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Everything posted by CaptRobau

  1. That's good to hear. Kopernicus seems to be more heavily developed these days, so hopefully we'll be able to fix all the problems we've been having recently. Congratulations! Also, Elowiny, you can export maps from the big map to get higher quality images without any overlays on them. Slate looking like that is very weird. Can't explain it.
  2. You have in all likelihood been doing that already. Here are some examples from my mod: PQSMod_VertexColorMapBlend { modEnabled = True vertexColorMap = GameData/OPM/KopernicusConfigs/SarnusMoons/Textures/Slate_map.dds blend = 1.0 order = 9999993 } or PQSMod_VertexColorMap { modEnabled = True vertexColorMap = GameData/OPM/KopernicusConfigs/UrlumMoons/Textures/Priax_map.dds blend = 1.0 order = 9999993 } I'm not sure what the difference is, but I couldn't get Priax to work with the VertexColorMapBlend I used for most of my other planets, so I used VertexColorMap - - - Updated - - - I based them on Saturn and Uranus ring textures from Google. The ring textures I have in my mod are only 1 px wide to reduce the memory footprint, but if I want to edit them I scale them as wide as they are tall. That way it looks kind of like what you see in the Google link above and you get an idea that when changing something it will look so and so in-game. When editing I also often place a black layer below the semi-transparent rings textures to see what the more transparent bit will look like in space. Hope this helps.
  3. It defines the initial rotation of the body. It goes from 0-359 or from 1-360. Either way it just rotates the body around its axis (clockwise if I remember correctly). This is very useful if your moon or planet is tidally locked. In that case you might wants a certain part of the body to face in a certain way. If your body is only a quarter rotation away from your ideal position, then you'll want to try initialrotation = 90 (or 270 depending which it needs to go).
  4. I can't find the original discussion on this, but from what I remember Kopernicus thinks KSC is somewhere else. The 942.5km is exactly a quarter of Kerbin's circumference.
  5. The height color map is the color map overlayed over the height map. Aka the one you see when you're seeing the terrain itself.
  6. Does anyone know if the disappearing contracts is something that will always happen to a game, or is it something that at times can and at other times won't happen. Because I've been testing it in both 1.6 and my WIP of the future 1.6.5 and in the former they did disappear while in the latter they didn't.
  7. From the sound of it, it's probably not related to the solar panels. Two large solar panels would give you power even in Jool orbit. Only beyond that would it be troubling even with the big ones. And it would right itself once it was deinstalled, but that didn't happen. So it sounds like it's Interstellar's fault. - - - Updated - - - It would appear so. Science Career should work fine, as would Sandbox
  8. That's good to hear. Download the mod, extract the mod and put the GameData in KSP_WIN and say yes to overwriting stuff. That should make everything work correctly. Only thing that can ruin it then is some incompatible mod. Check the OP of this thread for more info on that.
  9. I'll definitely keep my eye on it, didn't know it was back into heavy development. If they can also handle rings there's nothing that would keep me with Kittopia (using less mods is always better). The other questions have already been handled successfully by others, so I'll only respond to this one. 64-bit Windows KSP is so buggy and crappy that none of the major mod developers will develop for it. Even Squad is dropping support for a 64-bit Windows version with 1.0 as it's caused nothing but trouble. Only when they can get a 64-bit version working without problems will KSP and its mods be able to really take advantage of the power of 64-bit. It's a bummer, but that's just the way it is. For the moment, we're making due in some clever ways, which is also cool (you won't believe how efficient some of the best devs can make their mods). I'm with Sigma88 here "if everybody is special, then nobody is". Saturn and Uranus have the most unique rings in the solar system so I wanted to represent them, but a complete recreation of all of the solar system's rings (which includes also Jool as well as Neptune) is just not that interesting to me. Only Jool is templated more than once. That being said I should do a test to see if the problem persists if there's only one gas giant, aka no templates reused. It'd be nice to localize the problem. It wouldn't solve it, but knowing the background of the bug would be a start. Kopernicus is sorta based on around using templates. Only one highly experimental planet has ever been made without a planet and it's a lot of work (which almost no-one knows much about). Everything up to now in OPM kind of work. Personally I'd rather see the developers of Kopernicus tackle the problem with template intact.
  10. The MapSO thing you're pointing too refers to the stock texture of the template. For us modders who want a custom texture, we'll want to directly reference the texture instead heightMap = GameData/OPM/KopernicusConfigs/UrlumMoons/Textures/Polta_height.dds You don't need to .dds textures, .png will be loaded too. So if you're adding a new moon and want to give it you could put a texture called MoonZeta.png in the following spot: GameData/OPM/KopernicusConfigs/ZetaMoons/Textures/ And then reference it like this: heightMap = GameData/OPM/KopernicusConfigs/ZetaMoons/Textures/MoonZeta.png EDIT: I saw in the KopernicusTech thread that you were porting over PlanetFactory planets to KopernicusTech. That's not easy. That could've caused some of your problems. Maybe start with something a bit simpler than that. Also to make it even clearer: OPM is not a plugin, KopernicusTech is. OPM is a mod that uses KopernicusTech to add planets/moons. If you're making planets and moons with OPM, you're really making them with KopernicusTech.
  11. The file prevents TextureReplacer, when that mod is installed, from wrecking OPM. Kittopia does work, together with Kopernicus it forms the basis of all current major planet packs. Without it you can't load custom height maps, nor do a lot of other things like rings. There's a reason why we all use it. You are messing up something up on your end, if you can't land on any of your custom moons nor OPM/OP+ moons. I suggest starting small and learning everything step-by-step, copying my configs and modifying them more and more, because it seems like you're trying to do everything at the same time. There's a learning curve to planet making. I also recommend starting from a clean install and a fresh install of OPM, because after a lot of tampering you might just've messed with too much stuff, which is causing your issues. I'll explain how KopernicusTech (aka KittopiaTech + Kopernicus) works. Kopernicus is used to create a new planet or moon based on a stock body (Jool, Minmus, Tylo, etc.). The new body inherits everything from the template, so if you do nothing but set up a new body it'll have the same orbit, texture, etc. as the template. Kopernicus is great for orbital characteristics, biomes, science multipliers and the textures for the planet as it looks in the map view. KittopiaTech is useful for custom terrain and can be used for rings, atmosphere, etc. Just like the orbital characteristics and such, the terrain is also copied from the template. Unless you change a value for a certain PQSMod, it doesn't need to be in the KittopiaSpace/SaveLoad config. So that's why I recommend against copying all the PQSMods that Kittopia generates when you save using Kittopia's in-game menu. It just confuses you the dev and in some cases the game if things like MapSO aren't changed. That's why I suggest to just base your planets/moons PQSMods on those of other mods like OPM, Trans-Keptunian, etc. Hope that clears it up.
  12. I don't understand half of the things you're talking about, but I'll try to help. 1. I don't do a single thing with Default PQS, so I'm not sure what you're trying to do with it. 2. I'm not sure but I feel like you're using HyperEdit to move all your planets around and save their locations. Don't do that. Put all those numbers in the configs loaded by Kopernicus like I do. HyperEdit should only be used to modify orbits to get it the way you want and then you put those numbers like inclination and eccentricity into a Kopernicus config. 3. Don't save all your PQSes with Kittopia. I don't do it, so no wonder your stuff isn't working. Look at what OPM does and try to base your stuff around that. If you do that I'll know what you're talking about and I might be able to help you. 4. Make sure you textures are referenced correctly in the config files. If you want to use a texture in a certain folder make sure the configs point to that folder. You can't just put things everywhere and have them magically work. 5. TextureReplacer cfg is a file that stops TextureReplacer from preventing OPMs planet to work
  13. It should, although with something complex like this something could've gone wrong. Try it on a fresh save. If it doesn't work there, there's an issue with the mod installation. 1. No idea 2. The KittopiaTech thread (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68619-0-90-Plugin-WIP-Discontinued-indefinitely-KittopiaTech-Ingame-Terraforming-Tools-V0-192) has an optional sample file that you can download. It manages to add different water textures to Minmus. Never been able to replicate it, but it's possible in theory if that example is anything to go by. 3. No idea if that's possible. You've seen the new Ovok. That's as flat as we were able to make it. 4. No idea. I know it's mentioned in the KittopiaTech OP, but that's all I know about it.
  14. I like them too, tbh. Probably something I'll add in the next update, perhaps with a few tweaks here and there.
  15. You sure it's not Kerbal Alarm Clock? It's shown to be the last thing that runs before the error. Either way, that's something for either MJ or KAC to fix, or maybe the creator of the KopernicusTech plugin that I use to make all these planets and moons appear in-game.
  16. KopernicusTech says it's possible, but you'll have to ask in the thread itself if it's not clear enough. It's a small moon. Stuff beyond Plock is too far for my taste. That's already hard and time consuming to get too. Anything beyond that will just take too much in-game time and Delta-V for most people and I want people to actually visit the stuff we make. Eudae55 makes the height maps with a program called World Machine.
  17. I've never had that bug reliably, so if I fixed it somehow I don't know how. I know that site, but I personally use Photoshop's normal map generator. ScaledSpace update with Export checked. Then you get a normal, height and color map somewhere in KittopiaSpace/Textures/... (don't know the exact path). The color and normal map can be discarded. Use the height map to generate the normal map from through Photoshop, that site or some other means. This will give you a normal map with more detail. Throw that Kittopia generated height map away too and put the normal map you just created with all your other textures (in my case OPM/KopernicusConfigs/SarnusMoons/Textures for example).
  18. Don't know about the texture bug. And ScaledSpace fading is easily fixed be exporting the ScaledSpace and including the .bin it creates into your mod and using the exported terrain texture (which combines your height map with the various terrain detail increase PQSMods) to make your normal map. That way you have a perfect transition. I did tests a long, long time ago and I remember 1/4 the Dunan atmosphere worked. But whether that's still through for the current size, concept I don't know. I'll just have to try it out once I get to it.
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