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Everything posted by Dermeister

  1. Thanks ill just delete the Lights and keep the clouds
  2. I'm sorry if this has been asked b4 but I noticed in the screen's earth has clouds..... In my game earth does not have any clouds. Is it a separate mod? IF so what must I get.
  3. You know I thought about doing a split eleron thing for air breaks.... It's not a bad idea to use them as Rudders although.... that said overtime the plane tries to adjust its Yaw to go straight with SAS on wouldn't it Create a lot of Aerodynamic problems? Because those a rudder just gives little Dabs when you push on the pedals and the actual Vertical stab just always is there creating the same drag keeping your yaw In check... Big slow Surfaces on the wings that rise would act like a giant air break and would cause me to loose airspeed when ever the plan adjusts it's yaw no? Id have to experiment with it but it could work. I'm just not sure about the drag factor.It's designed to be a fighter so it's got to be fast and agile. so that means Greater than 1 to 1 TWR idealy about 1.15 or so. I'm Experimenting with Forward swept wings.... but I don't know if I will keep them we will see.
  4. I plan to add rudders like I said WIP it was to test the engines that I had it out on that peg holder thing I haven't even doen the first flight yet.. I'm taking my time with it. Designing wing shapes checking out the data in FAR ect. it's a slow process but I'm very meticulous when it comes to designing stuff.
  5. It dosent need Stabs since its got Trust vectoring and the Flaperons do pitch aswell and the Elerons do roll. The wings are twards the back and I have plans to add canards at the front. I also have plans to add Rudders later on but in that pic I was only testing the engine and making sure my control surfaces and flaps were configured properly. It's Still WIP
  6. After months of attempting a shuttle build I finally did it those shuttle engines from klokeedmartian Are freaking awesome and the b9 pack too
  7. SO far it runs fine on my 24.2 Haven't flown the Shuttle yet but in the Editor it seems to work great.
  8. WHere can I download the version for 24.2? I haven't upgraded to 25 yet I want to wait a few weeks for all my mods to be updated.But iwant to try Proceedural wings in my current install.
  9. Ass I see I'm a bit bummed by this I like to change those variables but! at least i know I didn't install it wrong.
  10. That's what I thought too but the menu doesn't come up like it does on the Real chute chutes.. >_> bug maybe?
  11. I have real chutes latest version and this mods latest version as well but when I put the Docking port with the chutes I can't edit the parachute properties like I could in previous versions. How do I change the properties of the chute on the docking port?
  12. That was it thank you, Issue solved I fergot the base pack.
  13. Is it normal that the new engines for 24.2 don't track COM anymore? Or I cant even modifie the engines like I could in 23.5
  14. This my friend is the whole reason I posted here in the first place asking about it :)thanks for renforcing what I'm trying to accomplish
  15. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55401-Community-Mods-and-Plugins-Library Go down that list loo kat al lthe mods inblue it means its been tested and works with 24.2 the mods In red means that mod hasent been updated to the 24.2 patch so I ususually don't even bother to download a mod that's not in blue. Scroll down to the Utility/Resources section this mod is listed there as 24 compatible but not 24.2 Its In red. I'm sure I'm not the only person who did not even download this simply because it's not been confirmed to work with 24.2 yet I'm not saying I'm right and I know every ect but this is coming from your average mod user.
  16. SO you're telling me it works With 24.2? Confusign sicne In that compatible MOd thread it's still In red for almost 2 weeks now as not compatible So this is all I wanted to know.If it works as is on the latest patch without issues. thanks
  17. Why isint this mod out for 24.2 yet? Does it work as is in 24.2 so the author just hasent bothered patching or?
  18. Thank you )) WHat does OverlayMGR.Dll do? Is that the light overlay or I just leave that 1 alone?
  19. HEy does any 1 know if theres a way to get procedural clouds Without City lights?
  20. Thankyou But i found that the game crashes if i used both together i did Take RL Pic and BAMM CTD
  21. SO i moubted the science cam o nmy hull and i activated it.. but i'm not gettign any science from it.. i looked for a read me for instructions but icant find a read me in the zip file. Can some 1 please tell me how to take pictures wih it and how to generatescience from it?
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