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Everything posted by Tommygun

  1. The KSP parking Lot is getting bigger. Maybe I should build a multi level parking garage?
  2. Is this version set to sandbox as default? I'm trying to test it out and everything seems to work, but It will not let me go to select a vehicle to build.
  3. Can you just look up what the habitable zone is for our solar system and divided that by the games 1/11th scale?
  4. Have you added a small docking port along the top spine and told it to control from here?
  5. I did run into a similar issue recently. When I tried using this with NovaSilisko's Wet Workshop mod I could only turn the treads, but it would not go forward or reverse. The mod has worked well without the Wet Workshop. Would how you attach the treads cause any issues. Previously I only made vehicles in the SPH and attach the treads horizontally, but this last vehicle I made in the VAB and attach them vertically. I wonder if the point of reference for forward and backwards is getting confused? Edit: Well I just did a quick experiment. I copied the craft file from the VAB to the SPH and it works fine now. So I guess is was a point of reference issue. I'm hoping I can add a docking port on the top and side of the vehicle to correct the reference point based on how I'm using the vehicle. Here is the vehicle and how I'm using it: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/36494-Show-Me-Your-CRAZY-Landers?p=460715&viewfull=1#post460715
  6. I guess it does. I'm using NovaSilisko's new Wet workshop mod for the fuel tank so I can turn the fuel into a transport bus after landing.
  7. I guess I just assumed they where going to use the robotic arm to bring it into the station. After seeing that video of the interior of the ATV, I have a sudden urge to organize my house. Maybe if I Velcro stuff to the ceiling I can get all the junk off the floor.
  8. Wan Hu Kerman: Earliest known taikonaut/astronaut candidate.
  9. Isn't there a function in the Lazor System mod that can extend the render distances? It might be a popular if you could do a second version of the statue like this. Basically just cut it in half, maybe add a little damage. Edit: Ninja'd
  10. Oh thank you, I have been wanting "Retro Rockets" sense I first started playing KSP. That red one is going to be my War Rocket Ajax. Ming the Merciless approve this mod! Be careful, they had a tendency to fall short and hit places like London.
  11. So if one where to accidentally hit the truck's fuel tank from the side, would you get a proper fiery explosion? Just asking for safety purposes.
  12. You could design the food production as a closed loop system. The green house consumes carbon monoxide, waist/fertilizer and water/urine from the Kerbals and produces food. In real life it's hard to make it 100% efficient although they do have those shrimp and algae Ecosphere that can last a long time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecosphere_%28aquarium%29
  13. Oh, Bob is drinking again. I have had this issue from time to time. One way I have used to get them moving again is pressing the "R" key to get their RCS thrusters going. Once you move them around with the thrusters a bit they sometimes start to movie again.
  14. I had a bad unplanned Rendezvous that left my equatorial orbit around Kerbin looking like Saturn. It didn't cause any lagging, but it did make getting into orbit more dangerous and I had a few near misses with debris.
  15. There is a new parts pack called AIES Aerospace and it has great satellite and lander leg parts. If you don't need the whole thing you can just install the parts you want. It's a great all around pack. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/35383-0-20-2-AIES-Aerospace-v1-3
  16. I can't remember if I posted these or not? Anyways, I'm feeling really gassy right now.
  17. It's still a work in progress, so I'm not sure how well it will fly yet.
  18. My computer has trouble just viewing those images.
  19. I never use alt+tab, but I do use that Window's Button, is that basically the same to the computer?
  20. Well I'm not familiar with using the debug console, but this is what one screen is saying when I use the track vehicle. When I use it in a more traditional way it works fine. Just one minor issue. When I place a Kerbal in the Refit module I can press the first GUI (I think it says Find Refit Module?), but the second GUI that starts the refit doesn't appear at first. You have to clear the little GUI screen and then click on the Fuel tank again to see the start refit GUI. This could lead to some confusion I think, but minor really. Me too, but I want this one down in one functional piece. I've just came up with a new technique I'm calling Rocket Tipping, it's just like cow tipping, but without all the mooing.
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