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Everything posted by Tommygun

  1. I may have found an issue, the Caterpillar Tracks mod may conflict with this mod. I made four conversion attempts while I had tracks attached to the fuel tank. Two attempts where successful and two failures when the conversion button did not appear. But in all four attempts the caterpillar tracks would not drive forward or backwards, they would only turn left or right. Two conversion attempts without treads did work.
  2. Thanks, I'll think I'll try and land these on the Mun for my new base. I wonder if I can get them down horizontally?
  3. Yes, it is especially useful for general use, but also works great with Lack Luster Lad's mod.
  4. I found these issues as well, but a great looking pack, thanks.
  5. Yeager: First Kerbal to intentionally break the sound barrier........actually he broke it twice. Once in level flight and again going straight down in an unplanned maneuver when his outer wing tips came off during a rapid unscheduled disassembly.
  6. Great, I have been wanting to download it, but Spaceport wouldn't let me. Is there a limit to how heavy a part they can move?
  7. When you go wider it can actually help the rocket stay up right. So you don't necessarily need them.
  8. I'm extremely happy with this new vectored engine. I have been trying to get one of these reversed staged rockets to fly right for a very long time. This is the first one that I have made that is easy to fly, thank you.
  9. I like the new size, it's perfect for one person. The Kerbals pop out of the seat like a jack in the box too. I think there may be a need for a new wheel size for it, all the ones we have now seem too large or too small. Jeb seems happy with it. Jeb approved:
  10. So the asteroid mining operation finally has crew quarters docked to it.
  11. Would how fast or slow your CPU is effect how accurately the game counts time?
  12. Your best bet is to PM Saik0: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25148-Web-maps-of-all-bodies-%280-4-ALL-bodies-mapped!%29?highlight=bodies
  13. I could imagine having a small ice dwarf planet or Planetoid where at some point towards the center of the planet the pressure and heat would be enough to have a liquid center. I'd imagine that 440km diameter would still be it's maximum size.
  14. Yes it's this part: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tail_Connector -For something unconventional, I've tried putting all the engines on top with staged fuel tanks on the bottom. It is very difficult to fly right in an atmosphere.
  15. Yes, the pressure and heat is so high it even causes atoms to break down and some fission occurs at the center of even Earth size planets.
  16. Looks good, will you still be releasing the oval one as well? I was thinking it would be great for part of a Mun base HAB tower.
  17. That has a nice utility to it. Can your APC fit inside it?
  18. They tested the Orion concept on the small scale with dynamite. Also the rumored Aurora aircraft may have use a pulse detonation engine with liquid or gas as the fuel source. It gets more interesting about 7:12 into the video:
  19. Pioneering aviator Jean-François Pilâtre de Kerman: First Kerbal to try and combine a hydrogen balloon with a hot air balloon.........but not the last to try.
  20. You could rescale one of those asteroid mods and make the GLaDOS potato version.
  21. Well you do get to create your own glass floored and self lighting parking lot wherever you land.
  22. I also get the same wiggle on the Mun when I put the breaks on. I don't remember what model number, but they are the second biggest tracks.
  23. That would be useful. It's sounds like a more elaborate version of the crew tank. Will it have an IVA.
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