0-18-0
  21. Same. Life support would make it even more fun. I agree with regex. Keeping some sort of vessel management where you have to watch your stats and temperatures is a fun thing IMO.
  22. Isn't this different, though? I understood this thread as more like "What is your design style?", rather than "Tips and tricks how to make rockets look cool."
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