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Everything posted by Tommygun

  1. Humm....that could be my next twin seated bush plane cockpit.
  2. By shielded docking port, I was referring to one made to look like the Phoenix's nose. So the overall look would be the same, but I understand that it is time consuming to create. It's looking great no mater what direction you in. I'm looking forward to flying it.
  3. Does anyone know of any small field demonstrations of ablative laser propulsion? I've read clams of $400/kg to LEO and isp's of 6000 with solid metal propellants, but it all looks to be just small lab experiments. It just seems that the infrastructure and research needed for this is much more practical than all these massive machines. The only drawback I can see is potential air pollution when burning metals in the air if you needed a high number of launches.
  4. Could you make the parachute a low profile stack-able one and then add the shielded docking port on top of it?
  5. Those twin engine planes got me thinking and I dragged out an old bi-wing mod from way back. My floats are so deep I don't think I can make it back into the air. Water is a very unforgiving runway. I think I have made my first "Hanger Queen" She looks good but it flies horribly. I had to use two wings to make the tail and it has too much lift in the back.
  6. Very very fun mod. This is the space program you wanted as a kid. Apparently two plastic trash bags are not enough to land safely in the ocean.
  7. Just install it and it looks great. A lot more parts than I first thought it had. I did received a massage that ModuleManager_1_5 was outdated at start up. Edit: Unless I misunderstood the message and it was the other version that was outdated. So I remove it, but I'm using it in sandbox mode anyways. Just a suggestion, but maybe the potato should be a very low powered RTG and an old car battery as the battery?
  8. I believe you need the resource "megajoules of power" provided by the mod's generators and not generic electricity. Although I haven't done research for a while.
  9. . . Blimp my ride! Every one needs a flying car.
  10. Can you do one at the nose that opens up like the Clamp-O-Tron Shielded Docking Port?
  11. I forgot where I parked them..... I have at least 21 installs of KSP across 8 versions on my back up hard drive. It's like trying to find the right silver SUV at the mega mall.
  12. Perhaps....the stairwell is not what it seems to be.....
  13. Last known photo of Mitzer Kerman before disappearing down the "bottomless stairwell".
  14. That function doesn't work in version 0.22, hopefully they will find a solution soon. You'll have to fly, drive or float your way there for now.
  15. I wonder if NASA could ask for bids from private companies to do science missions. Have NASA set the science goals and then pick the best reasonable bid from a reliable company.
  16. How high are they aiming for before they try and burn for Mars?
  17. You can make very small and light rovers out of the M-Beam 650 I-Beam. I made these back before the Command Seat part became available, so all those hand hold parts aren't needed. This one runs on a RTG, but you can line the floor with those small solar panels. You also don't need lights on small rovers like this, as you can have the Kerbals just turn on their helmet lights. There are many possibilities.....
  18. I learned in map view (looking down towards the North Pole) that when the KSP launch center is at the 6 o'clock position and the Mun is at 2 O'clock, you can launch and do your gravity turn as normal. Instead of going into a parking orbit, you keep burning until your Ap gets high enough to get an intercept of the Mun. You save a lot of Delta V this way. You can do this for interplanetary mission too, just be sure the Moons are not in the way.
  19. One of the things I have wanted for a long time is for solar flares to temporarily block RemoteTech. Maybe even add a time delay when controlling Kerbals to simulate the delayed reactions due to radiation sickness. The delay gets worse as they become sicker. The makers of the City Lights and Clouds mod is considering adding Auroras. If they do, having them cross compatible would be great.
  20. Finished up the ground support vehicles. now I have a good crash truck, Follow Me car and a mobile generator/lighting vehicle. Yellow chassis like the ones in the space plane hanger would be great.
  21. Maybe it got corrupted on the download. Try deleting the whole mod and re-downloading it.
  22. Thanks, I do have red lights on the back and front, but B9's red lights are very subtle and almost look white. I think "Aviation Light's" mod are redder and I hope they have orange and yellow too?
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