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Everything posted by JonnyOThan

  1. @JadeOfMaar I was helping Jcool diagnose this on discord. Seems to be a bug in OPT_B9PS_Cryo.cfg when KerbalAtomics but not CryoEngines is installed. a_oms_hollow gets a tank subtype of OPTLH2O: 24673 [LOG 22:22:39.154] [ModuleManager] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_B9PS_Cryo/@PART:HAS[#manufacturer[OPT*Division],@MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]]:NEEDS[B9PartSwitch,CryoEngines|KerbalAtomics,!Pathfinder,!ModularFuelTanks,!RealFuels] to OPT_Legacy/Parts/Avatar/OPT_a_oms_hollow/PART OPTLH2O tank type doesn't exist if CryoEngines isn't installed: B9_TANK_TYPE:NEEDS[CryoEngines,!ModularFuelTanks,!RealFuels] { name = OPTLH2O Err, now that I look again, each of the SUBTYPE nodes has :NEEDS[CryoEngines], so I'm not sure where it came rom.
  2. Looks like your ASET props are not installed correctly. 16160 [EXC 23:26:24.672] DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ASET\ASET_Props\MFDs\Fonts\fontDefinition.txt". 16173 [ERR 23:26:24.780] [RasterPropMonitor]: Failed loading font texture "ASET/ASET_Props/MFDs/Fonts/mainfont" - missing texture? 16175 [ERR 23:26:24.780] [RasterPropMonitor]: INITIALIZATION ERROR, CHECK CONFIGURATION.
  3. Yes, all MFDs will be black if there is no electric charge. Well, I released RPM v0.31.4 for KSP 1.10 which fixes the navball and other derived variables, so if you have that and still have problems please post a ksp.log file and screenshots. EDIT: this version has a bug in the atmosphere depth calculation: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/RasterPropMonitor/issues/17 I've found the problem but I'll wait a bit before pushing out a release to see if anything else pops up.
  4. Well, it was released a whole 14 hours ago, so... No, RPM does not include it, but it is inside the VV zip file. Did you install via CKAN? It's super confusing, because both that and RPM are inside the JSI folder.
  5. Hmm, VesselViewer comes with JSIPartUtilities, and you don't have it. I'm not sure if it can function without it. You're also not on the latest ClickThroughBlocker - your logs say 1.10.7. And finally, the NullRefrerenceExceptions are coming from CometVFXController, looks like stock stuff Actually I'm pretty sure your problems are because of the missing JSIPartUtilities. This is in your logs: 6791 [LOG 19:38:46.464] VesselView.VesselViewPlugin.Start 1 6792 [LOG 19:38:46.465] VesselView.VesselViewPlugin.Start 2 6793 [ERR 19:38:46.468] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: JSIPartUtilities, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 6794 6795 [ERR 19:38:46.469] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: JSIPartUtilities, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 6796 6797 [EXC 19:38:46.478] FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'JSIPartUtilities, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. 6798 VesselView.VesselViewPlugin.Start () (at <f77914c243b8465a8fea5be15ff15f7b>:0) 6799 UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) 6800 ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) 6801 UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) 6802 [LOG 19:38:46.639] [AsteroidSpawner]: No new objects this time. (Odds are 1:2) If you look here, if we made it out of this function then we would have seen "VesselView.VesselViewPlugin.Start 5" in the logs, but we don't. So the exception from failing to load JSIPartUtilities probably terminated this function early.
  6. I can't repro this - it works fine for me. Make sure you have the latest versions of ClickThroughBlocker and ToolbarController (These are dependencies of VV, and CTB was recently updated!). If you still have issues, post log files.
  7. That’s interesting. I don’t think I functionally changed the timing of the updates, but I did notice that the update was in a place that could be throttled. Were other variables/gauges also updating slowly? which pod was it?
  8. Update for 1.10 just published. Please try it out and let me know about any issues. Many thanks to @Manul and @Zorkinian for pinpointing exactly where the problem was - it saved me a lot of time!
  9. This is expected, see details here: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/RasterPropMonitor/issues/13#issuecomment-656765769 Seems to be some kind of compatibility issue with 1.10. I'll look into this soon. This sounds like your command pod is out of power (you wouldn't be the first to report this :p ). However the other problems sound like 1.10 compatibility (see above)
  10. Yes, this is totally expected. The mk1 command pod IVA that is included with RPM is the old one. I *think* you might be able to access it if you filter the parts box by size in advanced mode. Otherwise, just grab DE_IVAExtension for IVAs for the stock pods.
  11. If you post a ksp.log file we can see what mods you have installed and whether or not this is expected. RPM doesn't include very many IVAs on its own, and many of the ones that it does include are for older versions of the command pods so unless you take some unusual steps you won't see them. The OP of this thread contains links to many other IVA packs that you can use (DE_IVAExtension being the primary one for stock pods).
  12. I think this is a problem with the IVA or the props itself. I can probably make a compatibility patch... Did you install RPM or RPM-core? See the OP for details on the differences and a list of IVA replacements.
  13. What platform are you playing on? Do you have any other graphics mods? Does this occur if you have nothing but RPM/ASET installed? Try playing around with the texture resolution and anti-alias settings.
  14. This is supposed to work, so if it doesn’t please let me know!
  15. Post your log files (and preferably on the RPM thread, not this one)
  16. Actually, yes. You can write a modulemanager patch to point the mk1-3 pod at the mk1-2 IVA. The windows don’t line up but it’s not a huge deal.
  17. It should, because it’s purely config files. Note, the mk1-2 pod is the old 2.5m pod. It isn’t available In the parts bin unless you filter by cross section or tweak your part configs to make it visible again. Are you maybe talking about the mk2 pod (1.8m 2-man pod from making history) or the mk1-3 pod (new 3-man 2.5m pod)?
  18. Which version of KSP and which version of RPM are you using? I’ve adopted this mod for KSP 1.8 and later; that thread is here:
  19. Why not just use CKAN? When a mod's zip file includes a GameData folder, you need to merge that with your own GameData folder. Don't go digging around inside and pull pieces of it out. You did this with both ToolbarController and RasterPropMonitor.
  20. Yep, still backwards compatible with 1.8, and also works in opengl mode in 1.9.
  21. https://github.com/JonnyOThan/RasterPropMonitor/releases/tag/v0.31.3 v0.31.3 is now available. Cameras should now work on KSP 1.9 (and the same build will still work in 1.8).
  22. Probably not - the mod should be able to detect which version of KSP it's running on and which renderer it's using and behave accordingly. OK, I've done a bit of investigation and I think I know how to get this fixed.
  23. I'm skeptical that opengl mode always crashes, because I've seen other people suggesting it as a workaround for mods that are broken in 1.9. Without a log file from Manul it's impossible to say exactly why it crashed.
  24. You should post log files for crashes, the thing shown in the loading bar is not always the cause.
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