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Everything posted by Nori

  1. Configurable multipliers would be nice. But don't want to make too much work for you. My main issue with it currently is more that each simulation costs money. If I'm working on a complex lander I might need to do 5 simulations. Over Eve that could add up to a ton of money. Given that maybe leave the cost as is but set it up that if a simulation has been done to that planet in the last, say day, then make it cost significantly less. Though that might be harder to implement so I suppose just reducing the multiplier for other planets would be nice.
  2. Yeah for launch testing they are fine, but try a couple day long sim on Duna. Shouldn't be free but it is pretty expensive.
  3. Warping doesn't work unless you have KSP Interstellar Lite http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91867-0-24-2-Interstellar-Lite-Tweakscale-Integration-v0-12-3-Sept-7 Regular Interstellar might work too. Also, if you are using the x64 version on Windows expect little to no support as it is a buggy mess.
  4. Well there is these... Worked fine in 0.24.2 but have tried in .25 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69539-0-23-Stockalike-parts-for-useful-esthetics
  5. Yeah I haven't played since before the update as I want to get everything just how I want it first and am willing to wait.
  6. I like the idea of the time delay before. If you are going to make some changes there would it be too hard to have a user configurable option that sets a maximum amount of time the reconditioning could take? As shand said, it is just a slab of concrete so even the largest rockets shouldn't make it take more time to "fix" than rebuilding the whole thing (which I can imagine taking months).
  7. Ditto. My eyesight isn't terrible, but the stock navball is so small and really puts a strain on my eyes.
  8. Awesome! Was waiting for this to be updated. I think there is only one or two more mods till I can go to 0.25!
  9. You're looking for this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93759-ATC-Alternative-Tree-Configurator-18-9-V0-5 There are three tree options currently. Sadly no new nodes can be added.
  10. I keep seeing your 10Oct and thinking it is 100 CT like 100 cuts..
  11. Nice! Glad to see this in releases. Bug free now eh? ~Edit, hit X to cancel a link. It is a wee bit wonky at times.
  12. Ok thanks. There are some null refs there, but if it is working sometimes they can be ignored.
  13. Haven't played this on a Mac, but unless squad is crazy there is most certainly logs in the KSP folder. ~edit: yes there is logs: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229-How-To-Get-Support-%28READ-FIRST%29
  14. A lot. Check out their documentation here: http://tiny.cc/fsdoc The short of it is they have a very nice in game texture changer that also has the option to change a tank contents. There is a buoyancy module for making boats, floaty things, planes that can take off or land in water... Then there is a whole assortment of modules that allow greatly expanded options with regards to propeller engines and jets, landing gear and other things.
  15. You are the best! Was playing with stock resource panel, and well... It was just so darn ugly...
  16. Looks very nice! Was wondering how long it'd be till someone added more strategies.
  17. Looks really nice. I haven't played much with the stock strategies but they did seem rather off and these numbers look much better.
  18. Totally agree. Don't bother with people that can't even be bothered to spend a couple minutes searching or looking through a thread.
  19. RSS and RO are great works, but they shouldn't ever become default KSP. A option (difficulty sliders!) or module in KSP? Sure, but new players have plenty of difficulty with stock game and RSS/RO would just drive people away if they aren't ready for it.
  20. Well I used this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80220-Celestial-Body-Science-Multiplier-Editor Combined with ATC you could balance science out a lot better.
  21. Is there a explanation somewhere on the model{} fix in .25 and how to "fix" old parts? I'm not seeing anything so far.
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