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    Rocketry Enthusiast

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  1. I’ve been tinkering a bit, and I managed to repair and improve the old landing legs that used to be part of the ALCOR mod. For me, they work almost perfectly now. Anyways, here are the files for anyone who’s interested. ASET_LandingLegs PS: Forgot to add the TweakScale option earlier, but it's now included. Just download again!
  2. Hey JonnyOThan, Subject: Fixed ALCOR Landing Legs – Can you add them to the mod? So, I’ve been tinkering a bit, and I managed to repair and improve the old landing legs that used to be part of the ALCOR mod. I tried searching for them online, but couldn’t find them anywhere – looks like they’ve disappeared over time, except for the old versions. For me, they work almost perfectly now, but it might be a good idea if you could take a quick look yourself, just to make sure everything’s solid. Would you be interested in adding them back to the mod for everyone to use, since they were once part of the ALCOR mod? Anyways, here are the files.: ASET_LandingLegs Cheers
  3. No other mods except SSPER and ReStock plus their dependencies. Error starts when I right click on that sci lab in Mun or Kerbin orbit. Everithing else is fine in game
  4. Hey there. Sorry about this, but i'm not good with english or whats the proper way to report a bug, but after uninstalling-installing game, removing mods one by one, ect, I found that at the moment there is a conflict with Nertea "Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux" mod and I really dont know where to post this, here or on Nertea thread. 1.TacLifeSupport_V0.17.0 + StationPartsExpansionRedux_2_0_3 = worked fine 4 me. but latests mods updated brings that NullReferenceException error it in the moment I use right click to open that sci lab tab from Nertea mod I get that NRE error and it it starts to spam in the console 2.TAC_Life_Support-v0.18.0.0 + Stockalike_Station_Parts_Expansion_Redux-2.0.4 = NRE error 3. TAC_Life_Support-v0.18.0.0 + StationPartsExpansionRedux_2_0_3 = NRE error again 4. TacLifeSupport_V0.17.0 + Stockalike_Station_Parts_Expansion_Redux-2.0.4 = NRE error again StationPartsExpansionRedux_2_0_3 or Stockalike_Station_Parts_Expansion_Redux-2.0.4 without TAC life mod, works fine, but I want tac life support mod so i reverted both mods back, and no error at all. Reverted back both mods to previous versions TacLifeSupport_V0.17.0 + StationPartsExpansionRedux_2_0_3, and all its fine now. Spoiler This is FROM my Log. Try to post the entire log in a spoiler, but thread just died twice...and after I replaced mods, log now is clear of error.
  5. Does anyone made a patch for 1.12.2? Atm most of the parst are only for decor, none of them have fuel or anything else
  6. Thx, it's working now, but not only until I did the same thing for another line from 341, cuz it gave me again the fatal error with "no tank type name "DS_CO2" exists, but after i did the same thing it's working great now. Thx for your super mods, OPT is one of my favorite. B9_TANK_TYPE:NEEDS[TacLifeSupport|Kerbalism] { name = DS_CO2 tankMass = 0.0015 tankCost = 1.5 RESOURCE { name = CarbonDioxide unitsPerVolume = 100 percentFilled = 0 } }
  7. Thx for your help, I found where the problem came from. [LOG 11:31:03.517] Config(B9_TANK_TYPE:NEEDS[Kerbalism]) DeepSky/AirlineKuisine/dsak_B9PS/DS_WasteWater
  8. Hi all! First of all I'm not good with this game, modding and stuff, my english sucks, and i'm more like a total war fan, but from time to time I play this game too so, I just grabbed a bunch of mods for 1.10.1 and TAC Life Support who it gave me the "B9 part switch fatal error" but after I removed the TAC Life Support mod, everything was okay. I just want to let you know guys, and if anyone know a solution to make it work with this mod.
  9. Hi all! First of all I'm not good with this game, modding and stuff, my english sucks, and i'm more like a total war fan, but from time to time I play this game too so, I just grabbed a bunch of mods for 1.10.1 and few of them was for 1.9.1 like TAC Life Support who it gave me the "B9 part switch fatal error" but after I removed the TAC Life Support mod, everything was okay. I just want to let you know guys, and if anyone know a solution to make it work with TAC Life Support mod.
  10. Please revitalize this great mod, who was the best rover mod in my opinion. Best looking, simplistic and very useful
  11. great mod! please don't abandon it
  12. if its possible, please remove this mod click through blocker as a dependency for your other mods, it creates issues than solve any
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