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Everything posted by JonnyOThan

  1. @kirmie44 I believe this is RPM's fault - I've opened an issue here for tracking and I think it'll be fixed in the next RPM release. Er, actually it looks like you're using RPM v0.17....that's *ancient*. Just updating to my v0.31 might fix this:
  2. There's a bug in SCANsat - needs to be fixed on their side: https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat/issues/359 I have a fix for the orbit display icons, and it'll be in the next release. Waiting a bit to see if anything else pops up before pushing it out. FWIW, you can look for issues (closed or open) on the github page, to see if it's already been reported and/or fixed. I also invite you to open a new issue there (more reliable tracking than a forum post!). Just include screenshots and the KSP.log file.
  3. Somewhere in the VesselViewer menus you can change the latency mode, which controls how often it redraws. This can help a lot with performance. Eventually I want to investigate why it's slow and do something about it, because it bugs the crap out of me too. The SCANsat integration has some bugs (on the SCANsat side as far as I can tell). I'll try to get around to these eventually too. I think this might be the issue if you want to track it: https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat/issues/359
  4. Perhaps...is there a specific benefit you’d see from that? I’ve been working with the CKAN folks and that will become officially supported on my next release.
  5. @blowfish I'm adopting RPM for the foreseeable future. I'd like to chat with you about B9 and RPM integration though - what's the best way to contact you?
  6. Do you think it’s RPM or ASET? If you have more details about the problem feel free to open an issue on my RPM fork. I’ve never used kerbalism myself but it’s probably not hard to fix.
  7. @dsonbill, are you still looking for someone to adopt this? If anyone's looking for a build for 1.8.1, I made one here: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/kOSPropMonitor/releases
  8. Hi all, I'm going to "officially" adopt this one - I've rolled @Tegmil's patch into a new github fork here: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/RasterPropMonitor/releases I'm committed to at least providing new versions as KSP gets updated, but I'd also like to make some improvements, optimizations, and bugfixes. Release thread:
  9. Hello! As @MOARdv has stepped away from development of RPM, I'm going to maintain it - at least provide new builds for new KSP versions. I am incredibly grateful for their work which has provided me hundreds of hours of fun. Link to original thread. ***This mod alone does not contain very many IVAs for the current stock command pods. See below for a list of other IVA packs you might want*** DOWNLOAD: From GitHub. IVAs require Module Manager, which is not bundled with this mod. RasterPropMonitor is a plugin and toolkit originally by Mihara that provides functional props within your IVA. It was originally designed for the displays of the ALCOR capsule, but it evolved to add more features and widgets, dragging the Kerbal Space Program into the 21st Century. RPM includes some overrides for stock capsules (and a few mod capsules) to show off what can be done, but there's far more in the plugin than these examples can show. CKAN USERS: As of RPM v0.31.2, installation via CKAN is officially supported. CKAN provides two packages: RasterPropMonitor is the entire mod including the JSI Agency and example IVA overrides. RasterPropMonitor-core only includes the plugin and props for use in other mods. If you install only RasterPropMonitor-core, you must also install some other IVA mods. HOW TO GET HELP: Make sure you've installed Module Manager and followed the installation instructions on GitHub or in the readme file. Then read this post and post a comment on this thread that includes your ksp.log file and screenshots of the problem. If you don't include the entire log file you will probably not get help. Yes, the entire thing. You can compress it first if it's too large. If you have a reproducible bug or suggestions for changes, you are welcome to open an issue on the github issue tracker. Please first use the search feature to see if it's already been reported, and include your log file and screenshots in the issue. DOCUMENTATION: Want to tweak an IVA to your liking? Documentation is on GitHub. RELEASE NOTES: On GitHub. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Also on GitHub. SOURCE CODE: Also on GitHub (notice a theme? ). LICENSE: GNU GPLv3. Props courtesy of alexustas and other contributors, and available under the terms of CC 3.0 BY-NC-SA. Portions of this package are derived from stock textures by Squad and are distributed according to Squad policy of permitting to distribute stock assets with mods if required. TinyPirate's 2-minute-mod review: Add-ons for RasterPropMonitor: Plugins that integrate with RasterPropMonitor, enhancing the IVA experience. Astrogator, for planning transfers between worlds. Docking Port Alignment Indicator, to make IVA docking much, much easier. NavUtilities, providing ILS and HSI in the cockpit. SCANsat, for map views on the MFDs. VesselView, for graphical representations of your craft. ProbeControlRoom for adding a control room IVA to unmanned craft. kOSPropMonitor (requires kOS) - provides an IVA terminal for kOS. Baker Operating System - a full operating system for your rocket (uses kOSPropMonitor and KOS) Chatterer (ASET only) - IVA buttons and indicators for kerbalized radio chatter Engine Ignitor - limited engine restarts Hullcam VDS - more external cameras Plugins RasterPropMonitor can interact with, enhancing the IVA experience even more. Ferram Aerospace Research: for FAR-computed variables, as well as controlling flaps and spoilers from IVA. MechJeb: for all sorts of auto-pilot features and flight information. RealChute: RPM can arm, disarm, deploy, and cut RealChute parachutes (as well as deploying and cutting stock 'chutes). RasterPropMonitor contains example props based on stock internal props. If you want to create a really good looking IVA, you should consider grabbing Alexustas' ASET Props. It implements more of RPM's features than any other mod I've seen. Even better, ASET Avionics provides props for space planes (or any other IVA wanting some aviation-styled props). Reviva by @610yesnolovely is an excellent mod that allows for switching the IVA of a given part between different variants. IVAs for stock pods: KSA IVA Upgrade (includes mk1pod, mk1 lander can, mk1 inline cockpit, and mk1 cockpit) Mk3 Pod IVA Replacement by Apex Mk1 Lander Can by alexustas Mk1-2 Pod by alexustas (Note this is the old one) DE_IVAExtension (all stock pods!) by @DemonEin ASET IVA for Making History pods by @HonkHogan Ultimate Shuttle IVA by @G'th Kermantech-MK3-IVA by @luizopiloto Other IVAs: Mk2Expansion by @SuicidalInsanity Mk3Expansion by @SuicidalInsanity Aerokerbin Industries Modified IVAs by MasseFlieger. The ALCOR capsule and ERS rover by alexustas. CST-100 7-seat crew vehicle by xxhansonmaxx Falcon Command Cockpit cockpit Home Grown Rockets B9 Aerospace by @blowfish Mark IV Spaceplane System by @Nertea OPT Space Plane by @K.Yeon Vexarp IVA (NearFuture pods) by @Vexmae Other suggested mods for IVA playing: Through the Eyes of a Kerbal - 1st-person EVA QuickIVA - force IVA mode FreeIva - Get out of your seat and move around inside your ship MOARDv Avionics System - the successor to RasterPropMonitor Don't see a current IVA project on this list? Let me know. I may have missed it, or I may not have imported it from the original RPM thread. Speaking of which... Mihara had more to say about RPM on the original thread (and I'll edit this post some time down the road to include more of the links and info he had).
  10. I’m getting an exception inside SpaceCenter.LaunchVessel. Details here: https://github.com/krpc/krpc/issues/516 It seems like this is a simple null check, so I figured I could probably fix it myself. But I’m having trouble compiling krpc on windows. I get the following error: bazel-out/x64_windows-fastbuild/genfiles/server/KRPC.run_shell_0.sh: line 2: mcs: command not found I added mono/lib/mono-4.5 to the path, and I can type “mcs” at the command prompt and it is found, so I don’t know why bash can’t find it.
  11. This mod is fantastic! I'm running into an issue though...I'm using this with USI life support, and my crew have run out of supplies and become tourists. I have a probe core on the ship and a commnet connection, so it is controllable. However I cannot use the ProbeControlRoom view, so I am stuck with the vessel IVA (ASET/RPM/etc) but I cannot click any of the buttons in the cockpit because the crew refuse to raise their arms and flip switches. I imagine this would also be an issue for any tourist vessel controlled remotely by a probe. I'd like to change ProbeControlRoom so that the control room is available any time you have a probe core onboard. Ideally only when you also have a comm signal, but that's a stretch goal. I'm a programmer and could probably make the change myself (new to KSP modding though), but I'm hoping you could give some advice on what to look for or how you would make this change in the cleanest way possible. Thanks!
  12. This is driving me crazy. I’ll set up a perfect intercept, hit timewarp...and BOOM no longer have an intercept, or it’s 100km off. This seems to happen to some ships more than others - not sure if it depends on the ships complexity or something about how it’s constructed. Any tips to fix or mitigate this problem? Thanks!
  13. Awesome. I’ve been working on a campaign speed run (do the progression contracts in as few flights as possible) and the Jool system is up next (8th career launch!). I might try to squeeze in Eeloo and Dres on the same launch. My constraints are similar but also slightly different: I have to return a command part that landed on each moon to Kerbin, and I have to perform rendezvous and docking around each moon using a capsule hauled over from a previous launch.
  14. This appears to have been broken in the 1.4.2 update. The 5m fairing in 1.4.1 was fine.
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