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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. Hey, I want to let you know I love the mod and have no idea how I could play without it for so much time. I have a question though: Is it possible for the KAC to let me know if there's any vessel crossing any SOIs? And I mean an alarm that creates itself whenever such a thing happens, not one that is created by me. It would be really awesome to have this kind of thing. Especially for probes that are on long-term missions in Jool system.
  2. I agree with pretty much everything, but this (and few other exceptions): Do we really need that Gemini-like pod? I don't feel like it would be very useful and the "It was done IRL that's why it should be implemented" is kind of a bad argument. Also one Nuke is enough (though I wouldn't mind if it got some magic touch, too). The MK1-2 pod... Yuck! It's like the worst thing and needs a complete overhaul! That and the Mainsail need to be relocated to the "Parts that Really need a revamp because their artstyle conflicts with the rest of stock" list. Also the small chute. I think it's model and texture haven't changed since the time it got implemented (I remember it using on the old, white pod before there was EVA). Apart from that I agree that the ARM and other rocket fuel tanks/engines should get some love.
  3. I noticed that when entering Jool's atmosphere everything decides to heat up super fast (split second fast) and explode. Don't aerobrake there. Use Tylo assist instead. Anyone else encountered that?
  4. I'm actually starting to opt for the "add and keep" vote here. BUT only if the current Mk1 cockpit gets redone X-1 style. Now that kind of thing I would like to keep!
  5. [glitter][rainbow]Creativity![/rainbow][/glitter] Seriously, it's not that hard. Unless you want to use a MK3 SSTO to lift another MK3 SSTO.
  6. I'd rather see a MK2 linear aerospike for those.
  7. And you need to them for what exactly? Because there aren't many airports on Kerbin you could transport your passangers to. Looks big and powerful enough for the job
  8. Let's not do it this time though. No point in keeping that abomination of a part. I bet if it stays in-game there will be many threads like "What's the deal with this? The cockpits are all nice and smooth and there's THAT thing. The hell?" posted by newcomers.
  9. I agree with this. All the good-looking fighter jets I know about have a glass blob (inline mk1 cockpit) on the top of them. 2.5m jet engine...? Why tho? I need a real life example.
  10. Exactly. No point in keeping a cockpit that looks bad. It probably won't even break the crafts with it anyway. EDIT: Don't forget we have the inline cockpit with glass canopy, so if you want a jet fighter use that. Looks far better than the other one too.
  11. I know you said stuff later on in this thread, but I want to reply to this one: Winged aircraft are far more complicated than rockets that simply go "up & gravity turn 'til you're out of the atmosphere". Airplanes need far more specialized parts than rockets. I'm not saying rockets are inferior, it's just that they are simpler, that's why we've been using them for at least 70 years to go in space and not SSTOs. I will also say a tweakable for what kind of fuel we want to keep in our tanks would be a simple and amazing thing to have. That would also reduce the amount of spaceplane parts we have now and save some RAM for new, rocket-y ones. Well, I'm not going to disagree with this, but it makes more sense than a cockpit that is F-22 inspired. A glass canopy isn't something you want to have when reentering the atmosphere in flames. The less glass there is the higher the chance it won't crack and kill the crew inside.
  12. Well, it's not meant to be "Kerbal Space/Jet Fighter Program" and more like "Kerbal Non-Military-Focused-On-Exploring-Rather-Than-Fighting Space Program". I mean, there were aircraft that were used by NASA and had weapon carrying capability, but only because NASA is kind of poor compared to US Army and can't afford producing 1-man crewed jets on their own. It's way easier to reuse stuff someone else already replaced and doesn't have any use for them apart from weapon testing.
  13. Everything went black and stopped showing the altitude. Also KSC was full of stars. But as I said I fixed it, so let's leave this thread for the people who encountered the same bug and don't know what to do.
  14. I was so into my career I wasn't expecting the image tease to be so soon. I agree that the hatch on MK1 cockpit could be somewhere else. Maybe on the top where the small window is? Other than that I really love the fact that it finally got some love. I like the small engine.
  15. I FIXED IT! Copied the vessel from previous game save state and pasted in the new one (via text file editing of the saves). Had to set up a new manouver node, but it's all fine. The Jool SOI encounter is there and the other missions are fine too. First time I had to do something like this and I succeded.
  16. I don't play without KAC anymore, so I thought I would post it here. Maybe it's the one that broke it. One of my missions met kraken half the way to Jool. It's just gone. Nowhere to be found on the map view. It's not the first one, though. I already had it happened (Jool encounter transfer, but different vessel), but somehow recovered it (probably through spam-loading game saves, but don't remember now). Seems it's not possible this time. So now I need a way to salvage it without loading previous saves or relaunching the vessel (not much money left in my career save). Perhaps there's a way to do that through text file editing? Mods I'm using: KER, KAC, KIS, KAS, Trajectories.
  17. I assume you mean ALL the rocket parts being redone from scratch by him only. I'm really afraid he wouldn't have the time to do all that. AFAIK we have so many different styles in the game because there was only one dev at a time working on them. First it was Chad (C7), after him came Nova, then he stopped working shortly after ClairaLyrae joined them, then it was someone else, I think. AND AFTER ALL THAT came PorkJet (and a bunch of other guys who's names I don't remember. Sorry!) with their amazing work. They really nailed Claira's and Nova's style (IVAs, the white-and-grey bits). I say let them rework the 2.5 and 3.whatever meters parts. They did a really good job so far.
  18. No, no, no. As much as I liked his parts it would be completely something else. The top tier buildings look amazing, but his art style of the parts is totally different than everything we have now in the game. Like I said: I love the textures of 1.25m parts and I would love to see other parts share the same style (texture-wise). I know that black and white theme is more realistic, but the grey tanks look very original. It's just that they need a bit of refreshening. E: While I think about all of it, I come to conclusion that not only the tanks should get some care. That's right! I'm looking at you Science Materials Bay, or whatever you're called! Eeew! Go cover yourself with something!
  19. I always wanted to have a display like this in Misssion Control. You would switch between the vessels and it would show you the flight paths over the map of Kerbin with all the stats and such. Not really needed since we have all that in 3D space in the Tracking Center, but would be neat little touch.
  20. ... I did do that for a few launches with the mkI, but when you finally get some aerospikes, it's silly not to use them Oh, oops. Didn't notice your spoiler at first. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is. Too bad I can't afford them yet :,(
  21. I would like that, but I'm also afraid the spaceplanes and rockets would look even more like a bunch of randomly welded pieces of junk that someone forgot to paint properly. I agree. They should look more like this: than this spiky thing:
  22. Nice! Although wouldn't it be more efficient to make it HTOL with engines at the back? Or does it not glide very well?
  23. and went for it 550 nodes! Bah! I made it to LKO on Swivels and Turbojets only, because I can't afford the R&D upgrade that allows for spending more than 550 science at once! /end brag
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