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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. We don't need a new type of mission. We need filters for contracts (like in the Strategia mod), or a contract designer where we would be able to design our own missions and pick the customers ourselves. Same. The mission slot machine (AKA Mission Control) can get annoying. Makes me wish I could filter out the missions I'm not interested in.
  2. Why do you think that? Balancing wouldn't be a problem, because the presets would be the same things we have now: sandbox, science mode, career easy, career medium, career hard. The rest would simply be the advanced options for players that already know what does what (just like it is now except with more sliders and options in that tab). The other way balance it (in case devs want to include more presets) would be to simply ask us, the players, to find the sweet spot with every "mode" (or rather preset). I would happily find that sweet spot for my idea of scienceless career if only I was offered the options to do so.
  3. I tend to treat the proposed time-based mechanics as something that happens by the way of warping. I found myself many times looking at one of my probes entering Jool SOI and thinking "Should I warp until the periapsis? It'll take a few days. Kinda wish something useful was happening during that warp". The other problem is: there's no punishments for excessive warp in KSP. I'm not saying there should be, but real space agencies don't just sit on their butt watching the main engineer putting together that one engine and testing it. They do stuff. And it's meaningful. I would love to have that feeling of actual achievement where I tell the R&D crew "I need this, this and that for my next mission. Make it happen before I get back from the Mun and earn ourselves some respect for getting there first just so we seem meaningful and keep the funding coming".
  4. Yes. Basically have sci, rep and funds togglable, pick what kind of currency you want to use to unlock the tech tree, pick what kind of currency you want to get for performing science experiments. People that like to play the current science-to-tech career would still have an option to do so and others (me included) would forget about one or two of the resources and still progress in their own way.
  5. Oh, yeah thanks for that. Max tech. Great to know. Really. I didn't want to progress or anything, right? Who needs sane research anyway?
  6. What do you expect? That part was programmed to measure atmospheric pressure. This game isn't about exploring oceans. It's just that the water landings became more forgiving, because previous water was broken.
  7. It doesn't allow for ignoring the science points though. You still need them to "progress". Frankly, this is the only thread still giving me hope that someday I will be able to play the career the way I want.
  8. In space flight you always want to extend and/or retract everything as soon as possible (if it will be needed at some points). Next time you need extra EC to kick start your vessel I would advise you to keep one extra battery's flow disabled. The small ones are great for it. They keep the charge in cases when you need auxiliary power.
  9. Yeah, the lack of tankbutts/togglable tankbutts would be awesome to have.
  10. I think I'm having trouble understanding this part. So the World's Firsts aren't the only time-based mechanic here? The nodes also take time to research and vessels take time to build?
  11. @tater is right. Time based mechanics can't be solved by simply adding higher rewards for completing a contract quicker. IMO the best way to introduce time-based mechanics is to make the tech take time to unlock. Career really needs to change. More tweaks to the system won't make it any better. It just needs to change.
  12. It would be nice to have the outline be white. The current font is a bit too dark in some situations. Just like on the motivational posters. Black/green with white outline is visible on everything
  13. We're on 1.2 so probably that's why you don't have that.
  14. Eh, I knew I forgot about something... No VTOLS from now on!
  15. I can't. It's up to you if you cheat or not. Can't check that.
  16. Did you know the first jet-powered plane to land on a carrier was a Sea Vampire? Your challenge is to do the same! But... where's the carrier, you may ask. There aren't any in KSP! Behold my mad MS Paint skills: So now that you know where to land the rules are: -Each competitor starts with the total of 115 points -Each crossed line takes away 5 points (there are 23 lines) -You have to approach the "carrier" from north (the white arrow) -Don't touch the grass (imaginary boundries of the "carrier") -The only engine you can use is 1xJuno -You have to set all of your brakes to 200% (keep in mind this is more of a tip than a strict rule) -You can't use any powered wheels -Take screenshots of: brakes settings, the approach and your landing position (top view, just so it's easier to calculate the score) -No VTOLs -No chutes -No external seats (either a probe body or a closed canopy cockpit) Here's my entry: It seems I scored 80 points... LEADERBOARD (manned) 1. norup (100 points) 2.quasarrgames (90 points) 3.Veeltch (80 points) 4.Van Disaster (65 points) 5. LEADERBOARD (unmanned) 1. norup (105 points) 2. EpicSpaceTroll139 (95 points) 3. 4. 5. GOOD LUCK!
  17. Well, yeah, I guess it's not a bad idea, but I'd still rather have a contract creator with sliders. Would work the same exact way, except you wouldn't have to pray to the gods of randomness and fish out the ones based around Minmus (or some other body). You would just select Minmus as a target, pick the biome, science experiments/objectives you want to perform there and set the contract expiry date with a slider. Give yourself more time - the rewards ain't that good. Lower the expiry date and the rewards go sky high. Bonuses for getting somewhere faster is something I'm OK with, but I'd like to set them and the objectives myself.
  18. I don't think it would be good for astrophotography, because it can't track stars, so mostly visual observation.
  19. Airplane icon is finally a thing wooooooooo! \o/ I gotta say I really enjoy the first look at the new update. Thanks, @SQUAD. I know I'm giving you hard time about career mode, but 1.2 is actually really good and I'm enjoying it so far. Will definitelly play with the G limits and comms enabled. Good stuff!
  20. Can you guys tell me something about the Astromaster 90AZ? I mean, I'll probably buy it anyway, because it will cost me 1/3 of a price of a new one, but would like to know your opinions and what you can see with such telescope.
  21. These were really annoying. Especially the ones that asked you to fly at a certain speed and within a set altitude. Completing them early in the career was a real purgatory.
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