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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. I've created a cool predator today. It munches down other cells with its mouth in the front and spawns baby cells out the back. Shame the genomes can be shared via emails only. I have also unlocked all the cell types up to Neurocytes. These ones are really complicated though.
  2. Mars is a terrestrial planet. We know that life can exist on terrestrial planets (we live on one). We know there was liquid water on Mars. Europa is all ice and maybe liquid water. We don't even know if it has an ocean. Mars is closer and easier to land on. Europa has no atmosphere to slow your landers down. There's also the Jupiter's radiation that would screw with the electronics on board of the lander. As much as I would love to know more about what's going on on Europa, the easier and more promising target is Mars right now. But I believe we will get to land on both of the bodies some day.
  3. Not needed IMO. Complicating something that already works is never a good idea. Look what happened to the career. Oh, wait... It never properly worked. We just got used to it.
  4. What the hell It would be better to just let us pick the path we want to follow. I don't need any animals in this game. What I need is choice of how I want to progress throughout the "tree".
  5. Oh, ok. Mods, feel free to lock this one then.
  6. This is not an advert for it, please don't report me, but I saw a few people on the forums saying that the bacteria stage in SPORE was the best stage (which is something I agree with) and I think I've found something even better. So the game is for android and it's called "Cell Lab: Evolution Sandbox". It's a bit hard in the beginning, but IMO it's amazing once you learn it and is also pretty realistic, it seems. Go check it out and rate it higher than it is, because the game totally deserves it.
  7. Ooh! I like these topics! There was a book by Stanislaw Lem I once read called "Fiasco". Spoilers ahead. In the book humans look for another civilazation, which they find in a nearby solar system (less than 100ly IIRC). They see nukes going off on the polar caps and stuff like that, so they decide it's worth contacting before the so called "contact window" shuts (basically a civ level where the civ doesn't use radio waves and lasers as a form of communication anymore). So they get there, see peculiar stuff going on that they don't understand motifs of and because of many misunderstandings and miscommunication between the crew and the planet inhabitants the ship captain decides to annihilate a major part of the planet, because they consider the species living there too agressive and they threaten their own existence. So the message was something like "Get your **** together and unite as a species already". It may seem a bit complicated, but I recommend reading the book anyway. I'm not a good story teller.
  8. I feel like they weren't finished on time. The "Puff" engine made it to the release. I think it's because it doesn't need a tankbutt/boat tail (it's radial). It seems like they want to include a tweakable for full size/boat tail/compact, but probably don't have time for it, or something. It would be awesome to have such tweakable IMO.
  9. Twin Boar got boosted? I remember making an accidental SSTO with it and 3 long 1.25m tanks on top of it. It was pretty ridiculous.
  10. Oooooh, these are so pretty. I need them. All of them. Bravo, @Porkjet. You are a true artist.
  11. I agree. One "supplies" resource storable in all crewable parts, EC usage per kerbal and one green house. I think it would make the most sense that way. Nobody has to EVA and go back everytime they want to eat breakfast (no need for outside supply containers), the EC usage would simulate the heat needed to keep the crew alive and a perfect closed water cycle (which is unrealistic, but that way it's easier, simply because your mass and dV doesn't change as you munch down the supplies - everything stays in scratch that, it's actually better if it's simply consumed and thrown out the airlock, because if the greenhouse produces the resource then the mass would only rise, which is silly) one greenhouse that could keep producing food for X amount of kerbals, just so it's easier to calculate how many of greenhouses you need to take with you. You would simply count the crew and say "Ok, so a greenhouse can produce food for X kerbals non-stop, but if I add one more crew member they will run out eventually". A greenhouse would eat EC to produce the supplies, obviously.
  12. There really should be a way to turn them into space hotels for tourists. The problem is it can't be easily done with the contract system we have now, as it is random. I'd rather point at my not so usable anymore stations and say "Hey, this station is being useless! Let's turn it into a space hotel!" and then create my own contracts offering tours there and back. I mean, that's the only way to make them any useful once their scientific mission is over. Maybe if LS became a thing they could serve as food growing and processing facilities, or something like that.
  13. Well, yeah, I have a feeling that releasing the game as it is now was a terrible idea. It's really not ready to be on consoles. Not only because it's buggy, crashes a lot, or something, but also because of the lack of some of the most important things like the dV readout or some sort of transfer windows planning tool. Also the career is terrible /endcareerrant
  14. I know. That's why I suggested in my own thread to remake the tree the way it's done in that mod.
  15. I thought going to space or being a pilot was badass enough.
  16. Power armour for Kerbals? What would you need that for?
  17. I think what he means is an unlocking progression based on the parts previously used. So if you wanted to get to the Vector engine you would have to use/test/experiment with the Swivel engine. I prefer having a choice of how I want to start each time I decide to start a career save from the scratch.
  18. There are many people who DON'T want "historical" probes-first approach. I am not one of them, but IMO the tree should branch out as early as possible to give everyone the choice of how they want to progress. That way nobody forces anybody to play their way and everyone is happy. And science experiments should be something that does not unlock you more tech. Unless it's actually connected to it, like readings during a fast atmospheric flight unlocks/speeds up the process of researching the Whiplash engine. Science points was a terrible idea.
  19. Both. About how to use the aircraft: it depends. In career the spaceplanes are pretty much useless, unless you want to grind science on Laythe. I mainly build them for the looks and functionality. It's really satisfying to see an SSTO that is both LKO-capable and pretty.
  20. It's hard to play a game that doesn't provide you basic information without a few mods taking care of the lack of it.
  21. Wjolcz


    I would like to thank the forum team for fixing the post edit bug that was a real pain on the mobile version of this site. I'm not sure if you did that, or if it's just my phone stopped being dumb, but in case it's one of the staff members taking care of it: Thank You.
  22. I'd like to set up permanent station for a few reasons: 1.To grow food (if LS ever becomes a thing) 2.To serve as an outpost/gateway before going somewhere else (visit the Laythe station with your interplanetary shuttle, transfer the food from the station into the SSTO, transfer the crew in there too and go land near your surface base to do science/drill for ore and bring it back to Kerbin to sell it/take care of tourists). 3.To bring the tourists in. Space hotels! Woo! 4.To do science (and I mean REAL science, not setting up an tech-points-collector-with-one-lab-and tons-of-power "station") 5.To maintain it (move the radiator from here to there, add a new solar panel or two, add a new outside experiment, etc.)
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